Is Love Real? -Chapter 1

**Chapter 1** I drop the box right next to the others and sigh. "So much boxes to unpack." I mutter to myself and goes downstairs. I see my mom, Mary, in the kitchen and sits down at the table. "Can't I start school next week? Please?" Mom shook her...

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attraction to another is one thing, but attraction to one another is completely different. how exactly does one tell another that they don't feel the same to their admirer without causing pain? it is seemingly impossible.


Chapter Two: Thrice Warned

**Threads of Destiny** **Chapter 2** : **Thrice Warned** (Cameron) The night was filled with an unnatural fog that seemed to creep over everything it could reach. The moon, partially obscured by clouds, gave scant light on the ground below....

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Gold Lightnig…Part 6

He loves to just do his own thing sometimes, i have to keep my eye on him a lot, but i find it ok because he is very attractive and he thinks the same of me as i have to mind read him a lot too.

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A Taste of Her Own Medicine

It seems like the attraction between the two is mutual, even if they won't admit it to themselves.

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Strange Attractions

Strange attractions by dissident love ( ) dee and some of her friends in new attica's organized militia relax after a busy week.

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A Snakish Attraction

It came from pdf a snakish attraction by born2beagator serpens left his first convert with a contented hiss. he hoped that all humans would be as willing to embrace reptiles as he was. this was the true test.


Scribbles of the Insane #1

I stood in front of the miserable pane of glass known as a mirror, grabbing my toothbrush, I took time to look at my face, I wasn't the handsomest guy, bags under my eyes, wild hair, and the neutral face that perpetually looks like a frown. I squirted...

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The Story of Annabella: Chapter 1

The beautiful fountains that sat in the insides of the three circles that sat in the square always attracted the towns-furs and visitors. it was also a great place to go and relax after a day at the market.

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Of Hate and Attraction: Prologue

I hope you guys enjoy this... I redid my old story. Also do you guys have a tumblr. Inbox me urs!! Max This is a story about me, a boy, and a bunch of stupid things. I'm 15, a fox, with bright electric blue fur instead of the normal bright orange....

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The Draconian Story: Chapter 7

"hey, richard, i'm not asking you about suspicion, i'm asking you why you are attracted to her.

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