Pt 16 - The Druid's Birthday

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#16 of The Druid's Tale

Gux learns about the idea of a birthday, and tries to find a perfect gift to celebrate his wife's entrance to the world.

It had taken a long time for either of the couple to realize it, but there was one thing neither of them had celebrated yet: A birthday. Now, they'd only been together for a little over a year overall, and a lot had happened, but Lily had realized that Gux hadn't asked about hers at all when the celebration had come around last year. "Hey, Gux, do you know what day it's going to be tomorrow?" she asked sweetly, bending over the table playfully at him.

He looked up from the game he was playing with Zaax on a board on the ground, smiling brightly at the wonderful view. "Friday?" he asked, trying to remember his days of the week. "A little in Summer?" He frowned. "Is festival?"

Lily shook her head. "It's my birthday, silly! I thought you'd have known this by now."

Gux looked confused, as did Zaax. "Birthday? Is... that special? I happy you on earth, but is celebration?"

Lily nodded, then thought about it for a moment. "Well... Some people don't make a big deal about it, but normally on birthdays people give presents as a celebration for living another year and as thanks for being amazing people. They do it on anniversaries too, FYI."

Now Zaax stopped, pouting at her. "Those letters! Not word!" Gux rubbed his mane, trying to calm him a little, though he didn't know the meaning either.

Lily giggled. "It means 'for your information'. I hope you remember which day our wedding was on, Gux~." Gux immediately looked worried.

"I should remember day?!" He seemed genuinely sad. "Not know! Not pay attention! Was... Two moons ago?" He continued to wrack his brain, the game in front of him stopping as his muzzle was all screwed up in concentration. "Not... know." He looked about to cry.

Lily came over, bending down and kissing him on the cheek. "It's okay, dear. You didn't know the tradition. It was two months and four days ago, May 15th." He slowly started to relax, his breathing mellowing with her touch as she hung on his shoulders, only bending over a little due to how tall he was. He smiled, nuzzling against her happily, a sort of purring noise coming from him.

"Thank you, honey. I not forget. And your birthday... tomorrow?" Lily nodded, making Gux frown. "Have training tomorrow... What want for gift? Can stop when back from town."

Lily shook her head, her huge hair hitting Gux in the face, making him chuckle and nuzzle into it. "Oh no no no silly pup! I don't tell you my present, you surprise me with a gift right from your heart. As would Zaax or anyone else who wanted to give me a gift on my birthday." She then thought about it. "Though... I would like a cake to eat with the presents."

Gux nodded, committing that to memory. "Anything on cake? Any kind?"

Lily chuckled, looking at him slyly. "You know my favorite, don't you?" Again, Gux looked very worried, and Lily laughed. "Have you not been paying any attention?"

Gux whimpered. "I not know I need to! Hugs and kisses and flowers already more than gnolls do... We not even remember own birthday!" He flopped back onto the ground, looking up at the leafy ceiling of his wonderful little house. As he lay there, Zaax turned into a cat, climbing onto Gux and starting to bounce lightly on his stomach, playing with the fur there. Gux chuckled, his paws absently playing with the kitten Zaax while he thought about things. "I... think am second litter from Warmatron as leader... Not know year or season."

Lily's heart sank a little. The more she heard about her husband's brutal culture, the more she was happy she could show Gux and Zaax some love. "How about you, Zaax? Do you know your birthday?"

Zaax, who had been purring away on Gux's stomach, thought about it for a moment, the purring stopping. He then shook his head before scratching the number 32 on a bit of the floor. He then shrugged before curling back up, purring as he was lifted and lowered on Gux's belly.

Lily thought about it. "You're her... 32nd litter? Wow... She had a lot of children." Lily once more felt that yearning, one that had been gone since Zaax had joined the family, but her hand subconsciously went to her stomach. "So... You're a lot of years apart, right?"

