The Hardest Life PT.1

Story by Fennex Arcan on SoFurry

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This Contains vore, if you don't like vore please skip this story and find something else. This is a part of a bigger story called The Hardest Life...

The Hardest Life PT.1

Waking up from the black lands within the mind, in a blurred vision seeing what appears to be a large green forest and the sounds of animals speaking to each other. The fresh smell of plants, soil and water, but there was a weird burning smell as well. An Anthropomorphic Fennec Fox attempts to stand up but collapses onto his knees in such exhaustion. Retrying to stand up but succeeding this time, he turns around to see a white capsule big enough to hold him. The smell was awful that is enough to make you gage, but trying to ignore the smell he goes and investigates this thing. Discovering the writing "PRY-95" on the sides of it, but confused what it means. Looking at the forest, he then notices it's actually a rainforest that had recently rained, but also notices that he was right in the centre of it.

Scavenging around the capsule he finds a small box with "PM" on the top, the box was a durable cardboard material. Not knowing what it is, he still keeps it just in case. But finds nothing else and looks around in the rainforest, finding nothing except for leaves, trees, and other plant like matter. He then starts to head off into a random direction into the rainforest.

Minutes later he discovers a water source with a tiny waterfall, he realises he is a bit thirsty so he went to get a drink. Taking a couple of handfuls of water, he drinks them and then rested for a moment. He thinks to himself.

'where am I?' he looks around once again to see if he could remember anything about this area. 'and who am I?' he looks at himself, feeling the fur on his body and feeling his face, he presumes he's a fox of some kind, but the ears made it difficult for him to tell what he is. While he was thinking to himself he also skimmed some stones along the water into the waterfall. 'why was there a weird thing near me when I was asleep?' he looks back at the direction that he found this weird capsule. Standing up and grabbed the PM box, he then started walking again but following the direction started off at. While walking he looks at the box, the words "PM" were printed on in black in the most understandable font for anyone, the cardboard material was in perfect condition but under it was slightly moist but not soft. Looking back at the direction he's walking in he sees a small field of boulders semi buried in the ground. He stopped and rested on the rocks, the rocks were warm from the light but a bit wet but was still comfortable.

Resting on the rocks, he does he some bushes rustling somewhat close to him. He quickly reacts to the noises and looks in the direction of the noise. Grabbing a reasonably thick stick next to him, he prepares to whack whatever is there in the bushes. Staying on the rock hopefully to stay some distance above it, but also grabbing a hand sized rock and throwing it lightly at the bushes. As the rock made impact inside the bushes the noise apparently stopped. Not letting his guard down but he approaches the bushes. Every step he takes makes him more cautious and also about to swing the stick. But when he is at the bushes he waited, but nothing happened in those few ten seconds. Moving the bushes out of the way to see if he accidently knocked out or killed the thing, but discovers a long scaly body of what looks like a snake. Stepping back away immediately he looks around for where the head would be, because he knew he was looking at the centre of the body. A few seconds passed but nothing happened, going back to where he looked at the body he then followed it hopefully to its head.

He then finds the head of the snake its eyes are closed and it was breathing slowly. He thinks he somehow knocked out the snake by throwing a stone at it body. But as he was thinking that, he noticed movement in the snake. He jolted away from the snake and readied for a fight. The snake then raised it head about two metres off the ground and slowly opened its eyes. The sharp pupils of the snake stares towards at the Fennec fox. The Fox was surprised that the snake was really long. The snake then spoke in English at the fox, "why were you messing around with me?" the snaked hissed in a soft but intimidating voice which sounded female.

The fox replied in a worried voice back to the snake "I thought you were stalking me..."

"a beg your pardon, you're the one stalking!" the snake slightly roared.

"I was resting, on those rocks over there" he pointed to the rocks. "well sorry though..."

"you better be" the snake then slithered closer to the fox. But the fox started stepping backwards from the snake, but then tripping over one of the smallish boulders. Landing on his back with his legs hanging over the boulder, the snake had an idea. The snake's tail then started to coil around both of the fox's legs, shocked to feel the snake coil around his legs, he tries to release the coil. The snake started coiling closer to the fox's torso quite quickly.

"let me go!" the fox yelled, but the snake just ignored him, too interested of what's going to happen. Finding out that the coil had eventually reached to his neck. "please..." he said softly hopefully to make it sound like he wasn't worth eating. But the snake finally responded.

"why do you want me to let go of you?" the snake questioned, the fox then tried to think of why he shouldn't be eaten by the snake.

"well... I just woke up near this weird thing and I can't remember who I am or where I am..." pleading that it's enough to get out of trouble, but then adds "...that's why you shouldn't eat me"

"eat you?" the snake said confused, "no I'm not going to eat you..."

"then what were you planning to do?"

"I'm... actually not sure..." the snake said while trying to think what it was doing.

"so, you had no clue on what you're doing?" the fox said with a questioning tone to his voice.

"let's just say that I had no control over what I do..." the snake said as he looks away for a bit. Then he looked back at the fox, releasing the fox from its coil and waits for moment. The fox then stood up and looked at the snake.

