A Fiery Desire

He was a smart individual, if their was one to surpass me, it would of been him.

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Waterlogged - Watery Truth

There were one or two loose associations of towns and individuals that wanted to gain this power. they tried to determine how sian had achieved it.

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Surface (Chapter 2)

She'd cared a lot for people as a whole but had had little patience for most individuals she'd come across. the few individuals who she had cared about, she'd been fiercely protective of. "look where you're going, damn you!"

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Tarsials have a strong sense of self-ownership, and although they can and will help each other out on occasion, they have no sense of being responsible for any other individual than themselves.

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The Queen's Punishment

We were like we were in life, individuals with individual wants. about half of us were female and most were old when they died so their greatest desire was to see their families again and spoil their grandchildren.

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Hunting Grounds

A couple hundred individuals or more, almost entirely non-human, were either in the floor or otherwise engaged in a dozen or more entertainments.

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What are some Kyruku customs?

In a way, it could be likened in ways to many asian cultures, but in other ways, it focuses on the individual as much as it does the empire as a whole.

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The Big Surprise

Ohm began, "he's an interesting individual." "so i hear. i'm hoping to get a chance to know him." altair said sitting on the other side of ohm's desk. "though now i suppose we need to figure out who has jurisdiction in this matter." ohm said.

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No Frills: Barton the Badger

Later he will go on to become fully plush, but continue to be able to move like the flesh-and-blood individual he was before. trust & confidence _baby_ barton was born to melissa and edward terry.

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Shrines of Creation - Thursday Prompt Story [#21, 22/6/23]

If you truly want to work in this branch, you must show you're an astute individual capable of thinking as closely as possible with the client's vision. now, let's start with the part that matters the most: location.

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Naira's Search, pt 1 (MHO)

And then finally, what looked like a simple, crude portrait of the hornless individual, seemingly older. but it was messed up- as if the painter was upset by it and had tried to wipe it off, then given up.

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