Lamp Chat

**elite\_efr33t:** some neckbeard's basement. i think he bought ml at a pot dispensary. **prime\_maridian:** beats popping up in an antique store. pot shop, i mean, no so much the basement.

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Carbon C's story

He found an abandoned ghost town, and crawled into the basement of what seemed like an old office building. there were computers, printers, and so on left inside, surprisingly.

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Tree: part 3

Get in the basement!" i yelled, only now remembering the basement from my walk-thru the house when i first got here.

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Moving In Ch.1

Stepping away with a box of cereal, charlie's mother came up from the basement with a laundry. "morning sweetie" she said, hiding behind the mound of clothes.

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Wolfing out Scooby Doo style

While this was going on shaggy, scooby, and fred were left in the basement looking around for clues. "have you two found anything yet?"

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Raven Wolf - Book 04 - Chapter 17

"i have half the mind to make you spend the night in the basement!!" fitz shakes his head no. "no, no, no, no, no not the basement, the scary super solider is down there i hate it down there!" eve begins to lecture fitz.

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33 Floors- Part 1

In no time, mathieu found himself in the basement of the building, a very mechanical room filled with electrical equipment.

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Chapter 15 - Practicalities

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the sub basement, geist was wondering down the hallways pondering of the ghost he saw the day before, still garbed in his uniform, sans the coat.

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680 Sphynx Kitten

The back of the ancient house incorporates an exceeding curious structural feature, whereby a river emerges from solid rock underneath the house itself, originating out of basements and sub-sub-basements and cellars and all manner of other, more suspect deep

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Secrets of the Tanners (Chapters 1-3)

I switched it on, and went over to the main computer and logged in; the basement suddenly went from pure quite to a symphony of the windows log on music, and then quieted back down to just a hum of computer fans.

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Twenty four hours: a furry horror story

We made it down to the basement where we hid locking the top. "remember though," she started "locks mean nothing."

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Invane: Raido Hole

The entire basement... well it never looked like a basement for there be no walls about. just darkness that wrapped around our bodies.

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