Moving In Ch.1

Story by Tabs on SoFurry

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#1 of Moving In

This is my first chapter of my first story. Please leave comments and suggestions as I will run into writers block. It may take time between these chapters, so please, Leave a suggestion :3

Also, reading this you accept that you are old enough to read such erotic stories as local laws allow. And if you aren't old enough you shouldn't be here anyways.

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Charlie rubbed his eyes, and sat up on the edge of his bed, that Sunday morning. It seemed like any other, as he put on his boxers, and shuffled off into the bathroom. After taking care of natures call and hygiene, Charlie checked himself out in the mirror, just as every morning.

Charlie was a tall Husky figure for being sixteen, standing at about six feet give or take. His eyes gazed over the soft white fur on his tummy, and the black surrounding it; it covered most of his body. In fact the only things that weren't black were his face, stomach, forearms, and all paws. Charlie didn't mind much though. His eyes were the real prize, so he thought and did many others. His thick long eyelashes perfectly complimented his deep hazel eyes. Charlie then, stepped away from the sink, and out of his boxers and into the shower.

Coming downstairs in fresh clothing, he went into the kitchen and opened the door to the pantry, looking for some breakfast. Stepping away with a box of cereal, Charlie's mother came up from the basement with a laundry.

"Morning sweetie" She said, hiding behind the mound of clothes. "Your father left earlier to go do some errands," being said before Charlie could respond.

"Do you know if he's going to the bike shop?" Charlie said, grabbing a bowl and already pouring his cereal. His bike rim bent after riding it into a curb pretty hard a week or so back. He had been stranded for most of the summer because of it. "And good morning!"

"Probably. Make sure you get your hamper downstairs." She said, walking upstairs and out of earshot.

Charlie smiled a little, and grabbed the milk and poured some onto his cereal. Munching on his food, he looked at the clock. It was eight thirty, and nothing much planned today. Finishing his cereal, he rinsed his bowl, and stepped upstairs to talk to his mom.

"Hey Mom, do you think I could go to Jakes today?" He said quickly.

The older husky turned around folding her clothes. "You can't leave today; the neighbors are moving in. Besides you haven't even taken the hamper down yet have you?"

Charlie shook his head, and asked "They actually sold that place? Hasn't it been repossessed for a few months now?"

She nodded. "Well it's good for us and the neighborhood. Any neighbors are better than no neighbors. Now take your clothes down"

Charlie sighed and grabbed his hamper and brought it downstairs. Finishing that task his mother gave him a few more to do, such as mowing the lawn, watering the plants, anything to make their house more presentable for the new neighbors. Charlie didn't mind much, but didn't quite understand of acting fake to people so they would only have higher standards of you.

Soon enough a moving truck pulled in front of the next door house, along with a four door sedan pulling up behind it. Charlie watched from the living room as they exited the car and headed to the home. Tigers. Alright let's see... There is Mr. Tiger, and Misses Tiger... and Junior Tiger.

Charlie looked at the youngest of the three, noticing he seemed to be of similar age. Maybe he wouldn't have to go far to hang out with friends, After all. An hour or so passed, and the movers' truck was on their way.

Charlie's mother was calling for him from the kitchen; and so Charlie went to the kitchen. "Let's go meet the neighbors, shall we?" She said with a happy voice. She obviously dressed up and did her hair all nice. She even got the stereotypical apple pie.

"Jeeze mom, you really went all out, huh?" He said, with a smirk.

"I'm just trying to make a good first impression, that's all." She said, stepping outside, and beckoning Charlie to follow. They stepped outside, up the driveway, and onto their front walk. Using the doorbell, Charlie's mother straightened her skirt, and made a big smile. Charlie did the best he could to form a natural smile.

The door opened and the tall figure of Mr. Tiger, with a smile. "And you must be our neighbors." He said with a deep voice. Quickly he turned towards the inside of the house, and called out. "Caitlin! Ryan! The neighbors are here!"

Charlie shifted his weight as his mother made the first introduction. Extending her right paw, "Hi, I'm Kathy, Welcome to the neighborhood," She said with a big grin. She then gestured to Charlie, "And this is my son Charlie" Charlie smiled shyly, and offered a paw.

Having shaken both of their paws, he smiled and spoke in the same deep voice. "My name is Blake and I feel very welcomed." He said with a smile as the two arrived at the doorstop simultaneously. "This," presenting the mature female, "Is my lovely wife Caitlin"

"I normally go by Cat, if you like," said the Tigress with a forced giggle. Charlie let his attention waver to the youngest tiger, whom he assumed was Ryan. He smiled as he looked over his features. Charlie noticed he was Shorter by a head, and was somewhat lithe, or what he could tell from that moment. His eyes wandered to his foot paws, bare and exposed from Ryan's shorts. He had an interesting stripe pattern, but he only had a moment to think about that as his name was brought up in conversation.

"This is my son Charlie" his mom said, turning to him and gesturing him to step forward. Before he was able to say anything, his mother spoke. "He's sixteen and plays on the hockey team" she said in a hurried tone. Charlie wondered why his mother seemed so nervous to meet these new people.

Ryan looked up and at Charlie when word of his age was brought up. Blake smiled and turned to his son, speaking in that comfortably deep tone. "Well Ryan here, is sixteen as well." Ryan smiled a little, and gave Charlie a look that said something like, Hi, nice to meet you. Charlie responded with a similar gaze.

"Why don't you boys get acquainted?" Caitlin chimed in. There seemed to be a moment of awkwardness before Charlie spoke.

"Sure" He said. He looked to Ryan, as the tiger moved inside, beckoning him in.

