The Shadows of Tomorrow- Morrey Destroyed

Story by Ordinary Turtle on SoFurry

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#1 of The Shadows of Tomorrow


In the ages long before men, elves, dwarves, or gargoyles ever colonized the country of Raisher. Long before the Great Wars between fueding kingdoms. There stood but one kingdom in the land of what was later called Raisher. Malidorian was it's name and it still stands today as nothing but an anicent ruin of memories past.

Rulers of this forsaken and dreaded kingdom were not Orc or beast, but dragons. They were not your typical dragons. Here they were intelligent beings that had a sense of governing a kingdom. They claimed all the land of Raisher as it's own but held the domain of Malidorian in a remote corner of the southwest.

It was not till thousand of years later when men, elves, dwarves, and gargoyles were starting to land on the eastern shore of Raisher and colonize it. The first nation of Raisher was named Raisher, in turn which men later called this barren country Raisher after the first kingdom.

Faladar the Red of Malidorian dissaproved of these disgusting beings defiling his land and claiming it as their own. Many wars later, Faladar was content with his western kingdom after losing most of the north, east, and southern parts.

Ages past again and a wizard was born in Raisher.Wizards are not common in Raisher nor were they common throughout the world. This wizard was named Ibion Xalacar. He gained a tremendous power and was feared by both men, elves, dwarves, and gargoyles alike.

Ibion became obsessed with his power and knew he would not live forever so he would bestow his power to something or someone so it would remain forever. It was then he created the Ibion ring. An ordinary golden ring with a red gem in the middle that would change colors at times. Ibion proclaimed himself to be immortal at this point.

Akadar, the man kingdom, became immensley jealous of Ibion's power and heard many tales of him from being half-truths to exagerations. Akadar's king, King Igil, offered all of his riches to Ibion, but he would not yield to Igil's offer. If he would not yield by offer, then Ibion will yield by force. Akadar then proclaimed war upon Raisher.

Wvyern, Akadar's sister kingdom, too joined the fight against Raisher because of it's close ties with Akadar. Raisher was not at lost of allies either. It had both the help of Beraligur, an elven kingdom, and Kadainakin, a dwarvish kingdom. With a lot of effort Raisher and it's allies managed to defeat Akadar and Wvyern's forces.

News came to Faladar in the distant west of the Ibion Ring and he greatly desired it's power. Sending forth his most powerful generals, Valazagoth and Flindar son of Faladar. An army of 100,000 more than half of the population of the kingdoms in Raisher combined.

Raisher called for an alliance with Beraligur, Filliet and Kintad, both elvish kingdoms. Along with Kadainakin, Akadar, and Wvyern to meet out and fight them head on. The Battle took place before the gates of Raisher, later called The Great War and Ibion. After they were victorious Ibion was no where to be found. He was not among the dead nor did he fight in the war.

Ibion disappeared, to where none can truly say. Some say he went off to other lands to spread his magic around the world. Others say he went to Malidorian to confront Faladar himself. Many rumors spread like wildfire.

Faladar mysteriously died, and his son Flindar was no where to be found. Any group that tried to entered Malidorian never returned or they were found dead. Hundreds of years later passed and all was at peace with the kingdoms.

A special group of people that lived in Raisher wanted to huild a kingdom of their own. not that they disliked Raisher, they found that Racism had started though still very minimal they didn't want to be around when it would rise in full heat.

Of that group was Thunador the Dwarf, Lethanir the Elf, Bolo the human, and Shamdi the Gargoyle. They gathered a group of one thousand and the king did not mind. The northern part or southern part of Raisher had nothing on it except trees and mountains.

It would be many years later till their kingdom would be built, Morrey. Only one hundred of the orignal one thousand survived for the building had been very treacherous. Even the five orignal creators weren't alive to see it. Their sons were though. Thunadain son of Thunador, Ranifer son of Lethanir, Shandum son of Shamdi, and Kolo son of Bolo.

A statue of Thunador was built and his name along with the other four were engraved so it would be remembered of all time. Thunadain proclaimed himself as king and everyone agreed. No racism or thoughts of racism had occured. Whenever a king died the high council of Morrey would choose the King be it a man, gargoyle, elf or dwarf.

