Surima; Part one

Story by FiftyShadesOfFur on SoFurry

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Surima Tollsein wandered her way through the double doors that usually blocked the entrance to the temple. She swallowed, glancing up at the, twenty-foot archway above her. She padded forward, the wolfess so nervous that steps were somewhat erratic.. Not following any particular pattern.

She was not old.. Sixteen at most, though her physical looks pointed towards fifteen of fourteen. Small breast adorned her chest. Though they were in fact small, they were perfect. A rare perfect, the curves complimenting her body so well that they seemed to be something unreal. The female was probably around five and a half feet, average but neither short, nor tall. Her muzzle was of a slightly longer length and her eyes where a crystal clear blue. Her fur was classic gray, though tinted red on her paw and face it gave the allusion of dirt or blood if the light was right. To furthermore her already appealing looks, she was the right build. Light but not skinny, and curved but not chunky. Though all these features were premature, they were already evident.

She continued forward, biting her lower lip, so nervous her insides felt like they were going to leap out her throat. She slowly came to a halt, hearing the doors slam behind her, she knew that whatever was going to happen, was happening now.

"Girl, girl." said a voice to her left.. She was disciplined, and scared, enough not to look at her advancer as she heard it's steps nearing "You have broken the rules again.. And this time it is not as simple as oral tainting." the voice was definitely male, though she could not figure the species... it was new to her. "You know damned well what you did, do you not?" the voice asked.

"Yes.... But, it was only some fun, I don't see why this has to¾"

"Silence!" the male roared out in the most intimidating vocals, crushing her voice.. And her hope along with it. "Fun? You have stepped all over three of regulations to which our culture holds so sacred, Suri!"

Suri immediately closed her eye's, wishing silently that all this would just... disappear. She remembered the when all the different things had happened, she remembered how it felt to do all these things with the others which had also done them with her. She thought of how she had been seduced into doing those things.. She didn't regret her choices. "S- sir... there isn't anything wrong with what I did..." she said slowly, her eye's still closed and her muzzle pointed almost straight to the floor.

The male growled lowly, continue his dealing with a tone of authority unrivaled by most. "You have submitted to another's pleasure before the age of an adult." he said, taking a few steps towards her "You have lied to your elders, whoring yourself about behind their backs." he took a few more steps, close to her now, he had barely speak and his words would still be heard "You have even initiated in sex with another form of femininity, have you no shame?!" he finished with such anger in his voice, that the wolfess dared not argue this time. He covered the short space left between himself and her. She didn't move, not a hair, as he felt his paw slide onto her back, claws digging in harshly, penetrating the fabric on her back.

"Suri," he said "you are to be punished in the way of hardship for these acts."

Surima felt her stomach turn. There where three different punishment levels. One, in reason, this was the least of the three. Two, in fullness, this was moderate, and often had something to do with the reason for punishment. Three, in the way of hardship, this was the hardest punishment, and was a well planned punishment lasting a long while. She looked at the floor.. Thinking about the tiles, really, thinking about anything to take her mind off what, she could only imagine, was to come.

The unseen figure glared a her, hic eye's burning into the back of her head. "Have you anything to say for yourself, Surima?" he said to her in a cold, hard voice.

She shook her head slowly "No, Sir." she said in a tiny voice, closing her eye's and holding her tears back as the reality of this sunk into her.

The male gave a slight smile, taking his paw off her back and stepping into her line of sight. She saw his feet, big paws both with.... Six toes, not five, but six. The paws where orange, black stripes going across them horizontally.

"Raise your head." he ordered to her. She slowly raised her muzzle, taking in his the figure with a slight awe. His legs were also orange with heavy dark streaks of ?ebon, and couldn't be more fit. They were not too muscled, but there was not a additional ounce of fat to point out. As she looked up at him she notices he tight pants of a deep green, a definite bulge was seen where it is to be expected. She didn't let her eye's linger, knowing she was being carefully watched. She raised her head up the rest of the way, noticing his light peach stomach as well as his deep orange abdominal muscles and pectorals, all well defined. The only other item of clothing he wore was long red cloak, the fabric was pushed back behind his torso, there for displaying his chest, stomach, and legs, but his arms where hidden from sight.

He cleared his throat, making her look directly to his face knowing that it had been almost a minuet since the initial order. His eyes were a piercing green, his tiger face matched his eyes perfectly, striking. The colors were vibrant, deep shades of orange crossed with black stripes. One stripe ran down the middle of his short muzzle, ending as it ran into his pink nose. He was the very first tiger she had ever seen, and it made her mind forget all that was happening for a short a moment. His beauty was mind-dulling to her.

"Oh Gods, shut your muzzle and quit your drooling." he said to her, rolling his eyes in their sockets. She immediately looked away from his face, staring at his foot paws again.

The tiger stepped forward, his legs in sight again. She almost panicked as she felt something cold on her neck. She looked up at him with confused and naive eyes as he finished fastening the collar to her neckline.

"Hmm.. Girl, silly, girl." he said slowly, the words flowing out. She remained silent,. "You are collared now, you are reduced from your free being to that of a slave." he informed her, a slight smile rousing his muzzle. "You should like you new position.. If you don't, who gives a fuck except you, right?" he gave a long laugh, mostly for show. Surima was in no condition to notice this, however, she shivered slightly, not able to believe her fate.