"umm... well thanks for letting me go..." he said Embarrassingly, he then thought of something else but he thought it was stupid to answer but he does it anyway. "what's your name?" he said kindly.

"my name...?" the snake said, the fox then nodded. "well umm, my name is Seprenta" (sir-prent-tar).

"that's an interesting name..." he said, but embarrassed to say this but then says "are you female?" feeling stupid from what he said.

"can't you tell from my voice?" Seprenta said.

"well you do sound a bit..." the fox said but being interrupted.

"then I am one" Seprenta said.

"sorry..." he said, he then thought of something else "well I don't know if I have a name or not so, no point asking" Seprenta then started thinking for a name for him.

"why not foxy?" she said, waiting for an answer.

"nah... too feminine" he said but realises what he said, he looks at Seprenta and sees a disappointed face.

"ok..." she says "what about Dunes?".

"hmmm, no" he answered.

"alright last one or you're going to be called no name" she said with a sigh "since you are a Fennec Fox, why not Fennex?". Thinking about he then nods to accept the name.

"yea, I like Fennex" Fennex said. Then there was a moment of silence for a few seconds but then Seprenta spoke.

"Well, Fennex..." she says embarrassed, "I guess we're friends then?".

Fennex then responds "I guess so too". He then notices that the light from the sun is starting to darken, he looks up as well as Seprenta and they both see that's it's going to rain soon. "time to find shelter then?" he looked back at Seprenta. Seprenta nods and they both started to find some where to shelter from the rain. While Searching, the rain was lightly dropping upon them before it got heavier. They then eventually meet up again but none of them found anywhere to stay.

"so, haven't found anywhere to stay?" Seprenta questioned, Fennex lowers his head and Seprenta takes that as a yes. "can you handle then rain?" she added.

"just mist, this is a bit too much" Fennex answered, "doesn't fell nice when it's dropping open me, I only like water when it's still".

Seprenta had an idea but was probably the best idea to ask though. "well I know somewhere, but..." she stopped for a moment but waits for Fennex to respond.

"if your saying that it's within you..." Fennex hesitated, "umm...".

Seprenta then noticed that Fennex was kind of blushing. "I won't digest you" she added. Fennex then stopped for a moment and then shakes his head if it was in another world in his thoughts.

"wha-what?" he said, "well umm... i... uhh" Fennex is not muttering and slurring his words. Clearly is really embarrassed. "I would say no, but since I believe you're not going to digest me..." he looks at Seprenta hopefully that she finishes his sentence.

"so that's a yes?" she said.

"too embarrassed to say it" Fennex added.

"have you been eaten before?" she questioned.

"no, I've always wanted to know what it's like though" he answered but hiding his head in his paws. "for some reason that's the only thing I remember about myself".

Seprenta kind of embarrassed as well but she approaches Fennex "I can tell that it's quite nice to be in me" she said while gently making two coils around Fennex. Fennex looked at the coil she made then looked back at her meeting her eyes but then got a bit shy then looked away for moment. They then both noticed that it's starting to rain harder. While Fennex was looking at the sky, Seprenta then licked Fennex's cheek. Fennex then looked at Seprenta with her tongue against his cheek. Smiling embarrassingly, he then looks at her shiny tongue. She then opened her mouth slightly and stretching her tongue as far as it can go. Fennex then immediately looked inside her mouth. Strings of saliva a nice tight entrance to her throat. Seprenta breathing on Fennex keeping him warm from the rain, she then opened her maw wider 'till Fennex's muzzle could fit. Pushing him closer to her mouth, his muzzle is now resting in the soft and salivary jaws of her mouth.

"Feels so nice" Fennex exhales slowly, she then opens her jaws as wide as they can go. He then places his entire head within her mouth, saliva dripping and sliding all over him, the warm breath as she exhales warms his face. Seprenta enjoying the flavour of Fennex and decides to tell him that, "you taste nice" she says with Fennex in her mouth. Fennex giggles, he then places his paw in her mouth then started to feel her soft walls.

"I feel that my back and tail starting to get wet from the rain..." he said still with his head inside the mouth of Seprenta. Seprenta starts pushing Fennex further into her maw, Fennex now can feel the back of her throat with his nose. Seprenta then feels that Fennex is touching her throat, she then begins to swallow him. With one big gulp Fennex's head is now inside her oesophagus, moaning at the feeling of Fennex going down to her stomach was a good feeling to have for her. Gulping him down further and further she then finally reached to his feet, instead of swallowing the rest of him she decides to push him down with her tail. Now Fennex is completely inside her, Fennex feels all the saliva catching onto him from all over and the walls of her throat pushing him down into the stomach. Eventually he then reaches the stomach when half his body is inside it, it then begins to gurgle and groan. When Fennex is completely inside the stomach he then says "please don't digest me please".

Seprenta hears his muffled voice and responds, "I won't". The rain starting to become heavier and heavier but Seprenta didn't cared. Fennex can't hear the rain very well because of the saliva slushing and popping and the stomach gurgling. Seprenta then coils up but enough that it won't accidently snap Fennex. Fennex then starts to get a bit sleepy from this excellent experience, then they both eventually fall asleep.

PT.2 coming soon...