Spare Parts
Seeing organs in a pristine state growing on beaker and glory's organ trees in their grove back on the forest planet had been one thing, but this was something else entirely.
pokemon world (PART FOUR)
Legendaries.....son my grandfather was born then my father.......the curse will take effect slowly at the age of 18.....i am 17 years old...during my great grandfathers time he became corrput and forged _organization of dahaka_...after it was forged the organization
Guardians of Gaea's world: History
To ensure the truce, a "super partes" international organization was later formed to overlook in matters of world stability, diplomacy and military balance: the guardians of gaea.
Ioborne: Chapter Seven and Epilogue
"medical grade nanobots, they're organic and communicate differently, in order to prevent them from being hacked. they are all preprogrammed to do their job then purge themselves from your system." "wha-how did these get into my system?"
"i didn't say that. there's a scientist that has perfected the creation of cybernetic organs, if you can get your hands on one of these he'll be as good as new...there's just one problem." "if it's money me and tamati can help."
Supernova: Prelude, Arc 2, Chapter 3
What it means to be organic." "what it means to be solaeren, even. it's a dangerous path." "aren't getting cold paws are we, director? would be rather ironic, coming from you of all people!
Finally onto the next new world !
organization 13) axle return to the organization and was called by xemnas as he walked down the white long halls he entered a room and saw xemnas standing near the window looking out .
The Elusium
One woman looked like her skin had been melted off, leaving only bones and organs. a man was walking down the street when his head literally exploded spraying blood everywhere. a boy's blood had solidified inside of him.
A Word From Our Sponsor
Misty rolled her fingers across the organ keys once more. escorting the audience back into the story.
The Goddess Statue (Anthro Cat TFTG)
His male organ shrank and and entered his body, inverting to become a female organ. his, or rather, her thighs widening and her legs narrowing. her hair lengthened to her shoulder. ben stopped cupping her breasts and looked over her body.
Jackie had come running all the way back to the organ grove. "she was watering the biting plants for sponge," the bird of paradise continued for her, "so sponge could water my organ trees like she owed me instead."
Welcome New Citizen! - Introduction to the Cityverse
The city protective service is the city's military organization, with its own forces for different aspects (sea, land, air, special forces, etc). the most elite of these forces are the paladins.