Blink of an Eye Chapter 1

The man followed with several kidney punches and finished with a knee bash to his face. toral hit the floor winded as the crowd roared to the victors triumph. he kicked dirt into his face cursing him for the trouble he'd caused them.

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J'nari the Brute of Elsweyr

With his massive hammer, he bashes people left in right, taking a berserker stance on how to use it. he'll absorb damage if he can dish out massively more than he takes.


Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 5

He then thrust his blade forward towards venair's heart, but he side-stepped out of the way and bashed him in the back of the head with the blunt end of apocalypse. as consus fell to the ground, he heard a laugh from venair.

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Big Brothers to Little Sisters

Tanya bashfully pulled down her long, brown ears and hid her green eyes behind them. "awww, she's shy?" asked friendly. "yeah, just a little bit. you're new, so she might be a little skittish."

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 6

He asked bashfully " no!" "yes!" both sparx and cynder exclaimed at the same time spyro rubbed his forehead " this is going nowhere..." he muttered under his breath angrily " dude go! explore the world!"

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 10

She cringed, covering her mouth behind her paw and began munching bashfully, eyes radiating pitiful blame. didn't i warn you? sparx grinned. "spoilsport" "iris!"

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Rowan Fafnir: Prologue

Even as the clubs bashed his thighs, forcing him to his knees, thirteen made no sound, nor broke his gaze. even as one broke his arm, thirteen only glared at the boss.

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Dawn pt.1

He was ready to shoot me again....but in a blind panic, my body seeemed to moved itself and my front paw and claws had bashed into the soldier, knocking him to the ground before i retreated back.

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Spicy Night

"we bash their heads in!" shi grabbed a fire poker from the fireplace and put a mixing bowl on hir head as a helmet. mander grabbed a rolling pin and put a collander on her head. there they stood, warriors in pajamas.

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Blue: Chapter 15

He grabbed a lone guard that was running past and bashed his head against the bars, killing him instantly. he reaches through the bars and grabbed the guard's keys. this was all too tried the different keys in the lock until he found one that fit.

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U.O.P.I. Chapter 3 page 10

Speaker bashed his little hammer thing on the desk and shouted, "order pleas let the right honourable gentlemen speak!!"

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The Hardest Life PT.5

Drogon rushed out and started flying, bashing into the metalloid things nearby he managed to get out without being shot. but now he is flying in a dangerous storm.

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