My Nightmare repeat of life.

Once upon a Time there lived a Young and love Filled puppy Named Bluey, he worked hard all his life and up to that Age of 15 he hade a Really rough life, his father never cared and his mother Was always working, and His Sister was always to busy...

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The Dark Secret of the Great War. (Chapter 1 'At the start' Pg1)

So Allot of people ask about where my sadistic side raises from... Well lets begin... It began a hundred years ago just before the battlefields of the war, I was captain in His Majesties Calvary, My job was to hold a sabar while riding on the back of...

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Those Three Words, (Part 2)

Later on that day we were in the local park siting on the bench looking at the lake near by and talking to each other again I could smell the sweet scents of spring flowing through the air, Cherry Blossims, Blue Bells and all sorts of spring flowers...


Those three words

Hey ya'll is me! David? the Border collie who's been drawing and writting crap for goodness knows how long, anyway I wanted to write a small story about my big Rottie and how he met me. So here it is guys. I hope you like and please don't be afraid to...


U.O.P.I. (Sneak peek) Bluey's nightmare.

-A dark old voice- We March, We fight, We die.... We March, We fight, We die.... We March, We fight, We die.... We March, We fight, We die.... We March, We fight, We die.... We March, We fight, We die.... We March, We fight, We die.... We March, We...

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U.O.P.I Chapter 2 Page 6

-Nova Titansteel Blitzer- "Come on, Come on! How long do you need?" I said chuckling, as I stood outside the changing rooms waiting for David. "Sorry, I'll be out shortly, I promise" David replied. The curtains open and reviled David warring a gray...

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U.O.P.I Chapter 2 Page 5, My turn.

I spun round quickly to see who said what they did, I saw a tall brown and white wolf (6.2ft) his eyes were deep sky blue and he hade blond hair in a sort of short mohawk, I instantly reconised him, "N- Nova?" I asked, "You didn't think I'd forget...

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U.O.P.I Chapter 1 page 4

The next day I woke up and booked a train ticket to London, I felt that it was time for me to start looking into my archive. -Later that day- I arrived at the Ministry of Legal Rights, I walked up to this big wooden desk, there was an old fox sat...

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U.O.P.I. Chapter 1 page 3, memorys of the fallen king

_See here my grandson, see how the world burns benieth us, see how one day you will take it all? let no one stop you let nothing stand in your way, if anything does get in your way, you will kill it! Drag your enemy out of bed by the hair, remind them...

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U.O.P.I. chapter 1 page 2

I avrived off the plan whith Altie next to me, "so... where do we go now?" he said rasing his eye brow. I picked my bages and started walking, "we go to my home" I said dogging the oncoming traffic of other people trying to make there way to nest plan...


U.O.P.I. Chapter 3 page 10

-sometime later, Houses of Parliament, London- -David Blue Smith- I looked at benches of the MP's who sat there each day, tossing cheap insults at each other rather then actually getting there job done. About 30 minutes later everyone hade sat down in...

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