Afterlife - Shame
"i called a therapist for you today. they're going to see you tomorrow afternoon." "a therapist? why? i don't need one."
The Truth Within - Ch. 3 : Rehab
That pesky memory problem was still that, and as such, he was at a loss for his identity, prevented from knowing too much by the general until his appointed therapist was ready to help him during that trying time.
What Comes in your Dreams
" should get yourself checked by a therapist if you can't even remember to eat...but what was it about this time?"
Some Lifetimes Are Like That
You're part drink dispenser and part therapist." "yeah, the pay's good. a bonus every once in a while would be better."
Forget Love
She took the time from her busy schedule, taking me to various doctors, therapists and magicians to examine me. they couldn't find any head trauma that they could fix. none of them had any solid explanation as to what had happened.
Common Ground
He'd become his friends' therapist! at first he had been outraged.
Tears In Rain
She'd been warned away from bad therapists and bad hospitals before, but never bad bridges. apparently there was a higher, better bridge to kill yourself from somewhere else, but walking there was like an hour, in the rain at that.
Lucky 7s
"this isn't uncommon," the therapists said. and they were right, in the end (except for the part where my fur wouldn't grow back). by the time i was eleven, diagnosed formally with anxiety and depression, the pulling had, indeed, stopped.
Ben tell a tale.. 4
Her voice had changed to one of those commanding modes again dropping the gentle prodding of the therapist and stepping into the motherly mode which required the truth. "they ate it all."
Dylan and Vincent: New Beginnings (Part 2: Former Flame)
I searched for dylan everywhere, and i finally found him, talking to that hypno-therapist, which i think looks absolutely hot.
As Easy As Breathing part 2
He had come home from the therapists office with a very cross look on his face. i kind of knew what was gonna happen so i put amy down for a nap, checked on adam and asked him what was wrong. he hit me, so hard i fell to the floor.
Chapter 6
"just this robot massage therapist that i caught hijacking our ultrasound machine this morning. turns out he knew a great deal about medicine. we got along pretty well." "oh, sure.