"Ill show you my room..." said Ryan as Charlie stepped inside, passing Blake and Caitlin. He followed the tiger through the living room with somewhat arranged furniture, and many boxes. "Maybe you could help me unpack, Charlie" spoke Ryan. His voice had a softness to it, not quite as offensive as his fathers, but just as familiar and friendly.

They reached the top of the stairs and stepped to the room on the side of the house facing Charlie's home. As Charlie stepped in, he noticed that his windows were right across from Ryan's. "That's cool. That's my room right there" Charlie said, pointing through the window.

Ryan looked and smiled slightly. "Nice. Now I really do know where you sleep" he said with a chuckle, sitting on his bed. Charlie laughed softly as he sat next to Ryan on the bed, as there was nowhere else to sit. Charlie looked at Ryan briefly, before looking past him and to his nightstand with a glass cage on it. Noticing this Ryan smiled and asked, "You want to see Nick?"

Charlie nodded slightly. "Who is Nick?"

Ryan stood and turned to the case, opened the lid and pulled out a long furry rodent. "Nick here," Ryan said and turned to Charlie, cradling him in the crook of his arm. "Is my pet Ferret"

Charlie looked at the animal and smiled slightly. "He looks tired."

"Yeah, it was a long ride" spoke Ryan, sitting next to Charlie, and holding him out for Charlie to see. "You want to hold him?"

"Oh, Sure." He said, gently reaching out and grabbing the ferret and cradling him as he had seen Ryan do. "Where are you guys from?" He asked, as he scratched the stomach of the snoozing rodent. It yawned, causing Charlie to smile a little.

"We came from New York. Newburgh specifically." He said, reaching over to scratch Nicks ears. Nick curled in a ball, not wanting attention. "Alright, lets put him back. He's pretty tired"

"Okay" Charlie said, happy to hand off the little creature. "He kind of smells."

"You get used to it" He said, laying Nick in his humble abode.

"Why did you move here?" asked Charlie. He didn't know why, but he seemed intrigued by the little Tiger. He wanted to know more.

"We say its because my Dad got a new job, but really its because we save money moving out of our dump and into this suburb." He said, looking at his feet.

Charlie nodded a little, and stood. "Want to head over to my place? I have some things we could do if you'd like..." He said, a little anxious and excited to show him his room. That and doing nothing didn't seem all that fun.

Ryan nodded. "Sure, I'll just tell my parents." He said, hopping off his bed and leading the way downstairs. Charlie followed suit as Ryan led them to the living room, where the parents had migrated. "Mom, Dad? Is it okay if I go over to Charlie's?"

Blake spoke again, Charlie noticing the smoothness to his voice. "I don't see why not. Sure" He said, smiling. Ryan said his goodbye quickly and turned to leave just as quick. Charlie looked at him and stood there and addressed Ryan's parents.

"It was nice to meet you both." He said respectfully. He quickly stepped outside and onto the sidewalk beside Ryan. He stretched as they preceded next door, opening it and motioning for Ryan to enter. Ryan smiled softly to Charlie before stepping in and looking around.

"I like your house" Ryan said, still looking about the living room. He then turned to Charlie and looked at him. "What are we going to do?"

Charlie shrugged a little. "You want to play video games? Guitar? Read a book together?" He said with a smirk. "Or maybe you'd like something to eat?"

Ryan nodded at the last idea. "Yeah. I am a little hungry."

Charlie motioned for him to follow as they walked towards the kitchen. Charlie rummaged around in the kitchen, joking with Ryan as they finally decided to have cheese quesadillas. Fresh from the microwave, they hastily consumed their snack and moved to the basement, Ryan curious about Charlie's guitars.

Charlie chuckled a little as he spoke. "And this is my play area. This is where I spend most of my time when I feel antisocial." Charlie had a small studio setup in his basement. A computer sat on a desk in the corner with a keyboard beside it. He had his guitars along the wall, but his favorite out in its stand, along with a stool surrounded by a few microphones.

"You play piano?" Ryan said excitedly, dashing to his keyboard. "I play piano too!" The tiger quickly turned on the piano and stretched his fingers out, playing a few notes and chords, obviously warming up.

Charlie smiled as he grabbed his guitar and strummed a few notes and chords as well. "You know how to play a twelve-bar blues?" asked Charlie, as he turned on his computer.

Ryan nodded, playing a short rhythm of chords. "I think so. It's been a while since I've played blues. Normally I play classical stuff..." He said, trailing off. He watched as Charlie clicked away on his computer.

"I'm just adding drums" Charlie said. "Alright, ready?" Ryan nodded and got ready. Charlie clicked once on his computer and counted down. "a-one, a-two, a-one two three" a beat later the drums kicked in, and Ryan played a few basic chords, with Charlie playing confidently along to those chords on his Acoustic guitar.

Charlie smiled as he saw his tiger friend push away on the keys. There was just something about him that intrigued him. They played together for a few hours, before it started to get dark out and Ryan ceased his playing as he got a text. "It's my dad. I've gotta go" He said sadly. This had been the most fun for him in a while.

"Oh Alright" Charlie said, setting his guitar down and turning off his computer. "Well, maybe we can hang out tomorrow?"

Ryan smiled and looked at Charlie and nodded. "I would like that..." Charlie got up and offered a handshake to this newly befriended tiger. Ryan looked as the paw for a moment, and then stepped into Charlie's arms and gave him a tight, and lengthy hug,

Charlie stiffened at the gesture. He was surprised, but he didn't resist. Charlie actually hugged back a little, and touched he cheek to Ryan's. A moment after, Ryan broke their contact and gave Charlie a look with sad eyes, before running upstairs.

Charlie called after, "Ryan wait! Let me get your number!" But Ryan had already gone. Charlie poked his head outside and looked, as Ryan was stepping into his home. Charlie sighed, and went back inside, sitting onto the couch, reflecting on the last few minutes.

This had been quite a day.

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