It was suddenly one year in Raisher when questions arose of interracial marriages and civil rights began. Riots broke out in Raisher and then later a war among all the nations. Morrey wasn't effected at first but later they found out an army from Raisher was coming to destroy Morrey.

The men, elves, and dwarves were ready to fight, but a major group of Gargoyles in morrey held a secret meeting that they would take the kingdom once the victorious side had won. This was their plan and succeeded. Men were victorious and the Gargoyles killed the men and it was up till this day that men feared and loathed gargoyles.

Chapter 1 Morrey Destroyed

"Company Halt!" yelled the Captain of the human army. About over a thousand people were all lined up dressed for war. They were to surprise attack the gargoyle kingdom of Morrey. They knew that they wouldn't be able to handle them. Most of Morrey's soldiers were currently off at war with the Kingdom of Wvyern.

"Today my fellow men," started the captain. He was wearing a gold plated armor with blue and golden jewels that were embedded upon his chest plate or armor that stood out from the rest of the soldiers. Tall and muscular he was with bushy brown hair also a thin beard protruding the surface of his face, 'We will destroy our long forsaken enemies, the Gargoyles!" Cheers and yells could be heard throughout the crowd, " So long has it been since we laid our eyes on the once beautiful kingdom of Morrey, now it has been turned into filth. We must rid of that filth and turn it wholesome again, into the kingdom it once was!" More cheering and yelling could be heard as the soldiers started to chant "Wvyern" outloud over and over again.

Far off in the distance from the army of Wvyern was a young Gargoyle, named Allabaz, traveling towards his home of Rydain. His eyes squinted and heard yells of "Wvyern" and "Morrey". He did not know what they were to do but he sensed it wasn't good, "It is my duty to tell Morrey and try to warn them ahead of time," The Gargoyle spread loose his wings reaching it's maxium length of twelve feet it flew off in a rage and fury.

"Now! Onward to Morrey!" yelled the Captain. He mounted on his horse and led the way to Morrey. He stood proud knowing he would win this battle and be a hero for all of Wvyern, and even all of Raisher.

The young Gargoyle was closing in towards Morrey. He was in awe as he saw it's grand castle off in the distance. The Walls protruding high up along with the gate. The hillside leaping up with houses upon houses of peasants. Another side could be seen with houses looking quite like minature castles of their own, the noble housing. Also the grandest market of which Raisher has seen could also be seen from afar. He landed down near the gate and gate guards could be seen scrambling to stop and question Allabaz.

The Gate Guards could see the young Allabaz running towards them looking frighten. As Allabaz neared the gates one of them yelled out, "What is the trouble young sir?!"

"Hurry! Lock up the gates!" yelled Allabaz out of breath, "The men of Wvyern are coming!"

The Guards, wearing a silver chain mail with clad helmets with blue jewels on the middle of their armor, looked at each other and did nothing but laugh, 'That is foolish. We are at war with them now," said one them.

"It was a trick! A diversion so our defenses would be weaken! Let me in to inform King Gavin!" Allabaz was still panting out of breath, "The Morrey Army could all be dead for all we know right now."

"Open the gates!" yelled one of the guards. He looked back at Allabaz and smiled with pity, "I hope what you say is true. I will inform the other guards but go straight for the Castle now."

The majestic gates which stood at least well over thirty feet in height and its width was big enough to fit at least fifty people in a straight line from one end to the other. The steel gate lifted slowly up and Allabaz watched it and gazed in wonder. Then the two wooden gates, which looked it would take at least five battering rams to break, slowly opened back revealing the glorious place of Morrey.

Allabaz could see all the merry people of Morrey going about their business just like any other day, unaware of what was soon to happen. Little gargoyle Children playing in the streets, while the grown-ups were at the marketplace buying food. Allabaz slowly walked down the path towards the grand Castle of Morrey, which could be seen up upon the hilltop about half a mile away.

As Allabaz was passing he came forth to the Statue of Thunador the Dwarf, the creator of Morrey. He bowed his head silently, "His works will soon be ruined," Allabaz muttered to himself. He lifted his head back up and headed straight to the castle.