Gux shrugged. "Zhaerh had... 1 litter after Zaax's before I left, and ready for another when I save Zaax." He frowned, thinking about it hard. "Three each year? From strongest male she dominated..." He thought about it for a while. "Not know day, but Zaax's litter... two years ago?"

Lily was floored. "Wait... Zaax is this big and he's two?" She then did the math, a horrified look on her face. "You're eighteen?" Gux nodded, assuming he was right, then paused, then shook his head.

"Am twelve... ish."

Lily had to sit down on the table, a hand to her head. She was over a hundred years old, still only an adult for a little bit as an elf... and she was married to a twelve year old. A twelve year old with the body of a fully grown adult... and what a body it was. She had to hold back a lot of racial preconceptions here... Humans were adults young too, right... didn't normally live too long if they weren't druids, either. She suddenly had a worrying thought. "When are gnolls 'adults' and how old do they get?"

Gux shrugged, petting Zaax calmingly, who seemed to have fallen asleep at some point. "From day we born, fighting start... by time we a little bigger than Zaax, we trained to hunt. In... maybe seventh year, we big, ready to fight and hunt." He thought about it for a while, then shook his head. "Never seen old gnoll..."

Lily was saddened by what she heard, but in her heart she was calming down. Okay... Physically, Gux is probably a little older than me... It's fine. It's fine! I definitely didn't do anything with a very young, incredibly sexy creature STOP IT BRAIN YOU AREN'T HELPING! "So... you grow up so quickly, and don't know when your life will end?"

Gux shook his head, but smiled at her. "That not matter... spend time with you important part." He then looked determined. "And get gift for tomorrow... That important too."

Lily smiled as well, kissing his cheek as he pet the sleeping kitten Zaax. "Our time together is the most important. But... to guess at your birthday, do you know when you started being big enough to train?"

Gux thought for a while. "I think after winter? Just as grass turn green again." He got up, carefully holding Zaax and heading to the bedroom, placing Zaax under the covers. The kitten mewled happily, nuzzling into the blankets, and both happy parents watched, hugging each other as they went to their own bedroom.

"I think Zaax born in winter," Gux said after thinking for a while. "Not sure... Remember it being cold. Never knew him when small." Gux hugged his wife close, then slid into bed, his big form curling around hers protectively, as it always did.

However, Lily couldn't get to sleep at first... If Gux was an adult at 7 and was now 12... How long did they still have together? He wasn't a druid in the true sense... would the nature magic carry him through life? Or would she be left alone all too soon? She felt him nuzzle her in his sleep, kissing her gently on the cheek. She'd worry about it later... And find a solution before then if she could. Just as, one day, she was going to have his child, she was going to make sure he was there to see it grow and shower it with love... She closed her eyes, drifting into an uneasy sleep.

The next day she awoke when Gux was squeezing her tight, whimpering and crying in his sleep. She caressed his cheek, whispering lightly into his ear as he slowly woke up, his grip only tightening. "What's wrong, dear?"

"I... have dream about not having you..." He whimpered again. "In dark land... no light... no you... Never will let happen."

Lily nodded in reply, kissing him fully on the lips. "It never will." It took a lot of cuddling and coaxing to get Gux out of bed that day, but finally he was able to, getting all of his training gear and eating a quick breakfast with the family before setting out. Zaax and Lily were going to work on magic all day, while Gux had to train the guards in his fighting style.

He still felt awkward being the master at this particular artform... considering he was the only person to have a weapon that shifted with his attacks, or... seemed to be able to use the spell on other options. His hits held more force and magic behind them in spears, swords... everything, while his trainees were getting rather good at fighting with clubs and staves. He was starting to think it was an inborn talent, like wild shaping or something similar, and was starting to just teach general fighting tips to those who wanted to learn how to defend the town.

