The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 13

Story by Everlast on SoFurry

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#91 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions

Chapter 13

When the wall slid back in place, leaving the two of them standing back on the gloomy staircase with their tails wagging ever so slowly, moving with unexplained trepidation. What was the reason for this specific anxiety they couldn't really tell. Their eyes however tried to find the answer for that question, by examining the magical wall long after it mended itself with the rest of the structure.

"Can you believe this?" Spyro finally murmured, his voice s a rumbling whisper

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around it" Cynder replied, having a different point of reference than him without a doubt.

Spyro meant his brother, she however was awe struck by something entirely different. Acceptance from a stranger. First Flare admitted to at least partially trust Spyro and now this. Maybe the time has finally come to turn the tables.

"Sparx has a partner" he exhaled deeply, the loud whisper sounding like a gasp for air "And she's a freaking DRAGON!" he cringed when he pronounced the last words, covering his extended in her direction head behind his wing as if hiding himself from intent stares gawking at them through the invisible cracks in the wall

Who knows, maybe he was right.

Cynder smiled, a thought crossed her head about telling him that Sparx simply tried to divert his attention, but she decided not to say anything. The risk of a heart attack was too high and she needs that heart to beat.

"What do you think they're doing with clay?" he whispered again, eyes shifting at his wing membrane that separated his head from the wall, amethyst pupils intently scanning for the tiniest sight of crack

She remained calm, the only thing that betrayed her amusement was the joyful bouncing of her tail. Until her green eyes didn't shift in his direction, when she looked a chuckle burst from her throat that she simply couldn't contain.

He looked like one of those paranoid, old hags plotting over a boiling cauldron.

"Gossip?" she giggled "And here I thought I was the girl in this relationship"

Spyro bit his lip, a disturbed wince appeared on his snout.

"Honestly I can't stop thinking about it. When I accidentally mentioned that it had something to do know...the kinky stuff, all sorts of images keep pouring into my head and I can't get rid of them"

His words were enough to start the cogs of fantasy inside her own head. They immediately jumped into such a high pace that momentarily gross images started flashing before her eyes.

"Hey!" Cynder whined, shutting her eyes and shaking her head firmly from side to side "Don't pass them on me!"

"Sorry, they just don't want to go away"

"Listen here Spyro" she said sternly, gently shoving him out of the way as she pushed herself in between him and the secret door.

"See this wall?" her blade like tail tip tapped twice against the hollow wall behind her, her tail however didn't return to its natural position, it however near the wall. Part of her mind desperately fought back the urge to knock at the magical door like Spyro did when he opened them.

"It's closed" Cynder continued, silencing the voices of her inward struggle "That chapter of our story is finished "By leaving that room we started a new one, and to continue it we must start focusing on it"

Her tail tapped against the artificial wall again.

"Besides, Sparx is in there, he willingly got himself locked up in there. We can't waste such an opportunity, we better be out of here before Coriza's patience runs out and Sparx will have to direct his nagging attention at us"

Spyro's eyes landed on the magical wall, amethyst pupils eyed it from up to down.

"How do you do it?" he asked, question mumbled into the air, not directed at anybody, coming out as an awe struck whisper "The curiosity is eating me up, I can barely stand straight. With last shreds of will I'm holding back from jumping at this wall"

Cynder threw a quick glance behind her shoulder "I'm curious too" her eyes landed on her risen tail, she could hear the knock password resonating from her blade tip

With a shake of her head she jerked her neck back to its natural position, dragging the tail beneath her underbelly. She rolled it around her left back leg until she reached the uncomfortable limit of straining it too far. Her back started to hurt and that itchy, numbing feeling kept pulsing through her whole spine as if an invisible hand would be dragging a feathered needle across her bones, puncturing her flesh occasionally in the right places.

A self-inflicted draconic acupuncture.

She raised her back leg and then pushed it back down, straight on the tail, pinning it to the ground. It started to shake, her body instinctively fighting against the uncomfortable position.

"But" she continued "I like Coriza too much to offend her like that and...well...I owe something to Sparx"

"She really left an impact on you didn't she?"

Cynder smiled teasingly "Look who's talking. Oh dedicatedand pretty cleric" she poorly mimicked his voice

Spyro blushed, he looked to the side, scratching nervously the back of his head .

"I didn't mean're still the most beautiful dragoness I ever met"

"Too little too late" she replied with an endearing grin

He cringed, in his ashamed state clearly not noticing the humorous tone in her voice.


"Hey" she whispered kindly, jumping in his direction, reassuringly licking his cheek, it was enough to make his head jerk back up "I was kidding silly" she nuzzled him affectionately, sliding her cheek fondly against his, until her closed eyed snout was reaching behind his neck

"You're so spyroish" she purred endearingly

He gently moved away from the special hug, kissing the tip of her nose on the way, making her giggle slightly.

"What does that even mean? Sparx was sometimes calling me like that"

Cynder smiled, fondling his purple cheek lovingly "That means I love you for who you are"

"As long as you aren't mad at me I'll believe that"

She laughed "I'm not jealous Spyro, innocent flirting doesn't bother me"

"How exactly will you know which flirting is innocent and which not?"

