Chapter One (Todd)
#1 of First Steps 2: Happy Trails
The school bell rings. The last one I'll have to hear. At least this year. I grab my backpack and head out of the classroom and towards the nearest exit, like everyone else is. Today was the last day of school. So next year, I'll finally be a senior at school. Me and Wendell both enrolled here after we moved to Los Angeles. I managed to make some new friends this year too.
"Hey, Todd." I paw places itself on my shoulder. It's Toby. He's a doberman about an inch taller than me and a few months older than me.
"Hi, Toby." I say.
"Man. It's about time that these classes end."
"Just for three months though."
"True that. So, where's your boyfriend at?" Yes, he knows. Everyone in town knows after me and Wendell managed to take down three homophobic cats back in Tennessee over nine months ago. However, two of those cats, Allan and Ray, are gone. Last time I heard, Steele is on the run from the cops in North Carolina.
"I don't know. He said he had to skip school today because of something 'important'." I say.
"Sounds to me like he's cheating on you." Toby says.
"What?!" I yell.
"Dude. It was a joke. Calm down." And I do. I can take a joke, but when it's about the one I love, it's personal.
"Ok. But, I wonder what was so important. Usually when he says that, it's not good."
"Well, only time will tell. I've gotta go man, I'll see you later."
"Ok. Bye Toby."
"Bye." he heads off towards his house and I head back to me and Wendell's apartment. Well, it's also technically Angie and Janelle's too. Angie is a Vixen who dies her fur pink every month. She's Wendell's cousin. After he told her we'd be moving here, she told us we can stay at her apartment until we can afford our own place. Janelle is a polar bear. She's also Angie's best friend and roommate. However, she's bipolar. So one minute, she's happy as can be and the next, she's all angry or depressed. She's been given medication to help with it and it works for the most part. But, it gives her these bad headaches. Angie said that she usually naps to help cope with the pain.
When I reach the door to the apartment, I take out my key and unlock the door. Angie's at the kitchen counter eating some kind of sandwich when I walk in.
"Hi, Angie." I say.
"Todd. Where's Wendell?" she asks.
"I don't know. He said he had to skip school today."
"So you haven't seen him either."
"Nope." Wendell is my boyfriend. When I came out to him, he told me he was curious about the gay lifestyle. So I agreed to show him and soon we became boyfriends. He's an adorable silver grey wolf.
"Where could he be?" she asks.
"I don't know. That wolf has always been crazy. In a funny way, that is."
"True. Even when we were kids. So, how are you two doing by the way?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you two have been dating for around nine and a half months. How are you two?"
"Still as happy as can be."
"That's great." she says.
"Yeah. So, how are you? Any lucky guy yet?"
"Sadly, no."
"Really? Have your eyes on anyone?"
"Not really."
"I'm sorry to hear that. I wish there was something I could do."
"It's fine. I'm sure my perfect match will come someday."
"Well, I'm just gonna go to my room for a second." I walk into me and Wendell's room. We repainted the walls with orange and grey stripes. I sit down on the bed. I've pretty much grown into it. And no. Me and Wendell have not had sex in here. In fact, we haven't done that since we were in Oklahoma. I lay down and cover myself with my blanket.
For a while, I doze off. I dream about me and Wendell laying down together in a field of grass. The same dream I've been having all week. I personally think that it'll happen one day.
When I wake up, it's a bit of a blur, but when I blink it away, Wendell stands in front of the bed looking down at me. "Hey there." he says.
"Wendell," I get out of bed. "Where have you been?"
"I had to take care of something real quick. But, I'm back."
"Ok. Wait, you didn't do any of your crazy schemes did you?"
"No. I went out and bought something."
"You'll see. Later tonight. Now's not the time to show you."
"Well," I go up and hug him, "I'm glad you're back."
"I'll always be here cute fox." We share a kiss. "By the way, when are you dying your fur back?"
"I don't know." When me and Wendell started dating, I got the fur on my stomach and tail dyed rainbow, a major LGBT symbol. It's worn off and I forgot to re-dye it. "But, I've been thinking about making it permanent instead of temporary."
"That's great." he says, "Because I miss that colored fur."
"It'll happen again soon."
"I hope so." He grabs my paw and we head into Angie's living room. She's sitting on the couch watching Groundhogs Day.
"Wendell? Where have you been?" she asks. We take a seat next to her.
"I went out to get something. This was really important." Wendell says.
"What did you buy?"
"I'll show you all later tonight. Now's not the time." I just want to know what it is that he's hiding from me.
"Where's Janelle?" I ask.
"She's asleep. Gotta take care of those headaches somehow." Angie says. I watch the movie for a little while. But, I can't focus on it. I'm just curious as for what it is that Wendell has bought. It better not be something for another weird plan of his.
