The Shadows of Tomorrow- Endless Valley

Chapter 6 Endless Valley "Master, I have lost them, they're tracks are gone!" "Why do you report to me with such a petty excuse? I thought I trained you better than that. You ought to be able to follow simple Gargoyle tracks!" "They have...

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The Shadows of Tomorrow- Meeting of Casifus

Chapter 5 Meeting of Casifus Cellmate? Kane hoped it was Shade, "Shade is that you?" Kane said wearily. He heard nothing but a laugh, "Well, we meet again eh? But we are both on the same end." He recognized that voice and smiled but a...

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The Shadows of Tomorrow- Away from the reflection

Chapter 4 Away from the Reflection There it was. The real start of his journey. Kane looked up at the perilous looming mountain and stared at it with eyes wide open. "This mountain will be the death of me," muttered Kane. He was right. The...

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The Shadows of Tomorrow- Journey to the Mountains

Chapter 3 Journey to the Mountains The next morning Kane woke up feeling lightheaded. He yawned and look around, his surroundings looked unfamiliar he looked to where he made a fire last night but it wasn't there. He woke up in a completely...

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The Shadows of Tomorrow- The Ring and Linden

Chapter 2 The Ring and Linden But there was one Gargoyle they didn't kill. Be it pure fate or luck that this Gargoyle somehow slipped out. Some may think it was a deadly mistake, others may not. The humans scattered everywhere finding any...

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The Shadows of Tomorrow- Morrey Destroyed

Introduction In the ages long before men, elves, dwarves, or gargoyles ever colonized the country of Raisher. Long before the Great Wars between fueding kingdoms. There stood but one kingdom in the land of what was later called Raisher. Malidorian...

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