She shrugged "Doesn't really matter if I will be able to tell the difference or not. I'll make sure that it stays what I consider to be innocent" she started to seductively poke his leg, moving her claw inch by inch slowly upward. Her eyes followed its every move, gleaming with almost demonic irony.

"If someone would ever want to get to you they would first need to go through me"

A very attractive, ominous smile stretched her lips, if demons existed, Spyro was certain that they would smile exactly like she is now. Full of mystery, promise, hint of submission and dose of dark threat.

Even if it was somewhat diabolic, he simply couldn't get his eyes off her smiling mouth. What many would find displeasing he found exciting. There was something about ominous and gloomily intimidating side of a female that pulled him closer.

Everyone has a fetish, it seems this is his own.

Her moving claw touched his chest.

"They would learn the true definition of darkness then" her paw stopped on his chest, feeling the audible beating of his heart underneath. Green eyes sparkled with alluring, full of energy determination

"I'm not letting go of my spoils" she whispered with such a reverent and gloomy tone that her words sounded like prayer, or a deliberate promise, both you don't necessarily direct towards heaven

Spyro impulsively reached forward, paw touching her shoulder and sliding down her chest, just to go back up and gently tug on the choker. His paw repeated the caress, feeling every inch of her extremely sensual body, examining it far too carnally than he intended.

He didn't notice her wide, excited stare, nor he felt when his legs pushed him forward, towards her. He observed her shivering body and his claw that just reached her choker again, claws of which slid underneath the slit between her neck and the jewelry, wrapping around it like hooks. He didn't even feel the rather confident tug on it that pulled her closer with a blissful, squealing gasp.

"You're so sexy when you are menacing like that" he whispered reverently, diving his head under her chin, directing his hot breath exactly in the spot he instinctively knew would make her excited. He was ready to accept whatever gift his devil had to offer.

His black devil let out a held back, wavering moan into the ceiling, her eyes instantly shut themselves tight. Paw that was on his golden chest hit the ground just in time to hold her three legged body to topple over him.

"You have issues you know that?" Cynder let out a blissful, squeaking moan, smile following closely in its wake

'I can't help myself" his teeth clicked on the choker, he could feel the trembles of excitement ringing across the silver ring, caressing his mouth in the most sensual of ways

"I love your ominous, dominant energy"

"Dominant?" she purred, biting her lower lip, slowly drowning in the hot waves of his breath bouncing of her sensitive neck scales

"You are basically holding me by the throat"

"Should I stop?" he muttered seductively, holding the bracelet by his fangs only. The question sounded wrong in his head, only by last ounces of clarity recognizing the place they were in and its holy atmosphere

And yet his red tongue danced inside his opened mouth, pushing back and forward like an alligator in its lair playing a game of deadly hide and seek with its prey. It felt wrong, but if she would give him permission to continue he wouldn't be able to hold back.

And the mythical male intuition, commonly waking up only in one situation told him that if that tongue would lash out and touch her scales they both would have far more sins to answer for.

He unconsciously begged for approval.

"No" Cynder rasped

His tongue momentarily lashed out, mind shut itself out suddenly, ability to think breaking like an old machine.

It touched soft scales, very quickly, he licked at them gently in a moment's notice. His mind completely black, he only felt the pulsing heat wafting through his body, beginning from the loins.

It felt great and yet there was that unexplained sense of uneasiness gathering up in him, like a dark cloud covering the azure sky.

It wasn't regret behind the doubt, it wasn't a sudden, last spark of clarity nor it was guilt.

It was the lack of any sound.

Was his male intuition wrong?

It couldn't be.

A bear that sleeps practically all its life and wakes up only when it smells honey can't be wrong.

His eyes opened slowly at first, bringing softly the blurry world back into his senses. The soft magenta scales were still in front of him.

However there was no tongue.

Where was his tongue?

His now huge pupils went down, only now clearly realizing that there was nothing sticking out from his mouth.

Because it was blocked by a black paw.

His tongue slid back into place, dumbfounded and pleading purple eyes rose up. Meeting a pair of beautiful emerald orbs looking down on him.

"But you can't continue" Cynder whispered kindly, her voice wavering with painful yearning "Not here"

Spyro kept staring at her, he felt his mind waking up from its short slumber, their goal, the atmosphere, the power of this place, blame and much more were coming back to him. He groaned into her paw, incomprehensibly begging her to reconsider before it will be too late.

Begging her to open the door to blissful oblivion.

His lips eventually withdrew from her paw.

It was over.

"You were saying something about being dominant?" his lips curled into a small smile

"It has nothing to do with dominance" she replied, eyes briefly taking notice every muscle in his body "I'm still trying to decide if its prudence or stupidity"

"Any way I can help?" he asked innocently

Cynder smiled "Aren't we in a frisky mood. All it took was a reminder of a different girl. I'll have to remember that"

He bit his lip, tail twitched nervously, he felt extremely awkward in this vulnerable position.