After the movie ends, Angie puts the DVD back in its case. That's when Janelle walks into the room.
"Hey guys," she yawns, "What's going on?"
"We were just watching a movie." Wendell says.
"Which one?"
"Groundhogs Day." Angie says.
"Is that the one where some guy keeps reliving the same day over and over again?"
"I love that movie."
"Well, I've got it right here." She holds up the DVD case.
"How long have you had that?" Janelle asks.
"A couple days."
"Ok. I'll watch it sometime." She walks back out. Wendell takes my paw and holds it. Angie gets up and walk out of the room. Wendell kisses me on the cheek.
"Hey now!" I say, kissing him back.
"I can't help it. You're adorable."
"Awww, thank you." I say. Wendell wraps his arms around me and we make out for a bit.
"I will never stop loving that." he says.
"Neither will I." I say.
"And I'll never stop loving you."
"Same to you." We kiss again. "So, how much longer until we have our own place?"
"Well, once I get paid on Friday, we should have the money. I was thinking about moving into the apartment next door since it's right next to Angie's."
"Really? How much will it cost?"
"I figure with the money I'm getting now, plus the money you might get once you get a job, I'm sure we'll be good."
"That's great." Wow. Me and Wendell. Living together. Alone together. That's going to be one of the greatest moments of my live when we move. I can already imagine it. Waking up together, cuddling most of the day, facing whatever challenge life throws at us.
"So, tell me, why did you want to become an actor?" I ask. A couple months after Wendell and I moved here, he was offered to become an extra in a couple movies. It didn't get him much money, but it was a decent amount. But lately, he's been having a part-time job at the gas station to bring in some extra money.
"Well, we both know how dramatic I can be." he says.
"Don't I know it." I say.
"Well, at least I have a job." he says.
"Hey, you know I have a job interview next week."
"Where at?"
"Home Depot." I'm meeting with the manager himself on Tuesday.
"Oh. That's cool. I hope you get the job. I really to have our own place together." Wendell says.
"Me too." I say. Suddenly a memory of my old home comes up. My old bedroom. I miss that room. And a memory of my parents comes up. The same ones who kicked me out of the house just for sticking up for my boyfriend after we were caught having sex.
"Todd?" Wendell snaps me back into reality.
"Yeah?" I say.
"Did you have another memory of Tennessee?"
"Yes." I pin my ears down and look at the ground.
"Relax," Wendell rubs my back, "That's all over. We have nothing to worry about here. The people of this town love us."
"I hope so."
"Todd, even though most of them forgot about what we did, they'll never forget that we changed things for the gay community. We showed that we're not gonna stand for phobics and their violence towards us."
"I know."
"You have no reason to be sad anymore."
"I know." I say because it's true. I have a new home, new school, new friends, and no one in town want to kill us. As far as I know. But it still haunts me that I've witnessed two deaths and made a life changing journey.
"Dude, we have a good life right now. Let's not waste it."
"Ok." I say. "I'm just worried."
"About what?"
"Steele. What if he comes back to try to get us after what happened between his friends."
"He's on the other side of the country, heading northeast. How's he gonna get here?" Wendell says.
"I don't know. But Allan managed to somehow follow us, what if he does the same?"
"Would you forget about Allan. He's dead." After Angie killed Allan and I got my paws patched up, the five of us (me, Wendell, Angie, Jani, and Dexter) had to go to court to settle what happened. Angie was almost sentenced to jail time, but we had enough evidence and eyewitnesses to say otherwise. Angie was let off the hook, Allan was cremated and buried, and we tried to get back to our normal lives.
"I know, but it freaked me out."
"I get it." Wendell picks me up and carries me into our room. He closes the door behind him. It's around nine o'clock. I'm getting tired. I yawn. "Aww, is a certain foxy getting tired?"
"Yes. I'm ready for bed." I take of my shirt and toss it on the ground.
"Yeah. Me too." Wendell does the same.
"I love you, Wendell." I kiss him.
"I love you too." he says before we lock muzzles. Our kissing lasts around a minute. Before I climb into bed, Wendell puts a paw on my shoulder and turns me back around and faces him.
"Wendell? What's wrong?" I ask.
"Ok. You know how I've been out all day?"
"Well, I had to get something important."
"What is it?" Wendell exhales and takes a deep breath. He reaches into his pocket and takes out a palm sized black box. "What is that?" My chest gets heavy. What's happening?
"I love you so much. I want to be with you forever." I've seen this in the movies. Is this real? Is he joking?
"What do you mean?" I ask. He gets on one knees, hold the box out and asks something that'll change our lives forever.
"Todd, will you marry me?" he opens it and reveals a ring with a diamond in it.