Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 08
"the most important thing about a vision from the future, they are always warnings! that is why it is so important for you to interpret them." achak puts the rock back down, he now picking up a second.
After the Storm - Part 35 [A Glimmer of Hope]
"i will give you this document if i find that the information you have is actually important." the charizard added. "if the information you have is of little or some importance, i will have you escorted by to your cells with a reduced sentence.
Sweeping The Leaf Pile
To recognize something while it lasts savor the falling leaves and autumn even while clearing a path for soon enough the season and the leaf piles will be all gone but that's not important to dwell on the crunch of the fallen leaves
Adventure at NordicFuzzCon 2014
There's a choice to be made but for me it was an easy one, furry is important and life is too short for one to shy away from the things you consider important. i manage to get my badge and welcoming gifts before making my way to the elevators.
Zootopia AU- Looking for a future - Chapter 3
And it is our moment to make an important decision that affects everyone.
Chapter One (Todd)
But, i wonder what was so important. usually when he says that, it's not good." "well, only time will tell. i've gotta go man, i'll see you later." "ok. bye toby."
Secrets Ch. 5
But what about richard could be so important that it makes me feel that something connects us?
//?A Curious Sergal: Part 8.001
After that second the moment was over, and he remembered how important it was that this city knew he was on his side. their lives depended on it. his revenge depended on it.
Shadow and Troy Epilogue: Second Chances
Especially as i believe you are the most important development for his illness." before troy could ask what he meant, the doctor cleared his throat and continued.
[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-015]
If anonaran or the kukamia want him dead, he must have seen something important." "shane and i have freed him from the military base, there are a hundred others." "akira, i believe you.
School for Heroes - Vuoritorni
I'm sure apex will rest easy at night knowing that in the great hierarchy of important things in this world his crimes are rated as less important than the happiness of alexander lind." erhaben countered, unmoved by my anger.
Pt 16 - The Druid's Birthday
"that not matter... spend time with you important part." he then looked determined. "and get gift for tomorrow... that important too." lily smiled as well, kissing his cheek as he pet the sleeping kitten zaax. "our time together is the most important.