She definitely noticed his struggle since a slight chuckle escaped her throat.

"Take that as a compliment, you have a good taste. Coriza has really pretty eyes"

Spyro turned his gaze away, the priestess beautiful sun like stare flashed before his eyes.

"I didn't notice"

She smirked "Sure you didn't, for what it is worth I appreciate the lie though" she turned around, flicking her way in an obvious follow me gesture "Come on, let's go back, otherwise you might try to headbutt that wall"

He rolled his eyes, following his companion patiently.

"Do you need to be such a tease?"

"Do you really need to ask?" she asked without turning around

They walked up the stairs, not really aware of how much time has passed, the only thing that signaled to them that it isn't late was the silence from the hall above. The echo of their clicking claws was the only noise that accompanied them through their climb.

They couldn't see a single soul when they finally stepped into the main room. Both of them exchanged short, worried glances before continuing forward. The silence, pleasant and somewhat becoming earlier felt suddenly more choking and dreadful.

The feeling of anxiety weighted heavily on them as they continued onwards, towards the nearby column, prepared to make a turn.

And then suddenly a big shadow stretched itself over the ground and covered them with its black veil.

Both of them gasped, but it was not a gasp of surprise and fear, but one filled with relief when they immediately recognized who cast this big shadow.

"Finally you decided to show up" Cyril growled at them, sharp teeth sticking out like from a mouth of a furious abyssal beast "Where the hell were you?"

"It doesn't matter" Cynder replied, the Guardian sucking out whole joy from her voice "What's important is that we're here" she looked past the Guardian, scanning the empty hall "And on time"

"Don't talk to me like you have any authority here little girl" the growl rumbling within his throat became deeper "If it was not for your hurt feelings, frail nature and tears we would prepare ourselves properly for the meeting with the smelly rat"

"Cyril!" Spyro's angry voice rumbled within the temple, the echo climbing even the stairs, bouncing off the walls like a drunk "Stop it this instant! You have no right to speak to Cynder like that"

"I'm the Guardian boy, I have the damn right to do everything I want!"

"Girl? Boy?" Cynder snickered "Someone acts here like he would age while we weren't looking, gaining the arrogant wisdom of an ancient, grumpy dragon" she grinned tauntingly "Maybe if we turn around we'll be lucky enough to see you wrinkled and withering, or, what would be more preferable, dead"

"Watch your tongue whelp!" Cyril roared furiously, the feral, predatory wrath so palpable in his blare that even the colorful stained glass windows dotting the temple seemed to dim and loose its colors, becoming nearly transparent

Even the images they represented, normally artificial, looked like they inhaled a breath of life. Following in the wake of its colors the images seemed to cringe and shrink, sliding away from the furious dragon on the floor until they resembled nothing but a dot.

The Guardian stormed in her direction, stopping just inches from her front paws, making her head tilt up basically to its limit as she maintained unwavering eye contact. The shadow he cast grew in size and stretched far behind her, resembling a black frying pan.

Ready to be heated with the fire of his fury.

"Or the next tears I'll squeeze out of you will be the consequence of shattered bones" Cyril craned his neck forward, so close to the black girl's snout that their noses nearly touched

Cynder didn't look away, not even when she felt his cold breath on her snout. His own eyes were constantly locked with hers, fighting a battle of their own.

"Be careful about sudden moves or you might strain your very old back" she replied coldly, tone carrying unwavering, villainous confidence

The Guardian's paw swiftly shot forward, claws spread wide, ready to sink into her throat yet stopping in midair.

She didn't even flinch.

His ferocious claws clenched into a fist, scales cracked on his leg as he flexed it beyond the comfortable limit of every muscle.

"How easy it would be to snap your insolent neck" he growled, eyes sparkled dreamily, seeing in great detail the thought he voiced

She didn't pay his paw any attention.

"You would be wise to watch for that heart of yours, a scream from this insolent neck might give it an attack"

"Enough!" Spyro roared, jumping in between them, shoving the clenched paw out of the way

Claws of which spread open, and made that barely noticeable move against the current, claws ready to slice through anything that stood in its way.

The paw retreated back to its icy owner just when it was about to connect with the purple body.

"Are you insane?" he looked accusingly at the ice dragon

Cyril's lips wavered visibly, displaying rows of tightly clenched teeth. They were pushing against each other so strongly that if somebody would look closely he could see cracks appearing on the enamel.

"We came here as one, to counter Brill's strategy! We won't be able to do that if we kill each other first!"

"You might want to direct this look you are giving me towards your disrespectful she devil" Cyril growled

"He's starting from you out of politeness" Cynder chimed in, provocatively not glancing in the dragon's way, only smiling arrogantly "Old dragons have troubles with hearing I HEARD"

With a rumbling growl Cyril pushed in her direction, the ground whined under his forceful step.

"That's it you little bitch!"

