To Protect or Serve Instalment 3
#3 of to protect or serve - tales from the kingdom of the red sun the story continues ( also working on a new website design, hurray!)
The Dragon and the Princess
Thus the dragon passed up on grabing either of the two princesses, and flew on to the next kingdom, which was the kingdom of regious.
Stories from a Dream
The caravan holds the prince of an kingdom that has started to fail... all hope rests in his and his sister's hands, to keep the kingdom from finishing it's path to ruin.
lone dragon pt3
When the native king entered the old one woke up as the young one stopped complaining to his steward of being bored. " thank you for coming to my kingdom..." the old king's steward quickly said, " we should have had it at our kingdom.
Tales of Alzarin: Chapter 1
That is the name of a kingdom that has prospered long over the many years. a kingdom that's been known as the one that's been "touched by god". it's people live in harmony, the lands tilled for farming, the commonplace bustling with business.
The Marked Chapter 1
But what he didn't understand the most was his kingdom had many trained experienced magic users and masters so why was his kingdom being killed off.
The Lion Kings' Legacy Chapter 2
And when he was told all that happened while he was away, the golden lion all the more focused on proving himself and his kingdom better.
The Shadows of Tomorrow- Morrey Destroyed
Wvyern, akadar's sister kingdom, too joined the fight against raisher because of it's close ties with akadar. raisher was not at lost of allies either. it had both the help of beraligur, an elven kingdom, and kadainakin, a dwarvish kingdom.
The Search for Ka'Le (15/15)
I gave you the option to be banished from this kingdom instead, the only reason why you're able to work off your debt to the kingdom is because you released the magic of ka'le back into the world.
Ep7-Freeing the Chambersite Kingdom-The Warrior's of Mezzanine
#7 of the warrior's of mezzanine another kingdom saved the next stop was the chambersite kingdom, and joel noticed that just like in his kingdom, that there was a new building with a branch of granate organisation in it.
Urokon: History, Culture and Religion
**the dawn kingdom** throughout history there have been several dawn kingdoms, though in many respects they can all be seen as a single nation rising and falling.
The Prince
He was a great king and he split the kingdom into two parts, one part for the anthro types and the other for the feral.