The Hardest Life PT.2

Story by Fennex Arcan on SoFurry

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This story contains vore, if you don't like vore please skip this and find something else... part 2 of The Hardest Life...

The Hardest Life PT.2

Waking up from his sleep, Fennex sees Seprenta next to him also sleeping. He thought for a moment that he was inside her but got spat out. Looking around he finds himself in a cave entrance, it almost looks like he was in the jaws of something else. There is a couple of crystals radiating colours like sky blue, lime green and a light pastel red. He looks back to Seprenta and notices that she is waking up too. She looks at Fennex and says "how was your sleep?", Fennex took a while to think but then answered.

"It was probably the best sleep I ever had" he said happily. Fennex then looks outside to see that it was a warm morning and no rain pouring down on them. "by the way, where are we?" Fennex asked, Seprenta then also looked outside to see where they are.

"well it was foggy when I came here so let me check" She then exited the cave and inspected. "I don't know..." she continued to look but can't tell if it's familiar to her. She then entered back in and just lays there for a moment. Fennex decides to look at the cave from the outside and see if he remembers, exiting the cave he sees that cave nearly looked dragon like, nearly the same head shape of a dragon, the cave opening looks exactly like a dragon's mouth, but thankfully it wasn't a real dragon.

"at first, I thought it was an actual dragon" he shouts over to Seprenta, Seprenta nods in agreement. "so, what do we do now?" Fennex asks Seprenta, Seprenta thinks what they would do but then remembers the weird PM box Fennex was holding. She slithers further into the cave and finds the box placed next to one of the crystals.

"why not we open this?" she says as she raises the box with her tail. Fennex came over and the box was handing to him. "I think I've seen these boxes before but I didn't bother to open one", Fennex tries to find the sealed opening but finds no way to conserve the box. "just tear it open" Seprenta said as pokes at the box.

"alright, alright..." Fennex then tries to tear it but only scratched it. Fennex then picks up a small sharp stone and scrapped it at the box, tearing the box almost in half as the contents flew out the bottom. "oops... I didn't mean that to happen" he then picks up what was some kind of fruit, looks and feels like a nashi fruit but a solid yellow colour. There was also bars that has "nutrient paste bar" on it. "nutrient paste, sounds yucky" they then looked inside the box and finds a one and a half litre bottle of water, it has "doubled H2O" on it.

"doubled H... 2... 0..., isn't that water?" Seprenta said as she inspects the bottle, "but why is it doubled".

Fennex then added "how about we find out?" he attempts to open the bottle but Seprenta stopped him. She points her tail at the nearest puddle from the rain, "why should I drink from the puddle?" he asks.

"we're pretty much in survival now" She says, Fennex looks at the drink bottle.

"but it's water in hear and water over there", Seprenta then held the bottle with her tail and checked its content.

"doubled means you only need to drink half the amount you usually do" She then hands it back to Fennex.

"ohh, so there is at least three litres of water in this one point five litre bottle" Fennex then grabs all the food and water but then realises that has to carry them by hand.

"why not we store it in me?" Seprenta said.

"I think the food would break down from the heat, and I don't like warm water either" Fennex said.

Seprenta then sighed and said "but you don't have to carry that much", Fennex thought about it for a moment then turned around to Seprenta.

"I'm holding the water though" he said as he handed the food to her. Taking the food from Fennex's hand and just swallows them whole, "better not digest them" Fennex said.

"don't worry, I won't" Seprenta smiled with her tongue limply dangling from her smile. Fennex seeing the bulge from what the food made while sliding down her throat. "right, where to go?", Fennex thought for moment.

"well, I would like to know why there was thing weird thing near me yesterday?" Fennex looked at Seprenta if she would know. She has no clue either, they both just stared at each other waiting for a new conversation to start. "right where to go?" Fennex repeated Seprenta's last question.

"well, maybe we should go to a nearby town perhaps?" Seprenta asks Fennex, Fennex had thought that the town would be somewhat medieval like so he asks.

"what do these towns look like at this current time?", Seprenta found it hard to describe something that she hasn't seen that much.

"well, it's made of wood and stone, umm... yea, wood and stone" Seprenta spoke when she was thinking quite heavily to describe the towns. "nothing that special", Fennex looks back outside and tries to see if he can spot a town in the distance. "there's no towns nearby here" Seprenta said sarcastically at Fennex.

"I thought there could be one nearby, but I guess your right" Fennex then walks outside and calls for Seprenta to come follow. "you know where one is?" Fennex asks Seprenta, Seprenta nods but looks around where she is.

"I know where one is, but I'm not sure where we are though", She continues to look around hopefully to find something to remind her. "well, I think we're lost", Fennex then looks towards where the has risen.

"so, the sun rises on the East and sets on the West, do you know if there's towns in any direction?" Fennex says, Seprenta looks at north then east.

"I might say most of them are at east, but I think we're maybe more north or south to some towns" Seprenta looks towards east, she then added "well there is one we won't miss at all, it's that big it's like a mountain".

"but we could be on the other side of it and may go the wrong way" Fennex added, Seprenta looked at Fennex he was making a joke. "what, it could happen", Fennex then started walking towards where the sun has risen, Seprenta then slithered behind him. As they were travelling they told each about themselves and Seprenta told Fennex some legends and stories of the lands she had heard from. "some of these stories are quite interesting" Fennex said to Seprenta.

"there is another one but people have been saying that it could be true..." Seprenta told Fennex, Fennex nods as if he was saying to continue. "well, they have been saying that none of this is real, all a test, but I highly doubt that though".

