Mystery Savior Ch. 3

Story by Eyulf on SoFurry

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#10 of Mystery Savior

I honestly have no idea how long it would usually take a black eye or bruises to heal, so I'm kind of guessing here. I imagine that they are healing unbelievably quickly in here, but please just go with it. Also, this one is a bit longer. Unfortunately, most of what happens is just learning about Beowulf's past. The reason it's coming out so early is only because I had absolutely nothing to do today.

I woke up the next morning to a ray of sun that was shining so cheerfully that it could only be the type of rays created on weekends. I tried sitting up, but groaned at the effort. My whole body felt like it had been through torture. That's when the memory of yesterday came back to me, and I groaned even louder. I picked up a hand mirror that was next to my bed, only to confirm my suspicions. I had a black eye. It was even possible to see it through my fur.

I gingerly tried to move my tail, and winced. It felt like the jerk that had pulled it had completely dislocated it. Deciding that there would be no way that I would be able to move, I just laid in my bed, thinking about Rendall. He seemed to come out of nowhere. 'I don't even remember him being in my gym class,' I thought to myself. 'Then again, I honestly make a point of trying not to notice anyone in there.' When guys know that another guy is gay, the first thing that most of them think is, "Does he want to have sex with me," which completely sucks. This makes them form a barrier around me, unless they want to antagonize me in some way.

However, that doesn't seem to be the case with Rendall. He had actually prevented three people from possibly killing me! Maybe he just hates seeing people beat up. Looking back at yesterday, though, it seemed like there was something that he was hiding. I couldn't tell what it was, but I knew he was lying when he said that he just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I know for a fact that he, just like everyone else at the school, lives in the exact opposite direction.

'Why am I being so paranoid,' I asked myself. 'He could have just gotten a job around there.'

I pondered this until my mom had gotten up. She tried to quietly peek into my room to see if I was still asleep, and when she saw that I was awake, she flashed me a smile that did not reach to her eyes. "Hey hun. How are you feeling today?"

"Awful," I replied. "I should be better tomorrow, but I think I may have to spend most of today in bed."

She gave me a knowing smile and said, "What would you like for breakfast. I'll make you anything that you want."

I thought for a moment about what sounded good, and then realized that I wasn't that hungry. I knew that I had to eat something, though. "Just a scrambled egg, please."

"Okay. I'll be right back with it." A couple minutes later, I could hear the skillet sizzling in the kitchen. I decided to try to fall asleep for a few minutes while waiting for the egg. It hurt to breath through my nose, because I had been punched there once or twice. I doubt that it had been broken, just bruised. So instead, I just breathed through my mouth.

When I woke up, I saw that there was a plate of eggs and some apple juice next to a note in my mom's handwriting that said, "I thought that I would let you sleep."

I tried to sit up, and realized that it was a bit easier this time. It was actually manageable. While eating breakfast, I found that my mind had drifted once again back to Rendall. There was no doubt that he was very cute, and I could tell just from when he asked me if I wanted help bringing my project home that he was sexy.

Then I realized something that I had completely forgotten about; my project. I groaned. The project is due the Monday after next, and I doubt that there would be time to recreate the model of DNA that had been destroyed. I had been working on that project for weeks! I guess I could talk to my biology teacher and ask if I could get an extension on it, but I doubt that I'll get it. Mr. Aktaion, my advanced biology teacher, was slightly homophobic. He would probably think that I did something to deserved it.

Resolving to see what I could salvage of the project tomorrow, my mind wandered, once again, back to yesterday. It's kind of hard for me to forget about it when the pain from every move I make keeps reminding me. I imagine that I'll be able to go back to school Monday. I've always had a freakishly good immune system. Of course, I'll still have most of the bruises, but the only one that will probably still be visible is my black eye.

Out of the blue, the thought 'I wonder what Rendall's doing?' rang through my head.

It was at this point that I finally had to mentally slap myself. 'Get a hold of yourself. Rendall probably isn't even gay, much less have a crush on you!' I've had trouble in the past on getting crushes on straight guys, and it has never ended well.

'Besides, why would someone as cute and hot as him want to go out with me? I'm so scrawny, and he's so muscular.' I thought. Probably the only reason that he stopped them from bullying me is just because he doesn't like seeing people bullied.

That put me in a bit of a funk. Unfortunately, I had never been on a date before. Since I'm already in my junior year, I figure that I should have at least found one guy in the school. The problem is that most of the people who are gay are complete closet cases. Sure, there are a few lesbians who are out, but a guy admitting that he is gay is like admitting that you would rather be bullied then having actual friends. The only reason that I came out was because I was tired of living a lie. If there was one thing that my mom had taught me since I was little, it was to never lie.

I guess one of the reasons that she hates lying so much is because of my dad. He had cheated on her repeatedly when they were still together. He left before I was even in preschool, so I don't remember anything about him. The only proof that he even existed was an old wedding picture that I made sure to keep.

I never tell my mom this, but I used to imagine that my dad was in the secret service or something whenever I used to get teased for having no dad. I still think about what he's doing every now and then. It's one of my favorite daydreams, mostly because its so versatile. One day, my dad could be working for the secret service, the next day he could be in the military, and on some days he's just a cop that only comes home late at night.

* * *

I awoke again to the sunlight shining through my windows. This time, whenever I stretched, I was able to move with relative ease. The pain was still there, but I seemed to be able to deal with it now. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I tested to see how much of my body I could move. After I was sure that I could move about without any problems, I decided eat breakfast, then start straight away on my project.

When I looked at the clock, my eyes nearly popped out of my head. I had apparently been asleep for almost an entire day. I must have fallen asleep after eating breakfast. 'No wonder I feel so well rested,' I thought to myself.

I had planned to only make myself some toast and some orange juice, but then my stomach grumbled loudly. It reminded me that I hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast yesterday. So I made eggs, bacon, biscuits, and poured myself some juice while the stove was cooking. I knew that my mom would wake up to the smell of the bacon, so I decided to also make some coffee for her.

Right on cue, she came out of the bedroom as soon as I had finished making the coffee. "Morning sunshine," she yawned. "You seem to be feeling better."

"I've got too much to do to not feel better," I said grimly.

"Why?" my mom asked.

I had forgotten that I hadn't told her about the project yet. When I explained what happened to it, and pulled it out of my back pack, she gasped. "But you had been working on that project for weeks! I think there was a solid week when I didn't see you come out of your room."

I laughed at my mom's joke. I had definitely gotten my theatrical side from her. Sadly, it wasn't that far from the truth this time.

"I may be able to salvage some of this one," I said without hope, holding up the destroyed model.

"Is there anything I can help with?" my mom asked.

"I wish there was, but unless you know the genetic structure of a typical homo lupus, probably not," I said.

"Well, I could tell you all about gay wolves. After all, I did raise one." She said with a sly smile.

I laughed so hard that my side hurt, which actually wasn't that hard considering it was already hurting. I also got my humor from her.

It turns out that there were a few parts of the project that were unbroken enough that I would be able to reuse. The main problem that I would have is finding the parts that look like the ladder steps of DNA. They have to be relatively uniform in size, except for the parts that connect them. The only reason that I was able to find the earlier pieces for the ladder steps was because I had a set of K'nectems that I had sharpened to have different shaped ends when I was six. Now, I can't think of a single place that even sells K'nectems anymore.

I spent the rest of the day going to as many stores as I could think of that would have something to use. I went to toy stores, thrift stores, and garage sells, and both of the Walmarts that are in my city, but I couldn't find anything that would help. I went to bed that night without even an idea of what I was looking for anymore. 'At least I'll be able to go to school tomorrow,' I thought sarcastically to myself.