To Learn a Lesson Part 1: Crossing the Line

Story by RevolverWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of To Learn a Lesson

The beginning chapter of my longest running series to date -- and one that's technically not finished, either.

Oh well~ I might have to look into remedying that sometime. Until then, I hope you enjoy ^^

When Ryan walked across the school courtyard he was always the center of attention. The 7'6" Lion-morph received seductive looks from cheerleaders, admiring looks from his fans and teammates, and of course, fearful looks from the select few he decided to torment on a daily basis. Of the latter, his favorite was a Mouse-boy named Virgil, seeing his teary red eyes always made Ryan feel better after failing a test. Virgil was short, kind of nerdy, socially awkward, and gay; he was the perfect target. The only contrast to all of this was that he didn't wear glasses, but someone like Ryan already had enough to work with. "Hey pipsqueak, hows it goin'?" said Ryan quickly cutting off Virgil's escape route, "Off to the locker room to try to get raped in the shower?" "Just leave me alone Ryan!" the little white mouse responded as he was forced up against one of the school's brick walls. Virgil tried to slip around him but Ryan grabbed his wrist and pushed him back against the wall. "Ow! Let me go asshole!" "Damn, is that all you ever think about?" this elicited a few snickers from the kids behind him. Ryan smiled and delivered a powerful punch to Virgil's stomach. Virgil wheezed and slumped to the ground clutching his belly as he struggled to hold back tears. "Hey what's all this about!?" yelled the Rhino-Morph that was the vice-principal as he stomped toward the gathering crowd. Following him was a scrawny Anthro Iguana, Virgil's best friend, Tim. "Nothin', Virgil just fell and I was gonna help him up!" Ryan said in a vein attempt to keep himself out of trouble. "Then why is he holding his stomach?" "Well," "That's it! In my office NOW!" Thundered the Rhino who proceeded to pull Ryan into the building. The Lion shot a look at Tim and reluctantly followed the Vice-Principal inside. "You alright man?" asked Tim running over to Virgil who was sitting up against the wall still trying to prevent himself from breaking into tears. "Why.......won'" Tim patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, he'll get what's coming to him after school today, I promise." "He's too big! You won't stand a chance... I...don't want anything to happen to you..." Tim smiled, "Oh, I won't have to worry about that, why don't you come too? Yeah, meet me here at five after detention gets out." "W...Wait, Tim!" The bell started to ring. "Don't worry you're going to enjoy this, you'll see!" Tim called back as he ran into the building.

Ryan was sitting in detention when the clock struck five. The teacher, a Peacock woman in her mid-forties slowly walked over and opened the door. "All right you little troublemakers, looks like you get to leave, Thank God." Ryan stretched for a moment and walked out of the classroom. As he made his way down the hallway he saw the Janitor, Hal, restocking a vending machine. "Hey Ryan, saw the game last week, you did good." He said in his usual friendly voice. Ryan just scoffed at the Tom-Cat and kept on walking. The bully exited the building and turned to walk down the alley that led to his home. A big smile crept across his face when he saw the kid who snitched on him was right there. Something was off though, he was just standing there, smiling, with his hands behind his back. Ryan didn't care much though, he just wanted to beat him up. "All right snitch, I'm going to mess you up so bad, your mom won't even recognize you!" Tim just stood there smugly, "Bring it..." "All right, you asked for it!" Ryan charged at Tim but the Iguana just stood there calmly. When the huge Lion was just a few feet away, Tim revealed a small pouch he must have been hiding behind his back, reached in and threw some strange powdery stuff into Ryan's face. "Ahhh! My eyes!" Ryan yelled as he fell backwards onto the concrete of the alley. Tim took off toward the school making sure Ryan knew where he was headed. "Hey! Get back" Ryan was able to make it over to the wall of the school before he fell to his knees. "Oh man...what was that stuff?" soon after, Ryan blacked out.

