Encyclopedia V2.2 (Ii - Ll)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#4 of Encyclopedia

This is part of the Encylopedia (https://www.sofurry.com/view/550874), all entries in the letters Ii - Ll.

You may notice that there are some blank entries, I know these are there, I just haven't worked out the specifics for them yet. They will be updated in a future version.

I commissioned the picture used for this from Spypolygon (https://spypolygon.sofurry.com/). He is a great artist and is very pleasant to work with, so if you're looking for a commission go check and see if he's free!


Icarus Plain

Located to the east of the Zangarian Mountains and West of the border of Erythea. Named after the dragon who lead an assault on an invading war party from Erythea. The battle lasted over three days and nights. Hundreds died on both sides during the constant conflict. Over time a settlement was formed here, known as Icarus Village.

Icarus Village

Located on the Icarus Plain*. This is a mixed raced village, formed over the years by refugees from various wars and those looking for a new life. A simple farming community whose population has grown over the years.

Due to their location they have become known as a primary trade route for those travelling to and from Erythea* and the Land of Gir*. Because of the amount of wealth the trade route has brought to the community it now has a significant militia force to defend it.



A large boar like animal, there are many species of Jarrak across the Tribal lands, varying in colour and size.


An ancient instrument, the treated skin of a feral animal stretched over a hollow wooden bowl/bucket to form a drum that was used for ceremonial dances and also war music. Is still commonly used in many small tribal villages today.



The title given to those granted gifts and abilities from Asurmen* himself. The gifts can manifest themselves in a number of ways, each of them specific to each individual race. most are transferred through blood, although not all members of that blood line are granted the gift of being a K'Tan. Others are sporadic, manifesting in random members of that race. Some races have lost these gifts as they were never able to be passed on to the next generation.

Kantis Root

A root of a leafy plant that grows in mountain regions, usually on the sides of cliffs. When chewed the root produces a chemical that relieves pain.

Alchemists often use ground kantis root in medicines. It used to be an expensive item to get a hold of, but it is now common place to find these herbs being grown for domestic use. Due to the hardy nature of the plant it is easy to grow, provided there is an ample water supply.

Karuten Dragon

A Dragon race that lives in the far south, it is extremely rare to see them in northern Tribal lands*. They are distinguishable by their bright yellow scales.


The term is derived from 'Old Tongue', translated it means 'challenge', and is still accepted in most societies as a legal right of any who have been slighted.

The challenger is granted the right to chose the method of combat, be it swords, bare handed or any recognised form of combat, or is allowed to declare what is not allowed. Unless otherwise stated, any form of combat is allowed and both sides may, if both agree, place a forfeit for the loser. No one is allowed to interfere other than the selected official, who was chosen by the challenger to witness the combat, and only to prevent fatal injury.

In some social groups there is a specific forfeit always expected of the loser unless otherwise agreed. For example the losing party of a Kinyar are expected to follow the winners orders until the next sunrise, as a temporary slave. This type of Kinyar is known as Kinyar Su'crar (Challenge for the body).

During the time of their servitude, the loser may be requested to complete any number of menial tasks including sex. The loser may only refuse a request if it was to cause any permanent physical harm to themselves. To harm someone who is indebted to you in is this way is extremely frowned upon, and can result in sever consequences for any who break this rule.

While injuring you opponent during an official Kinyar is allowed, there is to be no deaths of any of the participants. Killing your opponent is a crime, and as such punishable by the local law; unless both parties agreed before hand that the fight was to the death. A Kinyar fight, to which has agreed to be a fight to the death is known as 'Multar Kinyar' (Death Challenge).


The Kursed are the most powerful warriors of the land of Gir*. Similar to the Magi*, equally different. Warriors are implanted with the souls of demons, their bodies are strengthened, and mutated, by the power of the demonic force within them.

The Kursed are easily identified by their mutated features, and are considered extremely dangerous. And while they can appear beastial and primitive, there often lies within a sharp mind. Many have fallen to the Kursed thinking that they could easily outsmart them.

Among the armies who have fought against such beasts in battle there is but one rule. Never fight one alone. Not only are they drastically stronger than most but they manifest unusual powers. A single Kursed has been known to defeat entire squads of soldiers by them selves.



A traditional annual ceremony in the grand city of Marijakil* which has been practised for nearly three centuries, where they release a herd of Barroks* to run through the streets. This is to remember a victory of how the Guarani Clan* defeated the Thalasis Clan* and drove them out.

Only one Hyena clan remains in the city of Marijakil* as they sided with Guarani Clan* during the revolt. To break the ranks of the soldiers of the Thalasis Clan* they caused a stampede of Barroks* into their ranks allowing them to reach the palace and over throw the royal family.


A series of caverns that run under the Zangarian Mountains*. It is used only by the most brave and experienced of travellers. Those who know how to navigate its depths can cut off three days of travel compared to if you cross the mountain paths, which are treacherous in their own right, but to those who travel into the depths without a guide may end up lost for days before they find the exit if they were able to find the way out. Many travellers have disappeared within their depths and their remains never found.


An Old Tongue* terminology that refers to a series of motions which help benders complete acts of bending. Roughly translated is means 'solo dance'.

The technique allows the user to focus and properly time the use of their nen to complete various techniques of bending using a sequence of moves. This technique is essential in the use of Run'nath*, but is generally not used in solo bending attempts unless the user is attempting a difficult or complex bending technique.

While Lun'nath can be used for even the simplest of techniques it is frowned upon, thought to be needed only by those with weak nen, and because it makes it easier to predict the users attacks due to the specific move sets that are required to use the technique.

(The) Lusty Lion

A popular Inn, and the largest building, in Rengilar Village*. The Lusty Lion is nearly twice the size of any other building in the village and is renowned for the food it serves to it's customers.

Lytium Flowers

A purple wild flower found only in Rengilar Valley*. Lytiums have a strong sweet smell that makes them exceedingly popular. Locals often smoke the flower in pipes or throw large amounts of it on an open fire to attain a high. The flowers contain hallucinogenic properties when inhaled but are poisonous if ingested.

Encyclopedia V2.2 (Ee - Hh)

**_Ee_** **Enzo Clan** A Clan of wolves which are renowned around the tribal lands for their ferocious fighting skills. The clan are Mordian Wolves\*, they are frequently hired as bodyguards by wealthy traders in the Mordian Isles\* and those who...


Encyclopedia V2.2 (Aa - Dd)

**Aaru** The realm of Asurmen\*. Stories told by a few K'tan who were fortunate to be brought to this realm described it as a paradise. An island floating above the sea. The only way to reach it is by a portal, and there are only a few locations...


Encyclopedia V2.2 (The Complete Aa - Zz)

_ **Aa** _ **Aaru** The realm of Asurmen\*. Stories told by a few K'tan who were fortunate to be brought to this realm described it as a paradise. An island floating above the sea. The only way to reach it is by a portal, and there are only a few...
