Clarity - Chapter 13: Alone Together
No one to find me, a game of hide-and-seek, all alone. finally across the city, i run up the stairs two at a time, then slam the door behind me. home again... and the perfect hiding place for what comes next. "hnn... b-bone, i...
Age of Heroes Ch13 The Obstacle Course
hide and seek, and quirk dodgeball were just two of the many activities the roulette went over. inevitably it stopped, and kinus, along with everyone else, read the next challenge.
The Small Get Smaller
hide and seek! and whoever finds me wins... then i'll use the reversal on the wand." "oh! a game sounds fun!" kido bounced up and down. "a game, hm?" metaxi considered. he was fairly confident he needed no help from her.
TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 17 childhood memories
Now it was georga's turn again and the three dragons continued their hide and seek game for about an hour. "do you young ones want a snack?" fuoca asked interrupting their game. "yeah!", "for sure!"
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 12
Predator and prey, playing a deadly game of hide and seek, in perfect harmony. mostly.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 22
and seek will be over.
Antithesis, An ancient stage is set
We used to play hide and seek out there, and with fire tea, this special drink we made, we could stay out for hours without getting cold..."
Aaru - Chapter 13 (Viol)
"you want to play hide and seek now?" he called out, his overly large ears jiggling as he spoke. i leapt from the branch, and the moment i did i saw their ear twitch.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 13
and seek with its prey.
Primrose Valley: Who Needs Babysitters
"was playing hide and seek with calex after school yesterday." zeelo explained. "i played for a bit but had to go home earlier... and um well... you know how calex gets and likes to make things interesting.
It was like when i would play hide and seek, when i was small, i could feel the way to get inside a place. i once hid inside a book case and then hiroku found me and we couldn't figure out how i had gotten in or how to get me out again."
The End of the SWAT Kats! Part One
"it's hide-and-seek." "aww, well then, let's play!" hard drive snarled. he lifted up his arm, firing bolts of electricity at the empty car razor was hiding behind. the bolts hit the vehicle, shattering the glass and melting the metal.