Chapter 19: So Speaketh Death

Was he so conditioned, so brainwashed to honor the gods that even on the brink of his death - which was likely their fault, no less - he was asking what _they_ wanted? the worst part of it was, he _knew_ beforehand that the earthquake was coming.

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Meanwhile: Chapter 5

In the five months since his recruitment, victor had slowly brainwashed him, and now, hutch was no different than any of the others. though he still made himself believe that somehow he was.

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Twenty One

He gestured to shadow again, and the brainwashed dragon walked across the room and picked up alexander's corpse. the remaining board members shied away from him when he drew near.

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Kazufox Interview #4

One, i'm not weak minded and two, my shurigun prevents me from actually becoming brainwashed! in fact, i trained it to work like a camera and can even connect to a computer and print out stuff. \*doopliss\*: what?

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And Into the Fire...

The ones that remembered everything were having the hardest time and their classes were little more than brainwashing. the ones that didn't remember anything were viewed as the easiest to retrain.

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"really bad, they're brainwashing our kind and capturing us with some kind of ball. before we've always had the advantage of power over the beasts and have kept the peace.

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Love Lost, Chapter 16a: Declarations.

And right now, there are a handful of people out there who want a pokemon, gardevoir or some other species, that will serve them as a pleasure slave; one that's been brainwashed into believing that it wants to be such a thing."

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Renzyl's Worldswide Tour, Planet Six: Nexross

"we don't serve him because we have to or because he brainwashed us, that doesn't work for nexus creatures like him. we can feel him grow stronger when we give ourselves to him willingly, and then in return we grow stronger in his embrace.

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Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 27+28

"alright you brainwashed peoples, listen up! if you're bandits, you're approaching a dragon, yes that's right, a rather _angry_dragon. so, if you know what's good for you, you'll turn your tail and scamper away like a good pack of humans.

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:35

"i mean, he doesn't seem different but you clearly brainwashed him somehow." "brainwashed!?" dawn replied, her wariness fading in the face of the obvious insult. ulric simply nodded. "getting your hooves on a wolf.

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Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 21

She was brainwashed and you know it! you're just looking for an excuse for misguided revenge to make yourself feel better!" now isaac laughed. "huh. and here, i thought revenge was _defined_ as taking drastic action to make yourself feel better...

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