Morrey looked rather dreary today, no sun had shone and gray clouds were everywhere. Especially over Morrey's Castle. Allabaz sighed and thought to himself, "This place will be nothing but rubble in a few hours". He looked around seeing everybody thinking that nothing was to happen. He could've told them what was about to happen but that would only spread panic amongst the streets.

Minutes later Allabaz was confronted with the castle gate Guards, "What is your business at the castle?" sneered one of the gate guards. They weren't as friendly as the other ones. They wore golden chain armor with red jewels in the middle of their chest plates.

"I must speak to King Gavin immeditlately! The army of Wvyern are going to attack Morrey soon!"

"Do you speak the truth? Even if you were the king is busy right now. The ambassador of Escobar is speaking with him about sending an excavation crew down to Malidorian."

"Let me in! If I don't tell him they'll crush us and we'll all be killed!" Allabaz was getting furious at the guards.

The guards sighed and looked at each other for a moment and nodded towards one another, "Very well, you may go in. But if I hear but one guard complaining about you snooping around I'll have your head chopped off!"

Allabaz sneered towards the guards and quickly ran into the castle gate. The stairs alone toward the castle were alone hard to handle and Allabaz had to stop once to catch his breath.Once inside Allabaz looked immediately up. It was awe inspiring, never before had he seen anything this beautiful before. The castle was built as that of gothic style but with a mix of roman texture. Two Gargoyle statues were on top of the castle doorway looking down, their faces seemed somewhat sad now as Allabaz saw. A flag was drawn between the two statues and it had Morrey's crest on it, a black gargoyle standing like a cat. Allabaz walked slowly still gazing long and hard at everything in the castle, it was his first time in it.

No guards could be seen as Allabaz went straight ahead towards the throne, many side doors could be seen but Allabaz followed the warning of the gate guard. He slammed open the throne door and yelled, "King Gavin! I have urgent news!" Two Guards went and seized him.

The throne room, almost the biggest room of all throughout the castle, and quite the most grand. it was the King's favorite place to be. It was a place for him to think without being disturbed sometimes. The Golden Flags flew above the throne chairs. The sound of a small waterfall could be heard. Two streaming tracks of water flowing throughout the throne room. One coming from the outside and another going back out. The stained windows, which were near the ceiling, had paintings of past kings of Morrey. Usually it would shine brightly in the throne room. But today it was a dreadfully gray day, in which little light went into the throne room.

The King, Queen, and the Ambassador of Escobar immediately stopped talking and had their heads turned towards Allabaz. Two guards already seized the struggling Allabaz, but the King ordered them to let him go.

Allabaz went forth towards the king and knelt, "Sire, I dreadful news," stated Allabaz.

"What is it peasant? And what is your name?" The King scratched his chin as he sat down in his chair. His wings were closed behind him, as he snuffed a little and glared at Allabaz for intruding on him. His brown hair neatly tucked into his crown and his robes all golden. He was tall, nearly eight feet tall. His raptor-like talons quietly tapping the stone floor.

"Sire," Allabaz began again, "I am Allabaz a lutient of Torran. I was on my way home towards Rydain when I saw a vast army of humans. Probably about one thousand were there. It was the Army of Wvyern and they stated they were to attack Morrey. They were North of the Forest of L'usuma."

"If he is telling the truth, then it would be a perfect time for the Humans to strike," stated the Queen, who also had robes of gold, about six feet in height with shiny silver hair.

"But I thought we were at war with the Wvyerns?" asked the ambassador.

"Perhaps it was a trap?" questioned the King.

"Akadar and Wvyern are known for their dirty tricks when it comes to war," said the Ambassador.

"What are we to do sire?" asked Allabaz.

King Gavin pondered for a moment and sighed heavily, "Round up all the castle guards and any other villagers who want to help fight. Ambassador Yograth..."

"Yes your highness?" asked the Ambassador.

"I want you to bring some of your finest soldiers and call Torran for help as quickly as possible. Be swift!"

Ambassador Yograth nodded and walked out of the throne room. King Gavin returned his gaze at Allabaz, "And you, since all my captains and generals went to war, I entrust you to lead them. I hope you know what to do."

"I will do my best your sire," Allabaz said weakly.

