The Hardest Life PT.4
This story contains vore, if you don't like vore, please skip this story and find something else. Part 4 of The Hardest Life...
The Hardest Life PT.4
Waking his great slumber, Fennex discovers himself a small stomach filled with consumable food. He knew him being in a stomach means just rest, but the food kind of changed the situation, well he knew he was inside Drogon, but he forgot about the food bit. Drogon feeling Fennex moving around so he spoke, "my Tongue cuddlier is awake, had a nice rest?".
"very wet and warm, but with the food it kind of made me cramp up into a ball" Fennex stretched and yawned half way. Fennex then looked at the small pile of food and asked "is this food for me?".
"not all of it, we're going to share it throughout the day, one can have one piece though" Drogon replied back. Fennex grabbing the smallest piece of food there, just big enough that it's enough to feed Fennex. He picked up a weird vegetable and looked at it. It looks like a perfect cylinder like carrot without the leaves, and is the same colour his fur.
"what is this vegetable that is coloured like me?" he asked Drogon, there was a moment of silence, but the Seprenta spoke.
"I believe it's a Grargae root" it sounded like she placed her headed Drogon's belly to speak to me.
"is it nice?" Fennex asked.
"but it's better cooked in water" Drogon added, Fennex looked at it thought he should pick something else, He sees some cooked meat.
"what type of choices of meat is there?" Fennex asked.
"well there's cow, lamb and fox" Drogon answered.
"FOX!" Fennex Gasped, he then hears laughter.
"just messing with you, there's only cow and lamb".
"don't even joke about it either" Fennex was serious then, he did like cow and lamb, but he couldn't tell which one was which, so just picked one randomly. Drying it from all the saliva, even though there is still going to be some, he took a bite out of it. Well-cooked and a nice flavour, he must have chosen cow. Finishing his dinner or breakfast, he couldn't tell which one but he asked anyway. "is it morning or evening?".
"uhh, it's evening" Drogon answered. Fennex was confused, he feels fresh like if it was morning.
"evening?" he repeated back.
"evening" Drogon repeated. Fennex just sighed.
"I can't sleep now, I'm too awake" Fennex crossed his arms and frowned, he was mostly doing that because he woke up at the wrong time. "well, I'll try to sleep".
"right..." Drogon then lays down, "good night". Fennex and Seprenta then hears snoring coming out of Drogon, he's already asleep.
Seprenta then lays her head on where Fennex would be and says "enjoy your sleep", Fennex gets a little bit jammed by Seprenta leaning on him. Seprenta then coils up nearby and sleeps. Fennex laying down comfortably, he closes his eyes, a minute later he opened his eyes and sighed.
"well, this is going to be boring" he ignores the best bit about being inside Drogon but focuses on how he's going to sleep. Minutes later Fennex was still aware but is almost asleep. But then his eyesight all of sudden went white. Fennex tried to wake up but he couldn't even speak. He looks around in this white dimension, and discovers two figures. One of them was a dragon, a proper dragon and a human like figure near it. It had long ears like Fennex's and what looks like five long tails, long as his. But these figures were silhouettes, attempts to get closer but discovers that he's not moving or the figures are moving or that they aren't really there but keeping the same distance.
But then this time everything went black, then slowly fades into a volcanic scene, he is now standing on an active and erupting volcano, explosions of lava and gusts of ash fly into the air, but when Fennex looks over to the mouth of the volcano. He sees another human like figure, but shorter ears and a massive tail long enough to coil around them twice showing nothing, and very thick in fur, this figure was silhouetted in front of a large stream of lava. But in the distance, was really massive, it looks like a Drake, tall enough to reach the lowest clouds and wasn't silhouetted, he sees that each scale is massive and has a frightening texture to it, the head of the Drake is really big that it could fit Drogon without problems.
Waking up from this weird scene, he discovers that Drogon is walking. "what's happening out there?" Fennex asks.
"stretching my legs and wings" Drogon replied back, "I thought you would be awake?".
"I thought I was as well..." Fennex revised on what he saw. "I just closed my eyes and I saw these two scenes, each of them had a human animal like me and a dragon nearby..." Fennex waited for Drogon to reply.
"what did they look like?" Drogon asks, Fennex described their details and their environments to Drogon but Seprenta was also listening. "I believe their just like us, if they were to have that dream, they would see us silhouetted together".
"so, this was telling me something?" Fennex asks.
"well, no, but we could go on a journey to visit them" Drogon sounded like he was excited for a journey.
"but I'm not sure if I can travel far distances, I don't even see a volcano anywhere..." Seprenta sighed and lays down. Drogon then looks around if he could see something, but then thought of something.
"what if their environments were their themes..." Drogon said, "like for instance that the volcano could be their elemental side, but they could be near a waterfall".
"but how do we know where they are?" Fennex asks.
"I, don't know" Drogon said softly. "but that's adventure, going to where we want to find our reward... except it's to see who you saw" Drogon joyfully spoke.
"well, let's try to find this volcano... what did the volcano look like?" Seprenta asked.
"well, massive, looked like it was going for a long time..." Fennex then was interrupted by Drogon.
"The Never-Ending Volcano, or Volconus" Drogon said, he looks towards to Seprenta and spoke "it's a long trip, so...".
