A Life In College: Renewing a Bond, Part 1

Ari had been good, my my mom was now fourteen months and two weeks sober. needless to say, i had left my old town feeling much happier than i had when i had originally a year ago.


The Blade Awakens

Everything seemed like a blur as the wolf lunged at her with a high pitched howl, moving faster then she'd ever seen something move in her fourteen years of life.

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Inevitability pt 5

Made entirely out of the strange human metal, the machine was about fourteen feet tall, and humanoid in build. the voice bellowed "present launch ticket".


Somewhere between worlds

Nearly fourteen feet in height and easily more than a metric tonne in weight, the daedroth was probably one of the largest, deadliest beasts to inhabit the realms of oblivion.

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The Tale of Ma'lach, Part I

_ although the fourteen-year-old wolf already had a thick coat of white fur covering his young, muscular body, he still felt a chill as he crawled out onto the seat of the wagon, a feeling that did not come entirely from the cold.

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An Odd Interview

State your age -i'm thirteen... no fourteen... um.. it's been to long since i've actually needed my age. ari's vision came through and he saw a avion, crow with shining black feathers.

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Day 9

* * * ok, yes, if you thought that first bit read extremely realistic, i wrote it as such, david screamed at me for fourteen hours after he died that it was not fair and he had so much he wanted to do with karen still.

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project wolfsoul: chpt 10: All pain is gone

A boy of around fourteen walked in "miranda, sarah weirman is here to see you." he smiled and walked out again. "thanks jason!" she called after him. i sat there confused by the age of the boy. miranda scratched me behind my ears.


35: Impact

And right now, what humanity discovered during those limited fourteen days was something that it didn't have the first time around: the means to counter the invasion force before it could land on the surface.


Surima; Part one

Sixteen at most, though her physical looks pointed towards fifteen of fourteen. small breast adorned her chest. though they were in fact small, they were perfect.

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Finding a way Home: ch. 1

fourteen seconds. "guys its been fun, but i think my times come and i got to go." i said over the com. thirteen seconds. "chase don't talk like that we don't know when this thing is going to go off."

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Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Forty Six

fourteen times, the two of us have met over the past year..." toke jumped. fourteen times? "... not that you would remember any of them. but each time, i administered a little more juryo to your system, and then observed you.

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