The King and Queen left the throne room along with the High Council to discuss stragety and plans. Allabaz stood alone watching the king and queen leave with a distraught face. He was scared, thinking never again will he see the smile of his children and wife, only knowing that it could be soon true. A small tear went down the side of his face when he turned around and walked outside. He told the castle gate guards to round up men and children old enough to fight and bear arms.

In the stragety room, King Gavin was discussing his plans for the war while the High Council debated along with him.

"This is a war we cannot fight! With so few people it is suicide!" one of the high council members explained.

King Gavin smashed his hand against the wooden causing a small crack, "I don't care! I will let this kingdom stand till it is either destroyed and I too with it!"

The Queen was sitting in a chair watching them squabble their arguments while she sighed, "He is right Gavin! We should just surrender, they probably just have the intent to capture our kingdom not destroy us!"

Gavin turnd to face his wife, "No! They know we are weak and have but a small army! If they were to capture us they easily could with only two hundred men....." Gavin blinked and sighed, "No...they want us destroyed, they always did ever since we tok Morrey in the War of Racists! We will have a chance once Yograth brings our reinforcements from Torran and Escobar!"

One of the lesser high council members spoke out, "If the back-up does not arrive before the Wvyerns get here we will hide archers along every tower of the gate and also hide our army behind the main gate having them swarm up, it would be unexpected!" he smiled cunningly.

"I'm sure they will have many archers, but your plan is a good one nonetheless," Gavin turned and pointed at a guard in the room, "You there! Find Allabaz and tell him of our stragety quick!"

Yograth was flying with all the speed he could press on himself. He saw the glorious gates of Escobar. Another messanger had been sent to Torran to tell of the news, while Yograth was sent back to Escobar to inform the king.

Yograth flew right over the gates to the Escobar and straight to the castle while the gate guards looked up in wonder, "It seems as if Yograth is in a hurry if my eyes tell me right," said a gate guard.

Yograth landed right in front of the castle gate, "Let me in now! I demand to see the king!" he yelled.

"The King is having his royal nap," said the castle gate guards.

"I don't have time for this!" Yograth jumped up and flew off crashing right into the king's chamber window landing before his bed with a few scrapes.

The King woke up jumbled and confused, "W-what is this mess and noise that I hear?"

"It is I, Yograth, sire! Dreadful news has reached me and I need you to send out your finest guards and soliders to Morrey quick! If we do not we could be destroyed by Wvyern!"

The King looked baffled and confused, "Well what are you standing around here for?! Call for the soliders!" Yograth shook his head and bowed before him running out to call upon every guard and solider available.

A castle gate guard reached and found Allabaz in front of the main gate about to address his small army, "It seems that Gavin wants you to release the army until the Call of Morrey is heard, is that understood?" Allabaz smiled and nodded his head.

Allabaz stood before his small army with pride and joy and spoke before them, "Today will be our day to fight our long forsaken enemies, the ones known as the puny disgusting humans," he knew this was a lie. The humans were far more dangerous than any being on this planet, "They may out number us, but we have an advantage, we can fly. Your loved ones will remember this day as we destroy the humans. Destroy our one enemy that has been after us for many a year. Today is our day of justice, to be rid of these foul humans," he took a sigh and drew in a deep breath, "We will have some soldiers from Escobar and Torran at our aid. But do not expect thousands of them. Only a few will be with us to join our ranks. Reason is, they too are at battle with Wvyern with our brethren. I must leave you now and tell King Gavin of his army. I bid you luck. May Argoth be with you," he stood down from his army who was behind the front gate entrance waiting for the signal of the humans.

Allabaz could smell it in the air, the smell of death. As walking towards the castle he had his head bowed as if in thought. A tear ran down his cheek giving a small thought to his children and his wife back in Rydain. Maybe it was a mistake to go back to Morrey, were one of the many thoughts going through his head. They had no chance even if the aid of Escobar and Torran could come.

As Allabaz was coming to the castle, he found it ungaurded, every guard, esquire, and aids were waiting for battle. He trudged in the throne room slowly bowing before Gavin, "My sire, your army is ready and waiting for the signal. I could only get two hundered or so."

"What about the aid of Escobar and Torran?" asked Gavin.

"I have heard no word about the aid of Escobar and Torran if they are to come then they are....."

Allabaz was cut short when the sounds of horns were blown. The enemy had come. The humans were to destroy Morrey once and for all and rid of the Gargoyles.