"I think Fennex would be cramped in there if I were to join" Seprenta looked back.
"it can stretch, but yea, a little bit crowded" Drogon licked his lips, small amount of saliva coated the side he licked.
"I guess so, but do make sure we have some breaks too" Seprenta approached closer to Drogon's mouth. Using her tail to wedge open Drogon's jaws, allowing her to do it, eventually Seprenta sees a cave covered in green glowing saliva. Drogon's tongue then extended to lick Seprenta's head. Both smiling but this time Seprenta kind of blushing, Drogon then wraps his tongue around her body and brought her in. Swallowing her like spaghetti, she slid down faster than Fennex.
Fennex hears some squelching noises coming closer to him, but out from the entrance of Drogon's social stomach was Seprenta's head, Seprenta's body then fell into the social stomach and now tried to coil up to save some space. "well, this is interesting, you and me in here, together" Fennex said smiling. Instead of coiling into a pile, Seprenta then thought of coiling around Fennex, Fennex allowing her to coil around him, he remains limb. Seprenta finishing coiling and rests her head near Fennex's. She then licked Fennex's cheek, Fennex looked at her if she did something unusual.
Drogon thinks that Seprenta was coiling Fennex, but it feels really satisfying to him. Taking off to Volconus, he tried to take off gently but his passengers did fell over though. Seprenta loses her grip with Fennex as Drogon took off, and they both fell over. Fennex laying on his back and looks towards to Seprenta, Seprenta thought Fennex would like to be coiled into a wrap. So, coiling around him and rests her head on Fennex's chest. Fennex blushing and Seprenta smiling, they both got comfortable.
Drogon flying high in the sky, but when he looked to his right, he spots a weird thing hovering in the clouds, made of metal and making blue fire from under it, it looks like a spinner toy but hollower. Drogon stopped for moment and inspected the weird thing. But as he just saw the texture of it, it disappeared. Trails of clouds pointed straight into the sky, as if the weird thing was going that way. Drogon forgetting about that moment and continued flying.
Passing lands like forests, swamps, grasslands and a couple villages as well. This was Drogon's first actual adventure where he had to travel far. Finding new sites and beautiful scenes, he kept on flying to their destination. Feeling tired from flying he decided it was a good time to stop, landing in a flower field of poppies. He then spat out Seprenta and Fennex onto the soft flowers. Fennex being in him the longest got used to the darkness, so he's being blinded by the bright flowers and the sun light.
"where are we?" Fennex asks.
"I believe we're in one of the largest flower fields here, quite beautiful, isn't it?" Drogon Said smelling the pretty scent of the flowers. Fennex and Seprenta then decided to smell the flowers as well, smells ok to them, but Drogon probably smells them better than them.
"so, we're stopping here?" Fennex asked, Drogon nods. They all rested on top of the flowers and socially told stories to each other. Laughing and listening to each other's stories, but Drogon had something to say.
"umm, there was something I saw on the way here..." Drogon waited till everybody was focusing on him. "I saw this weird metal object in the distance above the clouds, but when I could describe it, it disappeared".
"so, vanished?" Fennex said.
"well, there was trails from where it went to, so straight into the darkness above" Drogon said in suspicion. Fennex and Seprenta looked at him if he was faking it.
"was there" Seprenta asked.
"yes, but I could be hallucinating" Drogon said, Fennex and Seprenta had no clue why Drogon would be hallucinating.
"well from the story that said this was all fake, it could be true" Seprenta said, Fennex then thought of an idea.
"uhh, Drogon, could you show me this thing?" Fennex asked.
"but it's... oh" Drogon said, trying to remember what it looks likes and sent it to Fennex through telepathy. Fennex now can see this weird thing. But soon as he looked at it, he instantly visioned something, the same thing with the words "AR-9K station" on the ring of it. The next scene was inside a dark room, he finds himself in a casket, the same on from the start. Wearing a mask around his mouth, he could breathe, the casket was also filled with liquid, quite thick liquid. A door opens into the room, bright light shining through a silhouetting the figures that came in.
Waking up from his vision he discovers himself lightly coiled by Seprenta, if she was protecting from the enemy in his unconsciousness. But apparently the was an attack, a pack wolf like canines that are covered downward fur and Quartz like shards protruding from the backs and behind their necks. Fennex was shocked to see this thing, seeing Drogon trying to scare off the wolves and Seprenta caring for Fennex but ready to strike.
"what happened?" Fennex asks Seprenta.
"not now" Seprenta tells back. Drogon snarling at the wolves with a deep rumbling growl hopefully enough to make them fear him. But soon as the first wolf pounces towards Drogon, Drogon counter it with his tail, but soon as he spined back towards the wolves he notices one wolf already charging. Had no time to deal physical damage, he exhaled out a very solid green cloud of smoke, the smoke was heavy enough to remain it the same spot it was before. The wolf jumped right into the smoke hopefully to charge straight through. But Drogon, Seprenta, Fennex and the wolves finds the wolf collapsing past the smoke, unconscious from what the wolf breathed in. The other wolves ran off, but the unconscious wolf remained where it is.
"mind the gas" Drogon said, Fennex and Seprenta tried not to breathe too much. But Fennex thinks he had too much so he falls unconscious from the gas.
PT.5 coming soon...