Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 71 - To be strong enough...

Placing my hand on her cheek, caressing her hair while i quietly whispered how sorry i was... it didn't seem like she heard me... her eyes stayed shut while she was vast asleep...

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Seven

Husky said, as he caressed him gently. the meeting went on for almost an hour. the priority was to help yukiomaru send his distress signal as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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Another Love Story: Chapter 5 - Apology accepted

The breeze caressed my skin as it chillingly swept over my pelt and fur, the sun felt like a shawl over my shoulders and i felt its warmth embrace me.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 176

Still caressing the air, banno bent down, perked his ear and tilted his head. _she's whispering into his ear_, ander thought, completely staggered.

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The Northern Path

He reached out to rub the walls, to feel her flesh beyond, to continue caressing her from the inside. she moved to lay on her side, gently rocking martin. it was a blissful position.

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Footpaws need addressing - master needs undressing; fox and wolf become wolfox - exploring paws caressing. tails sway from side to side - wrapping round each other; noses touch and tongues collide with their respective lovers'.

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Warm eyes

Your paws freeze as an unnatural chill climbs slowly up your spine, your breath catching as that same chill radiates outwards, touching every part of you, roughly caressing even the deepest darkest corners of your being.

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Try to wake the jackalope up asking Excuse me where am I

Do you: caress its cheeks and whiskers. yoink your appendage and get back away. say, "you're cute and all but what's this dream you were talking about?" say "you're just an adorable horned rabbit."

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No Other Master For Me

There's no other master for me with firm discipline and a gentle caress; there's so many ways you hold my hand it perhaps takes all day- but come whatever may- before you leave, i'm able to stand i rejoice and i frolick; i sing to your

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Every Moment

The blush only intensifies as i feel your soft, delicate paw tenderly caress my arm. that always gets me. i turn my head to gaze upon the beautiful creature. that smile is still content on your muzzle.

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Beyond Tranquil Waves

Rain caresses the heart, washing away the pain. a soothing voice in the ear, easing the tears away. then away delight, away. isolated where the moon never sings. to be robbed of the nocturnal tune, to have his voice stripped away.

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TCoJ - Book 1 - Mari

A heavy sigh escaped her muzzle as she caressed the etched words along the pearl white handle, remembering how they were just a lie. putting the knife back in its sheath she fiddled with the flap over her gun holster before releasing the flap's button.

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