U.O.P.I. Chapter 3 page 10

Story by DavidBlüéSmith on SoFurry

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I'm sorry if this part makes no sense... but it'll help you later on.

-sometime later, Houses of Parliament, London-

-David Blue Smith- I looked at benches of the MP's who sat there each day, tossing cheap insults at each other rather then actually getting there job done. About 30 minutes later everyone hade sat down in there place and Mr. Speaker, Begun reading out the list of import things that need to be dealt with, I saw Nova next the Prime Minister and waged my tail a little as stood next to Mr. Speaker, I couldn't quite understand what was wrong everyone was talking a once, I pined my ears back, and tail up between my legs as Mr. Speaker bashed his little hammer thing on the desk and shouted, "Order pleas Let the right honourable gentlemen speak!!" Nova looked across at me he leaned over and whispered something in the Prime Minister's ear, they both nodded and then nova got up, bowed his head and walked away as the chaos continued. Moments later after standing confused scared and unsure what to do, I heard Nova calling me softly "Come on, pup, we're leaving." I instantly ran out to him and tackle hugged him.

-Nova Titansteel Blitzer- I quickly caught David before he could force me to the floor, I cuddled him as started shaking, "hey what's wrong?" I asked as I wrapped my paws around his waist, he looked up at me with tearful eyes, His right eye whit, the colour of fear. "I'm scared, Nova, being in there just scared me, How can I lead any of us out of darkness?" he said as he sobbed, "I'll tell you how" I said as I picked him up and nuzzled his nose, "huh?!" I whimpered, "You can use me, In front of everyone you'll be this strong majestic leader, but once curtains are closed, I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you to cuddle with" I said nuzzling him as I carried him down the long hallway, allot of the staff just stared at us, I could hear some going "Awww", and some of them just smiled and laughed, well did look really cute, all curled up with his massive tail tail wrapped both of us. I could see my driver standing at the door weighting for us, "A bit early, sir?" he chuckled, "err, yeah, anyway, could you take us home this one needs a little bit of help with his fears" I said nuzzling David's nose walked down the stares and put him down so I could open car door, we all got in and made our way back to downing street. There was some rather unfortunate traffic so the journey was taking longer then the usual. I look down to see David snuggled and sleeping in my arm, but he didn't look to piece full and he kept twitching. I wondered what he dreaming about..

-David Blue Smith-

I could hear gun shots firing off every ware I ran, My Heart was pounding, "Hey you!!!" the sergeant yelled. "M- me, sir?" I said wiping my tears from under my eyes. "Get your Fucking head back in the fight, you coward!!!! " He shouted into my ears. I took a deep breath and looked at my Pistol (Mauser c96) then took my SS officers sword out of its holster, "What the fuck are you doing?" The Serge yelled, I ran out as fast as I could and screamed as I Fired my pistol, hitting all of the enemy troops then skid dived under near- by car rolled out from underneath it, flung my self up in to my hind paws took my sword and cut down every single last man that stood in my as ran to building and cut down all the guards who stood to there posts. My right eye tuned Red my blood wounds turn and sparked electrical blue, I stood there laughing in hysterics and stamped my boot onto the severed head of an enemy solder crushed it... My fur all turned black and my left eye turned red "What?!!! Is this it?!" I shouted out laughing "you got to be fucking kidding me!!!" I mocked, then walked away licking the blood off my blade, and stepped out of the building and looked around at all of the enemy troops, they looked up at me with fear. "This Fucking feud is over!!, drop your weapons and get the hell out of my site" I said and pointed sword my into there General's neck slicing it slowly, "don't you ever step foot in Koblanz again" I said and put my sword back.

"GAAAHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed out, as I flew up from my nightmare. "Whoa!! easy" Nova said pining me into a hug "It's was just a nightmare" He said calmly, then licked my nose. "Oh, wait!!... Nova, please what colour am I?!" I asked panting "What?" He replied confused, "Nova!! What fucking colour am I?!!" I cryed. He sighed.. "Black and White" he said calmly "My eyes both of them what colour are they?" I asked still panting, then he pulled me into a tight hug, "One beautiful Brown eye, and one lovely Blue eye" he said and kissed my nose. I burst out crying with tears running down my face. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Nova." I said, leaning on his chest wincing and whimpering. "it's okay... I know your past, and no one can handle that like you" he said as he wrapped his arm around me. I started to shiver uncontrollable, "It.. it's Baskerville." I said sobbing. "Your Father?!" He said wide eyed, I looked back at him with tears falling down my face. "Oh.. David... It's okay, I'm here for you now" He said as nuzzled me in his arms. I curled up into him, and smiled. "Thank you" I whispered.