"STOP!" Spyro roared, enveloping himself in a ball of electricity, shocking tendrils of which zapped both of his arguing companions, making them jump back with startled gasps

"Don't you see what you're doing?!" he looked around, eyes jumping between the two draconic figures he separated "You're making our visit here pointless! Where's the sense in putting some sense into Brill's head when we act like the very same moles we use as our argument!?"

"You want us to focus on the job at paw?" Cyril snarled "You better keep your friend in check, preferably with a chain around her neck. Experience showed us that she was tolerable then"

"Cyril for Ancestor's sake!" Spyro admonished the Guardian

"You were-"

"Cynder, no!" he yelled, cutting her off while turning in her direction, stomping his leg against the ground "Not another word. Please!" he exhaled


"NO!" Spyro interjected again, this time his roar cutting off the Guardian "Just shut up!" his irritated eyes jumped between both arguing parties "Both of you!"

Cynder frowned, obviously mad at him for not taking her side.

Cyril in fact was no different, at least they can agree on something.

And it's the dislike for his mediatory position.

"The Taint sometimes spreads its corruption in the most subtle of ways"

Both Cyril and Cynder balked at the sound of the familiar, calm voice. Their immediately wide eyes dashed in its direction.

Only Spyro didn't react like the other two. His head instead of sharply turning around with the snapping sound of bones slid slowly towards the floor. His mouth parted and a breath he would never suspect he will feel in the presence of the new arrival left his throat.

It was a prolonged breath of extreme relief.

"Like for instance manifesting itself in an argument "Brill appeared on the staircase standing on its last step, eyes folded behind his back

"You finally decided to show your cowardly nose here" Cyril stated coldly, his expression adorned by a threatening, and triumphantly amused slight grin

"Cowardly?" the mole cocked his head slightly, the golden eye sewn into the robe he was wearing seemed to widen, pushed forward by the crunched material

"This is the holy resting place for the saint Ancestors, in no other place you can feel their divine energy coursing through you

"Don't sell me another one of your fairytales old coot. I'll never believe that it took you so long to come down to us without some excuse behind it"

Brill eyed the Guardian cautiously "Even after so many years I still find your ability to perceive truth with your arrogant blindfold. It's sad however that you peek through it only when chasing after someone your troubled mind sees as a threat"

The ice dragon grinned triumphantly "So you admit to stalling our meeting"

The mole nodded "I do, but not because of the reason your mind undoubtedly thinks about now. I delayed our meeting for the sole purpose of allowing you to experience the dark work of Taint on your own scales"

The rodent's eyes landed on Cynder, the artificial eye on his robe seemed to narrow itself on the female.

"You have unhealthy presumption of showing yourself here, however I am glad to see you"

Cynder returned the cold gesture, not allowing herself to be fooled by the mole's words.

"I can't say that the pleasure is mutual"

Spyro's eyes instantly scanned the temple, he didn't like the mole's words, especially not after their last conversation. He didn't trust the rodent, nor he trusted his intentions. Every word the mole spoke had a second meaning for the young drake.

There was undoubtedly a delicate hint of joy in the priest's voice, yet he didn't believe it came from the actual fact of meeting Cynder, but more likely from the opportunity to end her unholy existence presenting itself.

More than once Spyro could swear that the shadows behind the columns moved, that he noticed pieces of material sticking out from their hiding places. More than once he convinced himself that they were being watched the moment they got here. More than once he could swear that he noticed the silhouettes of people hiding behind the pillars.

Assassins just waiting for the right signal.

And yet he never moved, no matter how hard he wanted to. An impulse held him back, whenever he felt it the pulse pounded with a specific tone, carrying words that someone quite special recently said to him.

Not everything is as it seems.

He found the name for that impulse.

It was trust.

And Sparx had his unflinching reliance.

Brill stepped down from the stairs, slowly sauntering through the temple, his steps light and barely hearable when they touched the floor, as if he was careful not to wake up the statues.

"Have you finally seen the truth behind your vile existence? Realized how much it corrupts those around you?" he waved his hand around, gesturing at the rows of statues "Are you ready to repent for your sins under the watchful eyes of the Sacred?"

Spyro turned around, tail flicked angrily as he narrowed his purple gaze on the mole.

"Don't answer that Cynder" he mumbled "You did nothing evil that you would need to ask for forgiveness"

"That isn't the truth is it?" The rodent concentrated entirely on the black dragoness, watching her like a parent who caught his child on a lie "Redemption is a beautiful star to aim for"

Cynder's claws drummed softly against the floor, the mole knew which buttons to press, she can give him that. Whether he manipulated her, or was entirely sincere in his approach she couldn't really tell. If he is their enemy, it would be better if he had as little secrets as possible.

"Alright, I'll bite"

"Cynder!' Spyro called her name painfully through clenched teeth

She threw him a brief glance, a gaze that spoke silent words only for him to understand. However when she looked into his eyes it was her that got smitten.

He wasn't blaming her for the curiosity, he was terrified that the mole might fill her head with doubt. A path they both didn't want to tread.

"How could I achieve redemption?" she asked, winking at her partner before turning her head, giving a clear signal that she knows what she's doing

Purposely and with great difficulty convincing herself that the expression she caused to appear on his snout was not that of utter devastation.

