Every Moment

Story by fuzzyhuskybutt on SoFurry

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Please bear with me as I'm still trying to learn how to post everything correctly. This is the first piece of writing I've done in quite some time, so I understand that it's very rusty. Comments always welcome.


Every Moment

*Dedicated to a very special Hyena*

I simply love the euphoric feeling that courses through my veins when I wake up and see your face. The dazzling shades of blue are such a pleasing sight to behold. I feel as if all I can do is lay there and bask in your beauty. Ever so slightly you stir, your right ear perking up to attention. It's always that right ear. The smile that spreads across your muzzle silently tells me how much you love me. Your blue eyelids jolt open revealing your magnificent pair of warm, amber eyes. I turn my head to the side, a blush terribly evident on my light grey cheeks. The blush only intensifies as I feel your soft, delicate paw tenderly caress my arm. That always gets me. I turn my head to gaze upon the beautiful creature. That smile is still content on your muzzle. I reach out my paw and gently brush away the stray locks of hair from your face. You teasingly stick out your tongue and I quietly giggle. You place your large paw on my shoulder and pull me closer. The warmth emitted between our two bodies intensifies tenfold. We meet, chest touching, our hearts beating in perfect rhythm. Upon feeling the warm embrace, I close my eyes, allowing your delightful scent to fill my nostrils. You place your head on top of mine, closing your eyes and folding your ears back. This is pure bliss. You encase me in your arms, pulling me on top of your furry being. I lay my head on your broad chest and listen to your beating heart. You've already drifted back to sleep. I don't mind. I simply follow suit, chasing you into the realm of fantasy as we lay peacefully in our little corner of the world.


Hope you enjoyed! Didn't like it? Tell me why in the comments. I'm always willing to learn from my mistakes.