An Odd Interview

Story by Calamari on SoFurry

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I'm not sure what I was going for with this, but I feel like I nailed it what a comeback.

-State your name- A voice asked as Ari woke up from a drug induced slumber

-Amari Ven, where am I?

-That is on a need to know basis, and I'm sure you know the rest. State your age

-I'm thirteen... no fourteen... um.. it's been to long since I've actually needed my age. Ari's vision came through and he saw a avion, crow with shining black feathers. He didn't look menacing or evil, but he definitely wasn't in his home.

-Mhm, I see...- The avion scribbled something down on his paper. -Height? And tail length?-

-I'm three feet even and my tail's four feet- He took a look around, he was still a little wozy from whatever meds got him here, the room looked like a cross between a hospital and a nursery. Everything was white: the floor, the walls, the ceiling, the furnishings, everything. There was a crib not to far from Ari and the Avion. Ari's train of thought was interrupted by the avion again

-Are you a diaperfur or babyfur?-

The question took Ari aback slightly, he was still embarrassed about his diaper wearing regardless to the reason, -Um.. babyfur I suppose-

The avion chuckled and Ari heard scribbles,-I've one last question before we get down to business: what's your price?-

Ari's ears twitched,-I don't understand.-

The avion sighed,-What price do you put on your life, for example, if I opened this case- He picked up a black leather case and slid his hand-wing over it,-And said there's four-point-seven million dollars in here, would you give your life to me?

Ari looked at the avion man, not completely sure what to say, he'd always though life was priceless but a strange man just pretty much offered Ari a lifelong supply of money and he was temted to say yes.

-Nevermind that Amari, the look on your face says it all for me.- He made a mark on his paper that looked like a "check mark".

-Now would you like to know why you're here?-

Ari nodded, though he had a feeling he wouldn't like the answer to much

-You've been selected, amongst other miserble children, to live with her, to be her baby, plaything, and anything else she wants. You've been selected spefically because of your life with you mother. I don't think I need to relay any details of her to you.

Ari winced, -But my mother was put in an asylum, I live with Amenti now.- Ari tried to sound confident in his words but the visions of Amenti, Wrin and everything else from that life had begun to fade, and memories of his mother began to pour in faster than a waterfall.

The avion lifted an eyebrow,-No you don't and no that never happened Ari. Sometime about a month ago, you saw your school's psychiartist and she deduced that you've created an alternate reality for yourself to live in, so you won't have to put up with this life. But you've been saved by her and have been granted a second chance, rebirth into a better life.

-But... Amenti... and everything that I knew was made up, by me to escape...- He cut himself off, not wanting to remember any pain, even in his false reality, he'd remember his mother's tortures: gagging him to stop him from crying, refusing to change him, hitting him, and so much more.

The avion nodded empathetically,-Yes child, your life was so miserable it broke her heart. She needed to save you from your life, otherwise known as your personal living hell. Oh, and by the way, my name is Orion, my apologies for the late introduction-

Ari nodded in recognition, a silent "thank you". He wouldn't voiced his words but Orion said her three times now, without even naming her. He assumed she was the head of this... thing.

He cleared his head, needing answers,-So... Orion, I've been rescued/kidnapped so I could have a better life, because my mother is insane and tortures me?-

The avion... Orion chuckled,-An errant young soul you are, yes that's the gist of this.-

Ari nodded, that was the first question answered,-Now who is this mysterious woman? You've yet to name her.-

Orion sighed,-It's a little more complicated than that, you see, we're an organization that specializes in giving people the ideal children they want. The identity of our "customers" is very secret, and we disclose no information about them.-

Ari thought this information through for a second, letting it sink in,-So you'll take me from my abusive mother, and give me to a complete stranger who could possibly be pathologically insane?-

Orion gave a small laugh, it made Ari feel like he was being patronized,-No child, very strict tests are done before we can "give" a child away. Cutting edge technology to decide the most innermost truths and intentions. If we see a hint of abuse, no deal instantly. We're not about the money, as you could see, we do it to make perfect matches between parent and child.-

Ari nodded, feeling a little more comfortable with the situation. Knowing that "cutting edge technology" was at work to find him an ideal parent was odly comforting, but one thing still gnawed at the back of his head, his conscience,-How can I just leave her, my mother? I mean.. she wasn't a saint.. but she wasn't the devil himself. I do still love my mother.. and you just separate us? Isn't that just injustice to her, or at least me?

Orion nodded as Ari gave his mini rant about morals,-Amari, I am completely sorry that this has happened. But we've never been able to back out of a contract. I promise, you might have a week or two of homesickness but you'll soon be able to enjoy your new life so much that you won't even remember talking with me today.

Ari didn't know what to say so he stayed silent, while Orion finished up with his paper, which he told Ari that it was a "requirements checklist" the client had already picked the child she wanted from appearances, who happened to be Ari, and the mental requirements needed to be met.

-Alrighty, kiddo, this is goodbye today your ride is here. I hope you have fun with your new family and please look into our business when you're older. We need more workers like you, I've a feeling that "cutting edge technology" will end up being you some day. You ask just the right questions.-

Ari had grown to like Orion, even though he did admit to stealing him, when they spoke with eachother. He'd been slightly sad when he had to leave but through this time he'd begun to feel optimistic. He would miss his old life, not the beatings but the good stuff. Though he'd fought an inner war within himself of if he should or shouldn't leave for the new life, or hang on to every strand of fiber from the old. He was still somewhere in the middle as the door opened.

-Be prepared, my friend, your destiny awaits.- Ari was about to start his new life, whether he wanted to or not.

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