Brill looked straight at her, despite everything she heard about him, or heard him saying, here, in this temple he radiated a specific aura. Aura of generosity, honesty and comfort, even respect.

He was at home and he invited you to join him and you knew only good things await you within, as if you would be staying at your grandparents house.

"By death"

Cynder was stunned by his response, not the words itself, but the tone, gentle and lovingly kind. She was quite certain that for a very brief moment there she agreed with him.

Spyro on the other paw became even more uneasy, by now he was practically spinning in place like a drill. If the assassins didn't make a move earlier they will surely attack now. It's only a matter of seconds before poisoned daggers and darts start flying.

No one appeared.

"You confessed!" Cyril exclaimed, the breath wafting from his mouth was like a freezing cloud "You arrogant fool! You might have lured some pitiful whiners to your side but that doesn't change the fact that law is still present in this city! And being the head of an organized crime capable of murder in broad daylight, hiding under the façade of a religious group is a punishable offense!"

The mole shook his head sadly "Oh Cyril, Cyril, you were always too rushed. Always the first to jump to conclusions. Always certain that your point of view is the most accurate one. Always looking down on people who you have authority over"

He raised his head, tendrils of his specific aura embracing the Guardian.

"And you were always wrong"

Cyril visibly flinched, only long enough for a fast and perceptive eye to see. He was the one who was the most aggressively pitted against the priest from the three dragons. Yet, even his stout defense allowed the mole's gentle and yet powerful taunt graze his soul. For no longer than a split second the Guardian's expression softened, head ready to confess and accept the accusations with a nod.

For a split second ready to acknowledge them as honest truth.

"Your encased in an areola of the all knowing, caring prophet words don't work on me rodent!" Cyril snapped at the priest, breaking the weak shackles of whatever spell that was holding him "You might fool all those meek, pitiful idiots without any spark of belief in their own value, but I see through your manipulative nature like through glass!"

"I have never manipulated anyone"

Cyril laughed, bitterness dripped from his laugh like rain from a leaf.

"And what was that about redemption and corruption? I'm sure you brought these words up simply by accident and their popularity in our day to day oratory life"

"There was no hidden intention behind the words I said" Brill responded calmly, his voice soft as the touch of a hand caressing a pet's fur

"Don't insult me mole!" the Guardian growled, ending his laughter efficiently, the anger in his voice emphasized by the sharp tip of his claw pointing at the priest

"You exactly know who stands before you, precisely are aware of every burden each of us carry. Have full knowledge of what drives and motivates us. I tell you now that you are wasting your breath, better save it for someone weak willed because that girl is out of your league"

He craned his neck forward, eyes with contempt rolling around in his eyeballs, scanning the surroundings.

"You think these rows of cold rock have power little creature? If so then how will you call the strength that radiates from that girl over there? You might have control over the artificial and ordinary, but your vile, disgusting methods won't work on the extraordinary and alive"

Cynder blinked surprised, leaning in her purple partner's direction, not losing the battling duo from her sight.

"Did he just compliment me?" she whispered dumbfounded

Spyro swallowed, undeniably sharing her surprise.

"Yeah" he mumbled back

"Bold words for someone who so freely tarnished uniqueness" Brill commented on the Guardian's monolog

"Code of conduct of higher classes is beyond your limited comprehension" Cyril replied arrogantly "You can't possibly understand my kind, no matter how many statues you build, especially you can't comprehend the supremacy of icons of our race that the three of us represent"

"Well" Spyro whispered with an amused shrug "At least he still knows how to rub his own ego"

Cynder giggled.

Brill paced slowly across the nearly sterile floor of the temple, placing his hand reverently on the base of a nearby statue.

"Have you ever considered the possibility that perhaps you are your own worst enemy Cyril?"

"Spare me your prattle" the ice dragon hissed "I'm too old for your tricks"

"There are many dragons serving this temple, the higher class as you called it reaches even here. Uniting us in faith"

"Don't you dare comparing the waste you gathered here to true dragons!" Cyril rumbled in abhorrence "The spineless mewling sheep-things with draconic tails you amassed here are fit only to be turned into stuffed mascots"

Behind the old dragon the two young drakes gasped faintly, their eyes met each other and they immediately knew they were thinking about the same thing.

Sparx' new friend Coriza.

The cleric and every other dragon similar to her, predators that gave up on fighting, how would they feel knowing that their leader was considering them to be nothing more than trash.

Cynder growled quietly, muscles tensing, unfair treatment is something she is very familiar with, the pain it causes can't be compared to any known agony. Whatever respect the Guardian managed to build during his conversation with the mole shattered like fragile glass.

She was going to make sure that he knows that.

"No Cynder" she was stopped by a paw grabbing her leg tightly

At first impulse she wanted to indignantly break free, but the moment she looked into Spyro's caring eyes her expression softened momentarily.

She was in his debt, the earth will die first before she will even think of ignoring it.

