dex liked bars, the roach told the jackal about. she'd say they tended to lend themselves to a certain degree of tolerance for ambiguity. as a hybrid form of life, she happened to have an appreciation for that.
Action, Adventure, Alcohol, Alien, Alternate Society, Amnesia, Anarcho-socialism, Anarchosocialism, Android, Aromantic, Asexual, Atheism, Atheist, Avian, Bird, Blue Jay, Book, Bridge, Bug, Camel, Canary, Centipede, Character Development, Chime, Cockroach, Communism, Crinoid, Cuckoo, Cyborg, Daughter, Death, Depression, Desert, Dinosaur, Drink, Drinking, Drinks, Duck, Family, Female, Fish, Food, Forest, Friendship, Ghost, Giraffe, Hedgehog, Hybrid, Ice, Immortality, Insect, Jackal, Kiwi, Lamprey, Machine, Mammal, Mantis, Military, Mollusk, Monster, Mosquito, Mother, MtF, Multi-fur, Multi-furry, Multifurry, Murder, Needles, No-Yiff, Noir, Novel, Panda, Partners, Pet, Pirate, Plant, Plot Development, Porcupine, Postfurry, Reptile, River, Roach, Robot, Rock, Rubber, SFW, Salt, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-fiction, Scifi, Sea slug, Silkworm, Slug, Smuggler, Smuggling, Socialism, Space, Staff, Story Arc, Suicide, Tardigrade, Transgender, Transhumanism, Tree, Trilobite, Violence, Waterfall, Worm, ace, anarchy, animal, ants, aro, bamboo, cactus, climbing, dishes, flamingo, friend, gas mask, hadrosaur, hamster, hummingbird, invertebrate, juice, killing, lake, laundry, mental health, multifur, orchid, partner, pets, pickax, pills, planet, puffin, roommate, trans, triceratops, tyrannosaur, water