Hunter's first love chapter one (Commission for The StarWarrior)

First she is told her ship is taken and now the u.n.s customs cant find it, then she gets swindled into buying......a......she wasnt even sure what it was but it wouldnt stop vibrating, and now she is backed up into a wall surrounded by five men with lead


024 - Prime pt.07

The phone vibrates against the porcelain vain unable to bring butters back from wherever they were. yeah... she wouldn't of cared.

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Scribbles of the Insane #1

I squirted toothpaste onto the vibrating brush and flicked it on, taking the time to brush my teeth, taking every second to point out my flaws to me, making the time drag on.

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Titania's Song And Dance

I slow my pace at first and allow my soul to flow into the vibrations. the song is enchanting, and beautiful. the lyrics those of my original ancient, and forgotten to time enchanting language.

Chapter 1: Dawn

Make it stop," i think to myself, slamming my paws over my ears, pushing my new aura sensors aside as they vibrate like crazy. i open my eyes, and my body jerks upright. "it was just a bad dream," i say to myself, my paws over my face.

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Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 5

Floating in the air the dust vibrated and created a sound that would shatter the bravery of any normal man _"what do you wish, thor odinson?"

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The Flame to my Soul

Not so much as a vibration occurred before we reached fogbound lake. doesn't matter the situation, does't matter if your having a nervous breakdown, like me, this lake is amazing.

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I watch as james's paws move seamlessly over the guitar neck, and watch aiden's vocal chords vibrate against his deep brown fur. aiden notices me watching, and smiles. he knows i know what song they're singing. every single word.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.06: The First Strike - Ep05

#5 of lom 06 at hazard's place, panja's cell phone was vibrating in silent mode on top of the table in the living room, but the white lion was lying on the couch, eating potato chips and watching some wrestling on tv, and couldn't notice his incoming

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The Hunter's Notes

Bringing it to the book the amulet began to vibrate immediately. this book contained _magic_! in fact, the motherfucker was _pouring_ with it. all you needed to do was activate it.

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Regeln des Ozeans Kapitel 1:

Die seeschlange hinter ihr schien nichts von ihrem plan zu bemerken bis sich ein riesiger schatten in der finternis abzeichnete und ein dumpfes röhren das wasser in vibration versetzte.


Wisper Dabble - Morning Stretches

For the snow leopard, his growling added a vibrational feature. wisper went from knee ups to jumping jacks, jumping off the wolf's face then back on with both feet scrunched and stomped hard. "mrrrfph!"

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