"I know it hurts to hear it" Spyro whispered kindly "I also believe that this isn't fair, but Cyril has the right to have his opinion and we can't judge him for that. I sound like a hypocrite now I know, but it will be best if we keep our feelings to ourselves. Don't infuriate Cyril, don't give Brill any more arguments against you. Just let it go"

She bit her lower lip, the fang slid across the soft flesh back and forth, which on closer inspection looked like some sort of silent incantation.

For Spyro the analogy seemed perfectly accurate, he was certain she was performing a ritual, one entirely prepared for her own demons of independence.

"Ok" Cynder eventually whispered back, successfully chasing the demons away.

The mole withdrew his hand from the statue with a forceful jerk, it momentarily clenched into a fist as if struggling against the feeling of touching something disgusting.

"You are a flaw Cyril on the image of dragonkind. The most dreadful thing is that it's not the Taint influencing you. It is your own soul"

Cyril smirked "On YOUR image of dragonkind you forgot to add"

"Talking with you has no point, your arrogance makes you blind to the vision of others"

"That's good, because I grow tired of listening to your nauseating voice. Iron the rag you're wearing mole. Time for you to answer for your crimes" he narrowed his gaze on the priest "Lucky for you that I'm not exacting your punishment. Stupid bonds of leadership" he growled under his breath

"Crime?" Brill asked surprised "What kind of crime your reckless mind created this time?"

"Death threats and murder attempt and actual killing for starters. You must realize little mole that no matter what you do you will always lose. You might try to create the perfect blaming plan, but it will be worthless"

He confidently strode forward, forming a protective scaly shield from his own body as he hid the young black dragoness behind his massive figure.

"As long as I am here you won't lay even a single claw on her scales"

Brill with a calm sigh folded his hands behind his back.

"You have evidence supporting your accusations I believe? Because without any these are nothing but the delusions of your filled with images of grandeur mind. The only accusation I can answer to and hence defend myself are the supposed death threats"

He saunter towards another stature, with great care rekindling the candle at its base.

"That accusation is as reliable as your faith in the people"

"That's how you plan to defend yourself?" Cyril snarled "With mockery? A pitiful line of defense especially when I was there when you demanded Cynder's death just not so long ago. I was also there when you openly encouraged people to start a bloodshed"

"When I referred to spilling the blood of the tainted it wasn't my consent for taking up arms, do you see any fights going on? No. And you would know that there was no risk of a riot if you would only come to one of my sermons"

The cleric spread his arms wide, the robe on his arms fluttered gently. He spun around delicately as if trying to invite the temple into a hug.

"This place gives me the strength to guide my flock through the right path, away from the tainted road. We all carry the Darkness inside!" he shouted suddenly, making all three dragons gasp as he pointed in their direction

Spyro noticed a familiar spark of insanity in the mole's eyes.

The priest clenched his extended hand and pressed the fist to his heart with an audible thud that would made anyone else caught his lungs out.

"I dedicated my life to become the Seeker, I see Darkness, I won't let its black tentacles devour the souls of my flock. I will guide people to the light. And as for now I'm successful, there are no tainted among us"

Cyril shook his head "You stupid little fucker" he mumbled under his breath, words for only him to hear

Brill took a deep breath, folding his hands once more behind his back.

"I have never and will never deliver any death threats. What I presented here was an offer"

"An offer?" the Guardian laughed bitterly "You're asking someone if they would be so kind to give away their lives?" another dose of laughter escaped his throat "Why of course! Just blink and she'll jump right into the fire" as if by a magic touch the explosion of bitter joy ended, turning the dragon's expression back to its cold self

"You're even more insane than I originally thought"

"You shouldn't laugh, decisions of other people might surprise you"

"By all means!" Cyril stepped to the side, gesturing at the young black dragoness with a wry wave of his leg "Ask! I'm sure she won't have any objections! Who wouldn't want to die for you!"

"She wouldn't be doing it for me, but for the world" Brill responded calmly, stepping in the young girl's sight, stopping exactly in the colorfully illuminated rectangle on the floor

In the brilliant pillar of light coming from what seemed to be haven themselves the mole's frail figure radiated a beaming, blinding aura of respect and kindness.

"Is there any light still left in you girl?" the mole asked "Do you accept my offer?"

Cynder opened her mouth automatically yet surprisingly no sound came out. The ridicule of the request was beyond any reasonable measure and yet, part of her mind caught her on hesitation, scolding her for it like parents catching their young child on doing something a child should never be doing.

For a period of time, so short that no clock was capable of measuring it, no wise scientist capable of finding a name for it, Cynder heard herself saying Yes.

And in that particular moment she felt that everything is as it was supposed to be.

"I think I'll take a raincheck on your generous offer, thanks" Cynder eventually replied. In reality only a second has passed

Spyro instinctively bent on his legs, preparing himself for any kind of surprise from the mole, even when the priest didn't show any hint of hostility so far.

Brill sighed sadly, the aura of a divine creature dispersed with the beaten exhale of air. In the bright light every dry wrinkle was clearly visible. The mole's body looked very old and frail, no doubt applying a little pressure would make it snap like a twig.

