The Waterpark (1)

He didn't hate them for it, on the contrary, he very much loved his owners. but that didn't necessarily have to mean that he always had to like how he was treated.

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What Will Happen To The Innocent?

Then shook his head his owner was going to leave with another guy... again. he would follow her like always but he turned tails and padded over to his owners room, but when she reached the door she was finished packing up "that was quick..."

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A Poké Winter.

They followed behind the shop owner, as they followed behind they noticed that the luxray and the heracross seemed to be checking every shadow.

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No longer alone.

It was only when the alpha female of the owners, who was a spotted feline, had fallen pregnant that she had been given away. the second owners had had no clue how to look after the homesick wolf.

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"she attacked him, my father just simply dodged the blows and bites of my mother, his owner heard the commotion and came to see what was happening, they were able to reduce my mother, my dad's owners saw that she was purebred, so they decided stay with her

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Black Petals: Chapter 1 ~ Discolored Heart

The piko piko hammer then returned to its owner, whose head was lowered in barely contained fury. "take that back." shadow remained still. "no." "take it back, shadow," amy repeated. again, he said, "no." "take it back, you jerk!!"

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Home Sweet Farm

The owner of the farm is katie ushima the daughter of the previous owner max and jesse ushima. she was eighteen.

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Songbook Vol.1 Chapters 1-3

The teen didn't look at the crumpled up money until the hotel's owner had left the room. he then picked up the money.

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Character Bio's

Name: lucinda rei (luci) species: anthro arctic fox gender: female skills: teacher, mother, huntress, tracker, bounty hunter, slave owner, sniper, and archer.

The End and The Beginning - Chapter 3

Also tried contracted the owners of original artworks where i could for use.

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