A Life In College: Renewing a Bond, Part 1
#16 of Life In College
Working on some of this series again. Didn't want to start neglecting it! :3
"What's he on now?" pushing a paw through his hair, Cale looked up from his book.
"Fifty seven," Anji replied. "And there's fifty eight," the wolf paused, "Fifty nine now," Anji started to twirl a finger through the air.
"You wanna," I paused my current push up, "Shut the," I dropped back down to my sixtieth push up, "fuck up?" I finished insulting Anji, and let my knees slap into the cold hard metal of the football bleachers.
"I don't even know why your working out again," Anji said. "Your a swimmer for fucks sake, your build bro."
"Why the hell not?" was my response. I stayed on my knees, then paused to let a cool breeze run past my hot body. Working out in the California heat may not have been the smartest idea ever, but right now that was what I wanted to do. "Hold my feet for me?" I asked Anji.
"Yeah sure," the wolf sat up from his relaxed position on the bleachers, grumbling. I laid down on the bleachers, laying my tank toped back against the cold metal. Anji put his paws over my feet, and I started working on my sit ups. Three years ago, my maximum number of sits up's had been around sixty or seventy, one of the two. I was curious to see what it would be now, since I'd let myself go a bit.
"So," Anji kept his paws on my feet, and his voice casual. "How's it going with you Tom?" he asked me.
"Fine," I grunted, my paws locked behind my head. "Why," I dropped into curl, and pulled myself back up, "Are you asking?" I panted, then dipped down again.
"Because you've been back on campus for almost two weeks now," Anji said, "And I know you haven't talked to Kiylee."
"What's there," I pulled into my twentieth sit up, "To talk about?" I grunted and went down again.
"Come on man," Anji sniffled, wrinkling his nose, "You could at least say hi to her, or something."
"Oh!" I pulled myself up, letting out a grunt, "That's a good idea, yeah," I looked at Anji, my black eyes unimpressed with his idea. "Just say hi, and get slapped across the face. Fucking genius buddy." I dropped into my sit ups again.
"So that's it?" Anji asked. "Your going to tell her that you cheated on her, and just not even talk to her anymore? What if she comes back for you, huh?"
"Then I'll," I sat up, passing my thirtieth sit up, "talk to her. But I don't want to," I dropped for number thirty one, "Just show up and start trying to be friendly," I spit out the rest of my sentence, and dipped down again.
"It's been almost two weeks now," Anji said, "She might be more understanding now. Sometimes you just have to give girls time, right Rani?" Anji turned around now, looking at Cale's girlfriend.
"Well cheating on a girls different," Rani said. "That's not something a girl's just going to let go after a set amount of time."
"Thanks Rani," I sat up grunting, then dropped back down. The panther gave me a small smile, then went back to filing her nails.
"Alright, you guys and your commitment issues," Anji grumbled.
"I just fucked up," I pulled myself into my fortieth sit up, "Is all," I paused, then dropped down again, "Because I'm a sucker," pulling into number forty one, "for easy girls, and that makes me a bastard."
"Well I won't argue with that," Anji said, "but all I'm saying is that you can talk to her."
"And I'll I'm saying," I grunted, "is no. I hurt her, and I'm not going," another grunt as I pulled into my fiftieth sit up, "Show up after not saying shit," number fifty one, "for two weeks, and ask," number fifty two, "for her to take," fifty three, "me back." I pulled into my fifty fourth sit up, and looked at Anji. "Besides," I grunted, "I'm no good at keeping girls or guys around anyways. I'm more of a go where the wind takes me sort of guy." I dropped into my last ten sit ups.
"Your fucking idiot is what you are," Anji grumbled.
"Then that makes you," I sat up into my sixtieth push up, "Mr. genius, right?" I grinned now, and dropped to my last five sit ups. I had down one, then two, three, a grunt, four, an louder grunt, then finished my set with sixty five sit ups. "Look," I huffed out a breath, looking away from Anji, "Just let it go, okay?"
"Fine," Anji let go of my feet, and stood up. I let my back rest against the cold metal of the bleachers, and i stretched my arms to my sides. I was sore now from the push ups and sit ups, but was surprised that I'd pulled off so much after not doing it for three years. Another breeze ran past my body, and I sat up to let the wind run it's fingers over my face and body. It was hot as always in California, and I had on the appropriate grey tank top and black and red plaid shorts. I had gotten back from Monticello two weeks ago, after spending the day with Ari first, and then visiting my mother the next day. Ari had been good, my my mom was now fourteen months and two weeks sober. Needless to say, I had left my old town feeling much happier than I had when I had originally a year ago.
But coming back to campus, what I hadn't expected was a lecture from Anji about how I needed to reconcile old feelings with a girl that I had cheated on. It was rubbing me the wrong way, but I didn't make any move to take the wolf's advice. I had hurt Kiylee, plain and simple, and there wasn't anything else I could do. Of course Anji was right though. Talking to Kiylee would be better than avoiding eye contact with her while on campus.
"Okay," I stood up, and put my arms out to my sides, stretching. "I'll go talk to her," I said. Anji looked at me, raising an eyebrow.
"Alrighty then," the wolf said. "Name me a time and a place, and I'll make sure that Annie isn't anywhere around."
"Why Annie?" I raised my own eyebrow now.
"Because she and and Kiylee are like sisters, and Anne fucking hates your guts," Anji replied simply.
"Oh great," I nodded sarcastically, and rubbed the back of my neck. "I'll put her on my list of "people who fucking hate my guts."
Anji smirked at me, and I gave the wolf a small smile in return. Almost ten years now I had know Anji, and it was hard for me to stay mad at the guy for long. All he wanted to do was take care of himself, and taking care of me every now and then wasn't ever off of his list.
"I'll do it today," I told him. "I only have that night class tonight, and I was going to hit the books in the library before hand."
"Alright," Anji nodded, and folded his arms. "The library it is. Since Annie and I are fucking attached at the hip, it should be easy to keep her away for a touch."
"Sounds good to me," I said. Anji nodded again, and I nodded back.