Dominion Khajiit Chapter 1
They kept on with their banter, but zaahni couldn't hear it. she was following a blue stream of air to somewhere deep in the woods.
The legend of Tigersight Chapter 7
Tricia had gotten used to his banter. she had asked on a few occasions why he always said that. the usual reply was, "ya know i haven't a clue myself, it's just something i say." just in case the answer changed she asked again, as they got in line.
Jade and Amethyst (Chapter 2)
I rarely stay long enough to banter except with each jeweler, and even then, never more than a few minutes." "oh." giada glanced away for a moment, a bit embarrassed, but she couldn't think why that would be.
Half-Blood Chapter I
Ian told him in a cheerful tone enjoying the banter. lucas seemed to enjoy it somewhat as well as ian could've sworn a small smile crossed his face. "you sound just like my sister..." he stated in a somewhat bemused manner. _'aha!
The New Alveri Chronicles: In the Land of Nod
Said marcus in his now familiar banter. "i can double the price for you!" i rolled my eyes, "sixy- forty." marcus fumed for a minute more, grumbling for an even share, but he and i both knew that my offer was more than fair.
Lessions Learned Chapter 1
Caid bantered back, pointing his chopsticks at the auburn wolf. "well, anyway," said the reddish canine, "we're here now.
Starlight Part 4
Bensen gets the mystic some lunch and the two decide to dine in his office where the skunk and wolf give some idle chat and banter, the skunk opening the core of the chatter "i remember all the technology we talked about when we met and since then
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 37: The Door You Opened
He had been asking that, he knew, but as time went on it felt more and more like playful banter rather than him really asking for that. "come on, what are you waiting for?" "kev, i'm not really in the mood for games."
Living the Dream, Part 1
The banter stopped as wayne unlocked the van, and gave gabby a considering look as they took their seats. gabby immediately got suspicious. "you're thinking. bad stuff always happens when you do that."
Vengeance Set 4 (16-20)
Renamon: fine, but enough idle banter your a tester! now! nathan: understood! double evolution! nathan pressed two buttons on his d-ark and renamon's fur peeled off leaving a frame work. which expanded into kyubimon and then compacted into taomon.
The illicit edge to his smile was the only darker edge to his expression, which was otherwise carefully pulled into a façade of light banter. he'd never be pulled aside for bullying or stirring up trouble - not as long as he worked there.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 23
The group bore witness to the banter, though it was clear that belial slowly lost his temper, which became worse when belial said, "(you wanna fight? is that it?