Gavin looked at his calm wife sitting next to him and he sighed. Fear was in his eyes, but he was not ready to back down yet, not yet.

The men who have been traveling for hours half weary, half set on revenge were on the hills before Morrey. The Captain of the Army halted on the very edge of the hill and turned his horse and faced his army a smile was on his face, "Now men, today is the day of honor." He lifted up his sword in a signal to charge towards Morrey. The Call of Wvyern sounded and men poured down the hills.

Arrows with flames on them were sent overhead past the walls of Morrey. Another horn sounded and it was the Call of Morrey. The small Morrey Army could be seen flying up in the skies above like a plague of locuses. Swooping down to attack the men.

Archers in the towers of Morrey were pouring out every arrow they had. Fire had spread about in the field before Morrey. There was no escape for the Gargoyles at this moment nor for the men.

The Gargoyles that fell from the flaming arrows either died or fell seriously wounded. Allabaz came quickly back from the castle seeing flames sprawl up into the sky. He flew up and darted towards the battlefield. Seeing his army scattered he let out a war cry and swooped down killing dozens of men.

An archer saw Allabaz and shot him down hitting him above his heart. He fell on his knees watching the battle all around him. He made an effort to stand up and killed some more men. A man came from behind Allabaz and swung his blade into Allabaz's back. Allabaz turned his head at the last second before he died and his last thoughts were of his wife and childern, "I love you," he muttered and fell.

The death of the only captain in Morrey seemed tragic to the gargoyle army but only angered them more. Though they were still outnumbered and outmatched. Gargoyles in the air were just dropping like flies that only seemed to annoy the men. As some of the Gargoyle army could see in the air and the archers in the tower, there were still ranks upon ranks of men still waiting to get a taste of gargoyle blood holding their swords ready to kill.

Another horn was heard but it was neither Morrey or Wvyern's call. It was that of the horn of Escobar. The message had made it! Yograth could be seen leading the army down towards the fields of Morrey. It's numbers were less than expected, only three hundred had been made available on such a short notice. Though it lifted the spirits of all to see them.

In Morrey some guards were left to tell the women and children to stay in their homes, though there was no where else they could go, not even the castle could keep them. Many women stayed with women while the hatchlings and kids stayed by themselves with no one to protect them.

The Escobar army landed and charged toward the humans having their army advance another line of humans towards the battle field. Archers from the human army were running low on arrows but the fire grew worse and bigger.

Though there were spirits were high enough another horn was heard only lifting their spirits higher. The Call of Torran had been heard and many Gargoyles were overjoyed. The Torran Army could also be seen flying in the air with numbers of two hundred. Their chances seemed now to have greatly increased.

The Torran Army had a band of Archers who stayed in the air while the fighters landed charging at the humans thus having them release another rank of humans making the Wvyern army seem more thin than it already was. The Archers released arrows upon the humans with an occasionally accident of hitting a Gargoyle.

Yograth stood proud as he watched his army and Torran's army unmercifully kill the men of Wvyern, "It seems there is hope still left! Do not give up!....." He was cut short and fell on his knees, tears running down his face as blood slowly regurgitated out of his mouth. A human had snuck up behind Yograth and stabbed him in the back and through his heart. Yograth fell dead later to be found as ashes.

The Captain of the Wvyern upon his horse looked very displeased and sneered towards the Gargoyles, "So it seems to come down to this! Release them..." Another horn was heard and a rumbling sound could be heard from the distant and on a hill near Morrey could their be seen five hundred horsemen. The calvary of Wvyern, the most feared calvary throughout Raisher maybe even the world.

The spirits of many sank low that they saw no hope at all. Many fled or waited to die. Some flew back over Morrey to be protected. The ones that had their wings injured fled to the gates but no one would open. The horsemen only ended up making them headless. Others made it past the fires and off in several directions. Squads were sent after them since there orders to kill every single Gargoyle and leave none alive.

"Do not be happy yet men! We may have won the battle, but yet the kingdom still stands, it was ordered to be destroyed! And destroy it we shall!"

