The Hardest Life PT.5

The Hardest Life PT.5 The world slowly fading back into vision, Fennex woke up in Seprenta's coil. He sees Seprenta was kind of sleeping on him with her head on his shoulder, and Drogon being the watch. They are on a cliff roughly ten metres away...

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The Hardest Life PT.4

The Hardest Life PT.4 Waking his great slumber, Fennex discovers himself a small stomach filled with consumable food. He knew him being in a stomach means just rest, but the food kind of changed the situation, well he knew he was inside Drogon, but...

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The Hardest Life PT.3

The Hardest Life PT.3 The fear of the wyvern about to grab Fennex was truly frightening, he tried to dodge out of the way but instead made it easier for the wyvern. With a very hard impact, Fennex is now caged in the wyvern's claws. Fennex...

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The Hardest Life PT.2

The Hardest Life PT.2 Waking up from his sleep, Fennex sees Seprenta next to him also sleeping. He thought for a moment that he was inside her but got spat out. Looking around he finds himself in a cave entrance, it almost looks like he was in the...

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The Hardest Life PT.1

The Hardest Life PT.1 Waking up from the black lands within the mind, in a blurred vision seeing what appears to be a large green forest and the sounds of animals speaking to each other. The fresh smell of plants, soil and water, but there was a...

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