Digimon Darkness Chapter 12

Darkness Chapter 12 Gargomon: Gargo lasers! The powerful energy bullets collided into Renamon! But she was up faster then when she went down! She leapt right on Gargomon Renamon: Run! \*sounding concerned\* Gargomon: huh? Renamon: GET YOUR TAMER...

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Chapter 40: Warm Friendship

He quickly lunges toward the orgemon that attacks vilvet ignoring the blow from the rest ogremons. al used his tail to swipe the ogremon away from vilvet. al quickly moved at vilvet's front. "don't you even dare touch her!" al growled at them.

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Vengeance Set 4 (16-20)

V16: Stingmon's Return Nathan's half-asleep waiting and resting at the same time.. He rolls out of bed as he starts to feel fur against his face. Nathan: It's taken a month but not today Renamon! Renamon: Aw, that was fun! **frowns** Nathan: Oh...

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