2 - Encounters in the Old Times [Incomplete]
A simple scrying concept, that required a complex and drawn out execution in the form of the obelisk's creation. the image provided by the obelisk closed in on a specific stretch of land.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 38: The Colony (Places Both Known And Unknown Part VII)
The professor was backing away from the obelisk to the interior of the strange circle that the eight of them had formed for some reason.
The Journal - Beginning.txt
He sat with one leg bent, foot flat on the top of the obelisk, and the other leg wrapped around under it, leaning his elbow on his upright knee.
Everwinter Ch41: Gate of Revelation
I could feel the obelisk pulsing as it gathered once more. the blimp gave it all as i flooded the engines with energy, and watched the obelisk grow larger.
Defeat at the hands of shiny Beasts (Chapter 3 of my YuGiOh series)
He knew people could beat them and respected them for that, but he desired that obelisk card so bad, it hurt in his chest.
InterRealm - Chapter 1
The two obelisks appeared even blacker than before as they were set against a large white hole growing between them.
Protégé of the Gods + Picture
Her instructor's objective is clear: take down the most obelisks in under three minutes to qualify.
A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (11)
The street leads to a busier world, past the **twin obelisks** that separate **haven** from **town**._ _you have a feeling it's going to be a long day._ **enter town.** past the obelisks it is a few minutes of wander before you enter town.
Dragon Storm: Chapter 25: Back to Back, A Fight to the Death!
Suddenly, five pink hexagonal obelisks just emerged from the snowy ground around rio and lit up a neon pink color. rio tried to run outside of the five pink obelisks, but it was no use, an invisible barrier of sort's trapped rio.
Slimey Secrets
Upon inspection of the now illuminated wall, lucertola discovered that it was some sort of obelisk! etched upon the obelisk were words written in "hissin", which was the ancient tongue of the lizellian race.
The Mission of Voyager 3
They turned and walked away from the obelisk. away from the piece of metal, with the writing they did not understand. the writing, that when copied looks to say _voyager 3_.
Everwinter Ch42 & Epilogue: Cycle of Life
Robert tried to glance back, but his attention stayed focused on the obelisk as something began to happen. the vortex within the obelisk began to shudder, and the arcs that supported it grew wild.