Spyro portraying the mole as the most wicked and vile creatures in Warfang was the only one who noticed the change in the priest's appearance. His bent legs straightened up slowly as if they were made from rusted springs, eyes previously narrowed and fierce softened and widened.

For the very first time since he seen the mole he perceived him for what he truly is. An old creature whose mind clings to life with whatever power it has left. Spyro believed that the clench was so desperate that the poor mole doesn't even realize that his vision is nothing more than a delusional, senile breath of life.

For the very first time since he met the mole he pitied the priest.

"I pray that one day there will be someone who will shed the veil of obliviousness, before it's too late and the Taint will consume those around"

"You're asking her to die!" Spyro finally protested, the aggression that boiled within him evaporated, he wasn't irritated with the mole. His voice reverberated no hidden hostility. His tone of voice was normal, as if he would be talking to just some complete stranger, a complete confused stranger.

One of Cynder's brows reacted to his unexpected tone, she turned her gaze to observe him. Curiously most of all.

"Can't you see how insane that sounds? Who would simply throw one's life away just because a person who showed nothing but resentment asked?"

Brill's attention turned towards the young drake, his head tilted down and then slowly began to rise.

Spyro felt every single burning second of that intent scan, as if the cleric would be branding him with his stare.

"You changed boy since our last meeting" the priest gave him another look over, this time a brief one "You wouldn't be asking me that question if it would be for the better"

"Reasonable doubt has no place here" Cyril commented with mocking amusement "The only satisfying change for you would be if Spyro would start drooling nonsense like you"

The mole's head suddenly cocked to the side so fiercely that Spyro heard the breaking of bones and snapping sounds of tearing old flesh. For a moment he imagined that the priest broke his neck, he imagined that his head would forever remain tilted to the side.

And his eyes would never close.

Zombie mole.

A horrible stench of decay wafted across his purple nose.

Cold fingers of fear sprinted along his draconic back making him shiver.

"I sense something in you that I didn't feel the last time we met" one of the priest's hands clenched on the artificial eye sewn into his robe

"It's called disgust" Cyril chimed in, his voice ringing with laughter "At first meeting the seeds of abhorrence for your fanatical ways are planted. They only start to blossom with time, like a pretty flower"

The mole extended his hand beyond the pillar of light, the old fingers shook with uncontrollable spasms of age. Curled claws clenched and unclenched themselves in the most popular gesture requesting approach.

"Come here into the light, let me take a closer look at you"

The priest's wish filled Cynder with overwhelming dread making her so cold that for a moment she felt like someone locked here in literal Dante's Freezer. The hand ahead suddenly started to shed skin, breaking off every trace of kind, old grace, until it resembled nothing but a rattling skeleton's hand.

Cynder grabbed Spyro's leg, the clench was so strong that she cut off the blood flow to his limb.

"Don't you dare" she muttered pleadingly

He watched his partner with concerned eyes, when she rose her emerald orbs at him his jaw cracked open.

Her eyes were gleaming with fear.

"I'll stay where I am" he turned his confident gaze at the cleric "Sorry"

The mole's hand clenched into a fist, only to return to the light after a moment of silent hovering in the air.

"Darkness has a hold on you boy"

Cynder impulsively let go the purple leg she was holding.

"Its black tentacles are wrapped around your soul, squeezing the essence out of it. Your freedom is taken away and yet you're beaming"

Spyro's tail made an inconspicuous, gentle sway to the side where its tip intertwined itself softly with its black, feminine counterpart.

"You're not talking about Darkness grandpa" he whispered, eyes never leaving the old priest

Cynder's tail returned the hug.

Brill stepped out from the pillar of light, advancing slowly in the purple dragon's direction, eyes aimed at him with uncomfortable fascination.

"The Taint is pulsing within you and yet I feel that there is something strange about you boy" the mole kept on walking "Why are you still the master of your life?" another few small steps "Why aren't you lost?" few more "What are you?"

A blue tail fell down from the air like a blade of a guillotine and blocked the mole's path.

"That's far enough" Cyril snarled

The mole extended one of his hands forward, palm opened up and directed upwards. He never stopped walking, even when his body pressed itself against the tail he kept on pushing forward.

"A drop of your blood, please" Brill literally begged

The eyes of the young drakes widened in shock.

"How people can even listen to you, you damn lunatic, I have no idea" the Guardian hissed annoyed and put pressure on his tail, countering the mole's walking direction, slapping his tail with enough strength to hurt an old body

Brill cringed and started to cough fiercely, rasping, unpleasant sounds were coming from his ruined by age throat, both hands clenched his stomach.

"Cyril!" Spyro admonished the Guardian, his voice ringing with sincere worry, his caring heart forced his body to impulsively jump forward

Cynder just stood there, allowing the purple tail slip from the embrace of her black one. Her emerald eyes were aimed at the coughing old creature ahead, so weak and scrawny.

She could feel nothing but worry for the sick with age mole. Almost to the point that she felt his pain.

