changeing fast: chapter 2
yeah i know this one is alot shorter than the last one but i hope people enjoy it. and please all constructive emails are very welcome and i will reply asap.
Chapter 2- retreat and regroup
"What brings you to the mall?" the tall otter asked.
"I heard that a large group of furries where here on the news and kind of thought I should warn you they know you're here" I replied.
"Oh, well what is your name? Mine is Dean." He asked
"Mines Will, you leading this outfit?" I asked.
"Yeah actually, I am." He replied.
"Good you look capable of it" I smiled at him. He just smiled back and we walked into the mall. I saw that the reporter wasn't joking when he said furries where massing here there must have been about 400 of them milling about. "Hey dean are their any scientists or the like around here?" I asked.
"Umm yes actually they have been working on a way to change people back" he said sheepishly.
"I have a beater idea" I said an idea sprouting in my mind as I voiced it to him.
"So you're saying that the furries should move to an island somewhere and lie low while we build forces and technology?" he asked amazed.
"Yes that's what I'm saying I'm also saying we should cloak the island from radar and destroy all traces of it in the country's databases."
"Yeah that might work ill tell the scientists about it and see if we can get a cloaking device" he said jogging off.
I turned around and asked Lyra if she thought it was a good idea.
"Yeah I think it should work but we will need some ships to get there, and hopefully some good communication devices to contact other furries that there will be a haven." She said back to me.
"Yeah that will be a must, do you know of where we could get any of these objects?"
"Actually I do know where we could get a good comm system and the cloaking device" she said. She then went into a long explanation that before becoming a fur she was an experimental scientist for a company developing new technology for the military.
"Oh beauty and brains" I said while laughing.
"Ill take that as a complement on your part" she just smiled. I then blushed unnoticeably beneath my dark face fur.
About a month later we had the comm and cloaking devices along with a large ship big enough to hold all of the furries and some other equipment. The ship would make the day and a half trip again after it dropped off the colonists. When the ship landed we all got off and checked for natives.
"Dean nobody so far, Dean do you read?" I sent over the 2 mile comm link I had with dean as I lead a scouting party around the island to check for natives.
"Yeah Will I read you loud and clear. Everything is a-ok here too. After you finish circling the island and come back to the drop point head into the island. Just follow our path we left for you, over." Said Dean statically over the flimsy comm link.
"Ok got it" I said back.
After about half an hour I made it back to the drop point and headed into the island witch was a thick jungle. As I made my way carefully following the wide path my friends had made I tried my best to cover it up. In the end I just gave up. After about and hour of walking I finally made it to the camp. Or what passed for a camp. I walked past the half set up military tents and piles of boxes towards one of the only set up tents. Where I figured Dean and Lyra would be. When I walked into the tent I noticed it was filled with 2 very large boxes that where being pried open. I walked to the other side of the box and found dean and Lyra looking over a desk covered in papers arguing whether to set up the comm and cloaking devices today or not to. Dean wanted to set it up and Lyra was doing her best to stop it.
"But if we set it up the ship wont be able to find us" Lyra argued.
"Yes but if we don't the military might find our position" stated Dean urgently.
"I know but don't you think that it's more important to get arms and materials for the scientists here before we worry about being attacked." said Lyra with a finishing smile.
"Well yes..." said dean defeated.
"Looks like you guys are getting along well" I laughed as I walked up. They both looked back at me. Lyra stepped forward and grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the desk.
"What do you think Will?" they both asked at the same time.
"Umm I kind of think that we shouldn't set it up yet." I said nervously. Lyra then bent over and gave me a tight hug and a kiss. After that she walked off giggling.
"Heh suck-up." Said dean laughing.
"Hey I got a hug and a kiss." I said and walked off tail wagging.
and a specail thancks to lone wolfie for helping me out and bouncing ideas at me.