As he taught, correcting footing mistakes and balancing issues with certain weapons, his brain wandered. He needed a gift for Lily... something important, that showed how much she meant to him. The necklace had a lot of that symbolism in it, as did his bracer, and they both had small bands around their fingers made from the vine that had blessed their union. Those meant much more to him than anything else... he groaned loudly, confusing those training around him. What could he get her?

When there was a break for food, Gux popped a berry in his mouth, heading towards Juniper's bakery to order a birthday cake. As it turned out, Juniper was already making one, and she promised to deliver it herself. This... actually didn't help Gux, as he'd been hoping to have time to ask her about things, and there was a rush at lunch. He ended up outside, wandering through the shops for his lunch break... but nothing jumped out. He made sure to pick up a nice bottle of wine, then went back to training.

As the sun started to decline and people got tired, training ended. Gux was still full of nervous energy, walking around in a panic. Perhaps a really nice set of dishware? She really liked making and growing her own... everything, she didn't need more stuff, did she? Perhaps if he could find a gemstone in the woods... but he didn't have time. He growled at himself, feeling like an idiot, until he spotted something in one of the shops... It wasn't expensive or fancy, but it caught his eye, and so, with it and the wine and the cake on the way, he rushed home to meet his wife.

Lily was sitting at home, gently preparing a bouquet in a new plant pot and thanking Zaax for giving it to her, kissing him gently and rubbing her nose against his. Zaax had forgotten all about her birthday, but remembered enough to grow her some flowers with what little magic he had, and she had loved it. Gux felt a little silly when he entered, offering a second bouquet, not that different from the first, to Lily that he'd grown on the way home. She giggled, kissing him on the cheek and trying to find space for it in the same plant pot.

He placed the wine in the kitchen area, and was about to offer his gift when Juniper arrived with Yew and the cake and a gift of her own: a beautiful new dress for Lily. It was everyday wear, but incredibly fashionable, spun from spider's silk and morning dew that gleamed and glistened when it caught the light. Lily invited her in for cake, laughing and having fun, and Gux decided to get out the wine, making it into a fun little party with the three adults as they watched Zaax very carefully play with the little baby Yew.

Before it got dark Juniper had to leave, but she offered to take Zaax for the night, and Lily thanked her, letting him go off and leaving her alone with Gux. She smiled warmly, hugging her husband. "So... Do you have any special plans for my birthday?"

He sighed, looking bashful. "I made the flowers, but Zaax did first, and Juniper had better gift, and wine was shared instead of dinner for two..." He had only prepared a fancy salad anyway... not exactly the fanciest of feasts. "I just have little gift..." he pulled out the small box he had, offering it.

Lily gasped excitedly. "Aww! It's the thought that counts, my love. And you've been trying as hard as you can... I'm sure that even though it's not something big, it's going to be..." she stopped, her hand covering her mouth as she tried not to cry.

Inside the box was nothing special, just a little jade heart on a thin bracelet, with the lines beneath it, written in Gux's shaky writing, 'To share happy life... and make 1 someday.' Lily knew all about the fertility aspects of jade... she had a bit hiding in her room from before she'd taken the tea that had made her so sick, but she didn't know Gux had been paying so much attention... or knew of her wants. She smiled, kissing him gently as she put on the bracelet. "Oh, Gux, it's perfect!"

"It... is?" Gux seemed astonished, but incredibly happy, his tail wagging behind him.

"It came from you, it's a promise of more to come... and I know it came from the heart. How could I ask for more?" She hugged him close, peppering him with kisses until she'd toppled his big form down to the ground. She then looked at him, a playful look in her eyes. "Are... you sure there's nothing else you want to do tonight? There... might be a reason I asked Juniper to take Zaax."

Gux looked confused, then his eyes widened, his heart beating with understanding. "Oh!" He nodded enthusiastically, making Lily chuckle.

She slowly pulled her into the bedroom, her bracelet on her. "Let's go see if your little promise stone works..." It wasn't super big or fancy... but it was by far Lily's favorite birthday in a long, long time.