The Ice Guardian rolled his eyes "Quit the show mole, if it would be so easy to kill you I would have done it years ago even before Lightbane gutted you"

The cleric coughed severely a few more times before straightening up, supporting himself on the blue tail that constantly slid away from his grasp making the feat so much more difficult.

"Are you alright?" Spyro asked worriedly, surprising even himself with the honesty in his voice

Cyril snorted in disdain "Dear Ancestors, hug him if you so care about his well-being"

Brill wiped his mouth, letting out a raspy calming breath.

"Leave" the mole uttered

All three dragons were taken aback by the unexpected order.

"Leave?" Cyril asked coldly "We're not done here"

"I believe we are" the mole rearranged his robe reverently

"Not until you answer for your hideous acts"

Brill glared at the young drakes, for the very first time since they got here it was impossible to tell what the mole was thinking. He was emotionless, seemed automated like a machine.


"You place judgment on the wrong person, while the true horror is right beside you"

After those words both young dragons blinked, the mole before them was again the same, provocative Brill they knew. This time both of them seen the same image of the cleric and all those bad feelings, no matter how hard they wanted to ignore them, nested back in their hearts.

They didn't like the mole.

"Do you really think I'll believe in what you say?" Cyril growled annoyed "Since you showed up ugly things started to happen in this city. First a whole family was set on fire and now we had mole assassins in the hospital. You want me to believe that this is only a coincidence? When you are the one who rallies people under the banner of a crusade for the...Taint?" he spitted the last word out

"Those are only your insinuations, if I would be the priest you try to convince people I am I would destroy the city just to crash Darkness under its rubble" Brill spread his arms wide "And yet Warfang still stands, even now when the Taint entered through the doorstep of my home"

The mole folded his arms behind his back, making a pause to catch his breath.

"I never showed any notion towards violence, people won't hurt each other while I am here. I keep a close eye on my flock, if things will become desperate I will be the one who will take up the blade if necessary, nobody will kill and die in my name. As long as I am here I control Darkness, no flesh will be shed, even that of the Dark Vessel herself. I only shared the truth and will continue to do so"

"What's with the nicknames?" Cynder whispered to Spyro "I hate when people do that"

He smiled weakly "Glad to hear you have your priorities set straight"

"Is that so?" Cyril flicked his tail "You should have told that to your servant outdoors who tried to strangle Cynder"

Brill turned around, making his way slowly towards the staircase from which he descended from.

"Not everyone have the strength to carry the burden of truth, for some its simply overwhelming"

The Guardian opened his mouth but the words were shoved back into his throat by the dismissive wave of the cleric's hand.

"You should stop this parade of false morality. You don't care about the tragedies that happened, you don't care about these people. You came here intently because of me, perhaps to judge how someone as frail as I can pull people from the strong wing of someone like you. You came here to evaluate your enemy"

The Guardian's claws drummed against the floor, tail swung from side to side in irritation.

"You're wrong" he replied, his voice lacked the usual cold tone, whether it was because the mole has seen through his ruse or the dragon allowed other emotions than just anger to take the lead was impossible to tell

"I do care"

Brill began ascending the long staircase, beating slowly one step at a time as if he didn't want to go, but something was forcing him while his weak body was doing everything it could to delay the inevitable.

"Perhaps in a way you do, however your understanding of concern is corrupted"

Cyril grunted something incoherently, words once more held back by the mole's hand who didn't even bother to turn around.

"We're done here, I'm tired. See yourself to the door and take the Darkness with you. Do not come back here, there won't be enough prayers to chant to clean the Taint you left behind"

All present draconic eyes observed the ascending mole, many thoughts swirled in their heads. In Cynder's case most of them were about darkness and taint. Her eyes instinctively rose upwards, past the mole, clinging to the trail of shadow that splayed on the stairs. Emerald orbs walked the black path, drawn by some unconscious power, farther and farther up the stairs.

Her eyes stopped on the black mass on the top, a single fire of a torch was dancing above, its light weak as if was scared of touching the darkness. The blackness however was the only thing that interested her it was filling her whole vision, growing until the whole world turned dark.

She could swear that the blackness started to hum.

Cynder blinked, her eyes were once again hers, the vision pulled back, surroundings appearing once more. Her gaze remained locked on the dark mass of the corridor, now so small and unimportant, except in a single spot.

She frowned, concentrating on the peculiar bulge, craning her neck as far as it would go to cut the distance.

The blob seemed to swivel as if it was alive.

She blinked again and in that moment she could see a massive silhouette forming, with something sharp projecting vertically.

A horn?

She blinked again.

The shadows above were all of the same size.

"What now?" Spyro finally broke the silence

"Now we get back to reality" Cyril responded icily "You two focus on what's really important, I'll make sure this lunatic doesn't get out of control"

Cyril got up, directing himself towards the door with a derisive snort.

"Devils, darkness, monsters. If any of it would be true we would be in real trouble"

He pushed the door open, taking a deep breath of the wafting, daily, fresh air.

"Insanity has a colorful imagination"