Cinder And Bone: Chapter One
Like clockwork, he felt the sharp sting of a small rock hitting his shoulder. he winced; anything more and he would have received another stone. his instructor's only note was a condescending \*tsk\*.
The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid Wars, Last Stand of the 7th Caprinae Cavalry.
"colonel, we really screwed the pooch on this one, raid went off like clockwork but ran into a damn panzer division before we could disengage. we're in a bad way. over." "butler, any way you can break out, disengage and disperse your troops?
Zootopia: No-go with Bogo Ch. 1
The chief gasped, and then like clockwork he'd begun to sweat. clawhauser could feel the chief's restlessness. ben pulled away from mbali, if only to bring himself back down.
Fire Branded Leather: Rescue and Recovery
The team wasn't clockwork, but it was more than will had any right to expect. he had less than half the men he should. with a boom the first hose came online.
Birdsong ~ Part 5
Felix could hear the crackling of askia's fire, and the rummaging of his movements, and then at one point the soft, musical twittering, chirping, cheeping of his little clockwork box.
Fur for All Occasions
"i still see my family and friends like clockwork. you can visit them any time you want and even invite them out here if you want. they would probably explain it to your relatives and you would become a natural celebrity.
life with a dragon chapter three
I quickly shift into second, then third, then fourth, then fith, then sixth, like clockwork. i quickly pull up beside the corvette easily going 120 mph and hold that speed for a few seconds.
Episode 1A: Introductions
Like clockwork, when he'd go off duty he'd go into leeta's and order the same drink and sit and chat with the attractive bartender, drink a lot for a few hours and then return to his quarters. harry checked the wall chronometer.
In The Doghouse: Chapter Five
Vance started to reach for his beverage, but like clockwork, his phone began to ring. it was as if blaine's money sense had begun to tingle the moment her husband started talking about spending money, even in jest.
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Intricate clockwork mechanisms that clicked and spun! new flight harnesses, boasting the latest designs and fashions! snack food, freshly cooked and ready to be eaten!
Hell Fights Back story one - The Demon's Chance
Her breaths were sharp and regular as clockwork. "the church man and mrs. jacobson say that hell's where all the bad people go. people who don't believe in our lord jesus christ. mrs.
Hurricane Kim Chapter 8
What comes next will happen like clockwork. they will attack, you will defend, lives will be lost, unfavorable press coverage will be pushed, and then open war will be declared on citizens of this country.