The Lion's eyes flew open and surveyed their surroundings, somehow, Ryan had ended up back in the detention hall, but everything was huge! He was only about half an inch tall! "W...W...What?" Suddenly the door swung open and the janitor walked in, compared to Ryan, he was huge! The Cat's gargantuan form strode over to the desk that Ryan was apparently under and started wiping it off. BOOM! Hal's foot slammed down right next to Ryan and gave him an idea, maybe if he could get his attention, he could get help and return to normal. "H..Hey! HEY!!!" Ryan started yelling and jumping up and down. Hal was just starting to clean the seats when he heard a strange sound. It sounded like someone talking but the pitch was a little too high for that. Suddenly his eyes locked onto an impossibly small Lion-Morph that was hopping and waving his arms around. "Ryan!? What happened to you? How did you get so small!?" "I'm not sure, all I know is that somehow, that guy that's always hanging out with that gay Mouse-kid did this to me!" "Hey, it's not nice to talk that way. I'll have you know that..." "Can you just shut up and take me to the hospital or something!" Ryan knew that no-matter how much of a jerk he was that Hal wouldn't do anything. Hal couldn't hurt a fly, and he could take advantage of that. "Fine, I'm done here anyway." The tall Cat-Morph sighed and began walking out of the room and down the hall toward the exit. Suddenly Tim slid out from around the corner. "Hello Hal, what's that you got in your hand there?" Ryan started to freak out, "HIM, HIM, He's the one that did this to me!" "What?" Hal looked at Tim and then the small Lion sitting on his palm, "Timothy couldn't do something like this..." "I'm sorry buddy, it was me," Tim pulled out another bag of powder and splashed some in the friendly janitor's face, "Why don't you forget what you just saw and take a well deserved nap. Hal's vision started to get blurry and he felt extremely tired "Yeah a nap does sound nice..." Hal started to collapsed and hit the floor with a lot of force. So much so that Ryan flew out of his hand and landed hard on the linoleum. "Hey Ryan..." The little Lion looked up at a sadistic looking Tim, "...ever seen Godzilla?" Tim started slowly stomping toward the now defenseless school bully who immediately darted off in the other direction. Lucky for the Lion, he was exceptionally fast, he was able to sprint all the way from where he was to the other end of the hall in half the time it would take for Tim to walk that distance (which still isn't very fast). Ryan sped around a corner and smacked into a sandal wearing foot covered in white fur. "Huh? What do we have here?" asked Virgil as he looked down at his tiny tormentor. "Well well well..." He giggled, carefully picked him up and placed him in the palm of his hand, "Look who's the pipsqueak now." Virgil poked Ryan lightly on his stomach, but that was still enough to knock him over. "Hey, looks like you found him Virg. So, you gonna squish him or should I?" "Neither." Tim was incredibly surprised. "What!? After all the times he's beat you up and humiliated you, you're going to let him live?" "Yup, forgive and forget." "Sometimes I just don't get you... So I've got to change him back?" Ryan started to perk up. "Hell no! I'm nice not stupid." And just like that Ryan was sad again. "Then what are you going to do with him?" "Well...I was thinking....maybe I could keep him? I mean you already took precautions for his death so this shouldn't be any different." "You mean like a pet?" "Yeah, I'll keep him in that old fish-bowl, I have on my shelf and..." "Why?" Tim interrupted. "Hmm?" "Why keep him?" "He'll learn to respect other people this way, and besides, everyone deserves a second chance." "Is that the only reason?" Virgil blushed, "...He's kinda cute now." "I knew it! Do whatever you want him, I've gotta get going." "Alrighty then, see ya' Tim!" "Later Virgil." Virgil's attention went to his new pet that had calmed down a little at this point. "Don't worry Ryan, I'm not going to hurt you... I will have to seriously think about renaming you though..." "Hey! I don't want to be your pet!" "Would you prefer the alternative?" Virgil set him down on the ground and quickly pinned him underfoot. "PLEASE NO! I'LL BE YOUR PET I'll BE YOUR PET!" Ryan called up to his new master. Virgil removed his foot, squatted down, and offered his pet a hand. "Good, now be a good boy and keep quite on the trip home OK." The Mouse-boy put Ryan in his shirt-pocket and began walking home. "I wonder what I should name him...Robby's kind of cute..."