Fennex then thinks about it 'what if it is real though, why would I be sent here, which reminds me though...' he turned around to Seprenta and said "do you know what PRY-95 is?", he waits for Seprenta to answer.

Seprenta thought about for a while but all she could get was the 95th what, "well pry is close to prey though, and I think 95 is the 95th, so I think you're the 95th prey". Fennex shocked to hear that, but he was the 95thprey though, he could freak out.

"let's hope that's not true" Fennex said hopefully to get rid of that thought, but instead he kept it and thought about. He knows he's safe with Seprenta around, even though they were friends since yesterday, but she is the safest at the moment. Continuing their adventure, they have eventually made it to a town, except it wasn't the town they wouldn't miss though. "you know this town?" he asked Seprenta.

"I believe this one is called, The Heart of the Grains, judging by the amount of crop farms" Seprenta looked over the vast valley of crop fields and farms on the outside of the town walls. The houses were small but there were lots of them there. Made of wood and stone like Seprenta said, and the crops looks like their nearly ready to be harvested. "well I know I can't come in" Seprenta said disappointedly.

"why is that" Fennex asks.

"I may have a bad reputation here" feeling not happy for herself, but she looks over at Fennex, "I know fruit here is just little bit more expensive than 2 halves of bread loafs here".

"So, you're saying that we should sell our fruit, to get some bread... ok" Fennex then looked over at Seprenta for the fruit. Seprenta then realised what he wanted, turning around and trying to get the fruit out. All Fennex hears is just some light coughing noises, then eventually Seprenta coughed up the fruit. Covered in saliva and other juices, but still pretty perfect. "thanks..." he said slightly disgusted.

"I thought you like..." Seprenta then gets interrupted by Fennex.

"I do, if it were me being the fruit", Fennex drying the fruit and then starts walking over to the town. Following the pathway to the entrance of the town, he then spoke to himself within his head. 'should I live in this town... or work along with Seprenta?' giving himself some time to think, 'I think I should follow Seprenta a bit longer'. Eventually reaching the borders of the town, he is now walking past fields of crops and a few fruit farms. Reaching the entrance of the town and he sees the doors are wide open with activity with the streets of the town. Entering into the town, he finds that it looks like a market day from all the stall stands and people trading, or it could be like this every day. Trying to find the cheapest bread stand but instead finds lots of DIY stands. Fennex then decides to ask some of the locals to help guide him.

He then goes up to someone randomly and approaches a male stranger and asks "uhh, hi... do you know where I could by some bread?", hopefully not making a foul of himself.

"there just at the north wall" the stranger said, Fennex looks towards to the northern wall and spots the right type of stand he wants.

"thanks kind sir" but when Fennex was about to walk off, he was stopped by the same person he asked.

"are you a fox?" he says, Fennex then thinks that his species wasn't allowed here.

So, he responded softly "yes, I'm a fox, but not just any fox, I'm a Fennec Fox".

"ah, that's why you like so cuddly" the stranger said, he then let out his hand to shake hands. "Borkron, that's my name", Fennex was confused at first but then understands.

"Fennex is mine", he shakes hands and paws with each other, "but I do need to hurry though, someone's waiting for me", Borkron looks a little surprised.

"who is this?" he asks.

"umm... can you not tell anyone else?" Fennex said, Borkron then nods, "right, her name is Seprenta..." he says. Waiting for a reaction but it turns out that Borkron didn't know Seprenta.

"well an interesting name though, he or she?" Borkron asks.

"she" Fennex answered.

"ok, see you some time later" Borkron waves him goodbye and walks off. Fennex waves back but he knows he won't be seeing him again after this. Walking to the stall for the beard, he notices a largish crowd blocking his way, he didn't see them there before. Trying to squeeze past the crowd he hears a voice louder than the crowd's. It appears to be an auction stand for what looks like a large box with a cover over it. Fennex thought he has enough time to see what it is.

"people of the Heart of Grains! Today I bring the greatest thing I've ever sold!" said the auctioneer, he was wearing nearly royal like clothing, he looked like he was rich. "one of the biggest, the most aggressive, and the coolest animal I bring today is..." before he pulls off the cover, Fennex thought what it could be, thinking if it's a horse or some other passive animal, but he was very wrong. The cover was thrown off and under the cover was a large cage with one of the meanest wyverns, nearly pure black all over with a glowing green underbelly, neon wing membranes on the inside, pure neon green fur on the neck and back. Fennex was really surprised to see a wyvern in the cage.

The Wyvern then roared trying to intimidate the crowd, definitely made Fennex worried. The crowd mumbling to each other about the magnificent wyvern, till the auctioneer started "do I hear five hundred gold pieces?!", the crowd calling over for how much they wish to pay for this draconic masterpiece, Fennex felt guilty about this auction. But soon as he felt guilty, the wyvern looked in his direction and stared at him, if he was special. Fennex breathing started fasten and feeling light of anxiety. "going once!" the auctioneer cried "going twice..." not wanting to hear the word 'sold' he hopes the dragon would get out though. "SOLD! For eleven hundred gold pieces!" The auctioneer then waved his hand to the one who will pay for that amount of money.

Fennex had a weird feeling that something was going to happen, but right when the feeling started, he heard smashing noise. He looks over towards the wyvern, nothing happening, he looks around, still everything remains normal. Hearing what was wind passing his ears, but no sign of wind blowing around. But after all that, he can all sudden her the ambience around, almost like it wasn't there before. 'what was that' Fennex said to himself, seconds later he decided it was enough and started walking away. But soon as he turned his back, the same smashing noise occurred but sounded very real. He looked around to see that the dragon had escaped and was attempting to snatch Fennex with its feet.

PT.3 coming soon...