Home Sweet Farm

Story by Brawler101 on SoFurry

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Home Sweet Farm

Chapter 1

There are many strange things in the world, some can be explained some cannot. In this world there lived humans and anthros but unlike in the past they lived in peace side by side in harmony. They went to school together and they even worked together to make the world better than it was before. Yes, life is great but for how long?

In Japan there is a small island called Okinawa, it may look small but tons of people live there. Okinawa has tons of places to go to but the most popular is the Ushima Farm. It was huge especially the main building where the employees stayed. They were famous for there fresh dairy products and such. The owner of the farm is Katie Ushima the daughter of the previous owner Max and Jesse Ushima. She was eighteen. She has huge ears like a cow and two horns with light brown hair tied back as it ran down her back, she also had a tail with a fluff at the tip. her skin was tan from head to toe except from her elbows down which was black, she had beautiful green eyes and a very nice figure. Katie lives a normal life with her fellow workers on the farm.

Sarah was a hyperactive one, she was only fourteen and yet she was a inventor although many of her experiments go very wrong, she had cat ears and a tail. She had blonde hair and light orange fur, and her eyes shined like the beautiful blue sea.

Hannah was a laid back girl, she was sixteen and she would help feed the animals and plant new crops to help them bring in new profit. She had long ears like a rabbit or bunny, and a cotton ball tail, she had pink hair and grey fur. Her blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

Mallory was a very feisty chick she knew kung fu and was very fast on her feet. She was all black from head to toe except for her green eyes. Like Hannah she also had cat ears and a tail.

Last but not least we have Jessica. She was one of Katie's best friends since kindergarten. She had long blue hair and two ears sticking out of it. She was almost the same age as Katie, seventeen.

It was a warm August morning and Katie was excited to be getting back to school so she wouldn't have to work as much. The University she was going too, Sokao University was not that far from the farm maybe about twenty minutes if she walked. After a she got dressed she ran downstairs and grabbed a quick breakfast and headed out the door towards the school. She looked around at all the cherry blossoms filling the air. As she was walking she heard a voice coming from a fenced off yard not far from the farm.

"Twenty, twenty two, twenty three."Her curiosity overwhelmed her and she dropped her bag and looked over the fence. There was a lot of things in the yard, most exercise equipment. It was nice and all but the only thing that attracted her attention was the human boy with black hair standing in the middle of the yard with a wooden poll behind his back and his arms wrapped around them. She saw the sweat running down his chest as he kicked one foot up then the other and every time he did the sunlight reflected off his blue eyes. He must not have noticed her because he never looked over at her. After counting to one hundred he dropped the poll and stabbed it into the ground.

She leapt down from the fence and thought something to herself that made her blush. She didn't bother clearing her mind she just picked up her bag and ran towards the school.