TCoJ - Book 1 - Mari
#3 of Book 1 - The Gifted
A preview of the writing style in Book 1 - The Gifted.Series: The Chronicles of JaydenBook: (1) The GiftedAuthor: WolfFA: :linkJagdwolf:Availability: Published & On Sale!Rabbit Valley: RV - The GiftedAmazon: Amazon - The Gifted
The vixen waited silently in the clearing. Her red fur, with hints of brown and spotted with tufts of white, was softly glowing in the late afternoon sunlight. She sniffed at the air trying to pick up a trace of his musk as her keen senses tuned into her surroundings. The air stood still at her paw pads while the top of the tall, wide drooping tree branches gently fluttered and swayed in the light breeze. Sunlight filtered down into the clearing bathing her in a comforting warmth. Light and shadow danced along the tree lin as azure skies stretched in all directions with clouds dotting the horizon randomly. Subtle hints of new growth brought a sad smile to her muzzle. As if the war were not bad enough, she had to deal with him again. The smile faded.
"What am I doing here? He's not going to listen to me. Henever listened to me," she whined softly to herself.
Pulling a knife out of her thigh sheath, she looked at it silently for a long moment. A heavy sigh escaped her muzzle as she caressed the etched words along the pearl white handle, remembering how they were just a lie. Putting the knife back in its sheath she fiddled with the flap over her gun holster before releasing the flap's button.
Drawing her gun from its hip holster, she examined it as she held it in her paw. Smiling, she thought how she liked this gun... no, she loved this gun. Countless times, when They had attacked it had saved her life. Those bittersweet memories ran through her mind, distracting her from the frustratingly long wait. She wondered just how many more times it would save her life when a twig snapped breaking her thoughts. Wheeling around she brought the gun up in a ready to fire stance, claw firmly on the trigger.