To Learn a Lesson Part 2: Home Sweet Home

Timothy burgess was a scrawny iguana morph that always wore black and liked to sit in the back of the room. physically, he was pretty unimposing; but personality-wise, he could be pretty damn scary.

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To Learn a Lesson Part 1: Crossing the Line

Following him was a scrawny anthro iguana, virgil's best friend, tim. "nothin', virgil just fell and i was gonna help him up!" ryan said in a vein attempt to keep himself out of trouble.

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Through Breath and Sight - Chapter 4

The effort of descending - the stairs curve sharply about twice, and barely offer room for even my scrawny girth - wears upon my stiff and weary body; and upon reaching the bottom, another minute passes before i am able to catch my breath and aright my reeling

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Rain's Lullaby - part 1

Leaving behind the blanket revealed a scrawny, broad shouldered but thin body. it also revealed a sheath between his legs. he was still trying to figure out if he thought that was a good thing or not.

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Mystery Savior Ch. 3

I'm so scrawny, and he's so muscular.' i thought. probably the only reason that he stopped them from bullying me is just because he doesn't like seeing people bullied. that put me in a bit of a funk. unfortunately, i had never been on a date before.

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Proper Planning

Kevin, a scrawny fennec some years younger than lukas, turned away from the vending machine and his half-hearted search for sweets. "sure."

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Red Fur, Green eyes, Suicidal tendencies.

A pair of hollow, green eyes stared back and unkempt hair ran amok all over a scrawny body. the squirrel in the mirror did not look healthy. in fact, he looked like he was on the verge of collapsing.

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BNA Thorns of a Rose, Part 2

You gotta lot o' nerve, showing up without protection, yeh scrawny mouse." the cow reacted to his words, slamming a fist into his other hand.

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Chapter 8 - Twilight Moon

Now she was amazed at how scrawny she was. her sexual succubi sisters had managed to develop into fully grown mares, but she looked like an anemic filly.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 52

I don't remember any -" she dug her claws into the soft meat of his scrawny forearm, squeezing and twisting until she felt even more blood, fresh blood, flow over her fingers. the smell was intoxicating. "aaargh! shekka! what are you doing!? stop that!

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At around five and a half feet, merle was not a scrawny creature by any stretch. even now she filled the modest kitchen with her form. she had thick thighs and a decent tummy, with strong upper arms that showed off impressive muscle when flexed.

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