Initial Survey of Quaisholm Cave Paintings, Origin Unknown, presumed Upper Mesolithic
Read the PDF **[here]( **or find the story below. The sunset lit the hills behind him. The breeze lifted the trees over him. And the path stretched out before...
Encyclopedia V2.2 (Ii - Ll)
And while they can appear beastial and primitive, there often lies within a sharp mind. many have fallen to the kursed thinking that they could easily outsmart them. among the armies who have fought against such beasts in battle there is but one rule.
the war of the new world
The new species are divided into many primitive tribes that tend to be very sensitive to their home land and would do anything to prevent outsiders from approaching.
Avenger: Epilogue
"i am going to be launching exploration missions into primitive space. i figure that we can get first rights to anything we find out there, and you'd be the second officer." azuk rolled his head. "can i think about it?" "no."
The UmbreGlace Experience: Chapter 2
The primitive humans thought of them as a threat and started a war before most recorded history. the pokémon fled to another dimension, but one mew remained. it remains here as the official creator of the pokémon franchise today.
Deus Ex Machina
Other than the generally tropical environment, one could hardly imagine something more distant from the small, primitive village she'd spent the rest of her short life in.
The Brink: The day of opening.
A human mind's understand of fear, fear of not knowing, not the primitive fear of an animal facing death, but of a thinking mind facing the unknown.
Angels and Sinners
#7 of into the void angels and sinners laser fire streaked towards the trailing invader, overloading the primitive shields and tearing into the armoured fuselage.
Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 07
How primitive..." alistair rolls his eyes at the comment. "yeah, they're wilds, primitive is in the job description." he looks back to dolly with a grin. "isn't that right conner?"
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 6: Aware And Terrified
Day 10 (8 am central building washroom) "how primitive!" corey said looking at the bare shower stall. "i know it isn't what you are used to. but this is what we have." the little mongoose boy said.
The Snow Queen: Prolog
Her muscles would be even more compact, to the point that comparing the original to the destined would be comparing a primitive piece of yarn to a smaller, thinner steel cable. her skin could be compared to some of the strongest yautja materials.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.06: The First Strike - Ep10
Jale cursed through his beak and couldn't believe he was fool enough to actually fall for such a primitive trick. the sword was on its way down and neatly landed right on hazard's hand, who was back on the same spot as if he hadn't moved a step.