Camp was set up, and as the men slept or stood watch, they could the eyes of Gargoyles peering at them peircing through their hearts. An ungrowing fear was still laid upon them thinking they still had reinforcements. The next morning the sun was still covered by grey clouds with a slight mist covering around the castle.

Since they saw no way around they decided to destroy the kingly gate of Morrey which so many legends claimed it was the strongest and would take at least ten battering rams to break. Thirty men held up the ram and when they first rammed it, they were sort of confused that not even a small dent could be detected.

After about an hour had passed the gates were open almost as if they were let opened. The men who held the battering ram could see a flank of Gargoyles that were archers let loose their arrows letting them sing and hitting the men dropping the battering ram sometimes crushing their bodies.

The captain expected this and sent two hundred of his men and soon the archers were killed. They smiled at the victory and the captain strode in on his horse smiling gladly, "Well done men! Now sound the Call of Wvyern!" The horn was blown and after it was sounded the last remaining Gargoyle army flew out of houses not to fight but find help but all of them were shot down by archers.

The men were victorious again and the stench of death grew ever thicker. The Captain got on his horse and rode in front of his army growing ever smaller, "Now men, here is the last stage of our attack, burn the villages, kill every woman and hatchling you find. Do not give anybody mercy."

One flank went to the west to burn the peasant villages and two flanks went to the east to destroy the marketplace and noble housing. In the peasant village many of the men found women and childern cowering in fear. No mercy was given to them at all.

King Gavin had no sleep that night he stood at his window watching the men. It was still a dreadfully grey day just as yesterday was. He sighed deeply and turned his back on the view, "My life is in ruins, " he muttered to himself, "Thunador would be displeased if he saw us today."

Gavin looked around for his Queen but she was no where to be seen. She appeared at the entrance of the throne wearing a golden armor, behind her were ten of her handmaidens. Gavin look distressed and when he saw her he grew disturbed, "Do not tell me my love you dare to go out and fight? It is suicide!"

"Suicide or no, It is my will to stand and fight while this kingdom still stands. I wish for you to come with me."

"Don't you see? It's suicide! We have not a chance and what chance do you think you and your petty handmaidens have?"

"More than you..." she turned her back and her handmaidens marched in front. They were to head off into war folly it was though. Gavin never saw her again, he closed his throne doors and seated himself on his throne.

The Queen and her handmaidens marched out of the castle, though she did not show it, the Queen was altogether scared. She marched down the steps of the castle and came to the gate of the castle. After opening it she found herself face to face with the Captain of the Wvyern Army.

"My queen," The Captain said bowing mockingly, "You looked dressed for war, where do you think you're going with your handmaidens?"

The Queen snarled and lifted her blade up but before she could do anything she was shot with 5 arrows falling dead upon the gate. Her handmaidens were quickly shot afterwards.

The Captain smiled slyly as he turned to his men, "Get the others to bring every dead body and burn them on the field. You may go, leave King Gavin to me," turning his back he slowly stepped up towards the Morrey Castle. He slowly unsheathed his sword holding it in two hands in front of his face.

Coming to the doors of the Castle he swung them open and a loud bang it made hitting against the wall. Slowly, step by step he made his way for the throne room. Hoping that Gavin was quivering in his chair.

King Gavin was on his throne quivering shaking, tears falling down his cheeks though he did not notice. He was waiting for those doors to swing open, "All that I have done, now in ruin. Oh why did this..." Gavin was cut short.

The Captain swung open the throne room doors and saw before him King Gavin on his throne. He smiled slowly still holding his sword, "Well hello King Gavin. Or should I say former King?"

"Get out...." Gavin muttered, "I will not let you take my kingdom, get out!" he clenched the chair tightly not knowing what to do.

"There is no escape Gavin, Gargoylekind will soon be at ruin, you will fall just like how Faladar fell and the Orcs," stepping closer and closer towards Gavin holding his blade.

"Never!" at that Gavin charged towards the Captain but a split second later Gavin fell on the ground headless.

The Captain kicked the lifeless body of Gavin and kicked his head aside. A scout came in to report to him, "Sir, we have exterminated every Gargoyle, the kingdom is free from their filth."

"Good, you may leave," he didn't bother to face the scout.

The scout left and the Captain strode forward towards the throne where Gavin had sat. He slowly sat down and smiled in pleasure.