The Hardest Life PT.5

Story by Fennex Arcan on SoFurry

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This contains vore, if you don't like vore, please skip...

The Hardest Life PT.5

The world slowly fading back into vision, Fennex woke up in Seprenta's coil. He sees Seprenta was kind of sleeping on him with her head on his shoulder, and Drogon being the watch. They are on a cliff roughly ten metres away from the edge. Fennex also sees the wolf laying down in front of Drogon, it was the wolf in the fight that got sprayed on by the gas.

"you're awake Fennex" Drogon smiled happily.

"did I breathe in too much" Fennex spoke drowsily, Drogon nodded, Seprenta still asleep on his shoulder. "I saw, something..." Fennex said to Drogon, "I saw that I was inside something filled with water or something, and people were watching me".

"you must be strong with your ability" Drogon whispered to Fennex.

"why are we whispering?" Fennex whispered back.

"I sense that the wolf is awake, just pretending to be asleep" Drogon looked back at the wolf, Fennex can also sense that the wolf is awake too. "so, this thing you say, this is all fake?".

"I might say a test" Fennex added.

"what are you guys talking about?" Seprenta woke up from Fennex's Shoulder.

"this is all a test" Drogon told Seprenta, Seprenta opened her eyes quite widely.

"wait what?" Seprenta was shocked to hear that, "a test?"

"I saw myself in a weird room filled with weird things" Fennex said. But interrupting them all was a thunder storm approaching from the west, lightning strikes occurring every minute and heavy rainfall covering the land beneath. "I don't like that storm...".

"that wasn't there when I came here" Drogon was suspicious about the storm. "let's take shelter", everyone finding somewhere to take cover from the storm but Fennex managed to find a cave just big enough for them all. All of them fitting in with some room to spare, they wait patiently for the storm to go away. The storm is now over them and the rain going down heavy enough that it like a wall. But Drogon spots something in the rain, blurred a lot he sees a light looking around, but it belongs to someone close by, then more of these figures with lights appeared and were searching for something.

A static voice erupted from one of those figures, sounding like if it was wearing a helmet. Not understanding what they were saying but Drogon, Seprenta and Fennex remains silent. Fennex then remembered what happened to the wolf, 'where's the wolf?' Fennex telepathically spoke to Drogon.

'safe' as he places his winged arm onto his belly. Fennex understood what he meant. But the searching lights then looks towards the cave, they probably heard us or just thought we or someone else was in here. They approached us but then red lasers were pointed into the cave. 'right, I think all of you need to join the wolf', Seprenta and Fennex decided that was a good idea, but with the wolf maybe not so much.

Sliding down the slimy and warm tunnel of Drogon, they both eventually reached where the wolf would be, the social stomach. Both of them falling in, they did notice the wolf is awake but terrified. The wolf looked at them as if they were going to tear its limbs off. Fennex approaches the wolf calmly.

"it's alright..." Fennex raised a hand to pat the wolf, but the wolf snapped at Fennex. Fennex pulled away his hand from the wolf. "it's alright... trust me" Fennex retried but the wolf didn't snap but remained terrified. Fennex touching the wet fur of the wolf and starts to comfort it.

While on the outside of Drogon, he was planning to rush out if these things entered. But one of them did enter, it was human like but made of metal and holds a firearm, it's head is rectangular with a camera right in front. Drogon rushed out and started flying, bashing into the metalloid things nearby he managed to get out without being shot. But now he is flying in a dangerous storm.

Fennex trying to comfort the wolf but it still is terrified but just looking straight where it's head is pointing, Fennex is not much of a good animal tamer from what he's thinking about.

Drogon says "we have a problem!", Fennex and Seprenta then both asked.

"what is it" Seprenta smiled from their synchronised speaking.

"you'll need to see to know" Drogon shouted, but Seprenta and Fennex swaying side to side as well with the wolf, it feels like Drogon was making evasive turns. They also heard loud explosive noises happening outside, slightly muffled.

"what is happening?" Fennex asked.

"you were right about the test" Drogon sounded he was a bit busy, but right after that sentence a loud explosion sounded right next to them. "shit!" Drogon swore, the explosion must have done something to him.

"you alright?" Fennex asked. Drogon didn't respond, but he knows he's alive though, thanks to the heart beating and the lungs expanding. "Drogon?".

"hold on" Drogon ordered Fennex, Fennex felt a little scared of what's happening. Feeling Drogon making some sharp turns and explosions erupting nearby, Fennex thought that they are trying to make sure we don't tell anyone. Fennex did want to know what's happening but Drogon won't allow him. Seprenta is actually really scared as well, but the wolf remained terrified. But a new explosive sound came in to play, it sounds like digital piano had all the keys hit as one and then fades off into the distance.

Fennex feeling Drogon going into a dive possibly straight down, but the explosions stopped for a moment and it sounds like Drogon is now hovering in the air. "can I speak now?", Drogon ignored Fennex for now and landed onto the ground, Spitting Seprenta and Fennex out but not the wolf yet. Fennex took a look around, they are inside a massive crack in the ground possibly by an earthquake. But he still can hear explosions in the distance though.

"Everything is going down to hell..." Drogon exhaustedly speaks, Fennex questioned why he said that but wants to see what's happening. Drogon lifted Fennex out of the crack enough so they both don't get spotted, Fennex saw the greatest horror that could be imaginable for war. It looks like the Testers have turned against their Experiments, Lands of smoke, hills of fire and the sun disappeared by the ashes.

"What's happening?" Seprenta asked from below.

"this world is turning into Hell" Fennex spoke softly to himself.

The end of the Trailer...

Part 6 (the ruined world) coming soon...