A slight change in plans (3)

The humans had created an experimental space staition shaped like a giant "space bubble" that is about a six hundred mile circumfrence that can withstand a radioactive blast as powerful as the sun exploding, but no, the humans couldent bear

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A brief history of Kyruku

This was also a landmark date in the history of kyruku space travel, marking the first probe using experimental sublight-speed travel to successfully reach a system beyond their own.

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New Spark - Chapter 1: Inception

The shadow of the husky lifted up an arm and flexed it experimentally, causing the silhouetted fox to wince visibly "mutilation? hardly, though there were some... side effects, the experiment was primarily a success.

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Land of Death: The Lotus Flower: Chapter 1

My brother nodded and opened the leather pouch exposing a presten map, the title above it said " lotus: experimental technologies bunker." he pushed it back into the leather pouch and nodded his head, a smile forming across his maw.

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Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 2

During this expanse of genetic experimentation, humarans could now have their muscles doubled; their bones enlarged and made denser; massive digging claws could be had to aid in excavating and construction.

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Bujo Kat Saga-Origins (Chapter 1)

The creation of myself involved horrid magik experimentation. magiks had resurfaced with the reduction of available tech. i have fuzzy flashbacks of those days and an unnatural fear of anything magik related. my armor was designed around this.

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Cinnamon 12: Warrior Spirit

(fair warning: this one's experimental. and silly. very silly.) lily squared her shoulders.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 34-Joint Ops

As we neared the landing pad,the experimental v-22 began to come into view. it was three times as long as a usual v-22 with six engines and was jet black with long,slender rotor blades. "cool",ator said smiling.

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intentions- part 2

These are an experimental weapon being built by the humans, they were designed to be used by spartan's like myself.

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1. My Memories (Prologue)

I was never nervous before, not even in my first combat patrol, but this isn't any combat patrol, this is an experimental jump into unknown territory, a place where there is no certainty, no sure thing, a place for new discoveries and new dangers, and a place

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Chapter Four: Home At Last

I sent my gratification over our bond as i swung it over my head experimentally. 'it's amazing! it's balanced perfectly despite how light it is. i don't know what to say. thank you.' she closed her eyes and hummed even louder.

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changeing fast: chapter 2

She then went into a long explanation that before becoming a fur she was an experimental scientist for a company developing new technology for the military. "oh beauty and brains" i said while laughing.

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