As Easy As Breathing part 2
As Easy As Breathing Part 2
Omega is © Omegawolfj
My Babies were gone.
After the situation at the hospital was cleaned up, I was taken back to the station. Every officer gave me sorrowful looks, since news travels fast in the police force. I sat down in my bosses office, my face fur still stained with tears. After what seemed like forever, Rob finally walked in with a bobcat in a suit.
"Omega, this is Charles Carter with the FBI. He'll be running in conjunction with us on this investigation." Rob said, sitting down.
"Ms. James. I'm sorry about your children. For what its worth, I have three of my own, so I know how you feel." The bobcat said.
"Have your children ever been taken from you by a couple of psychopaths?" I said quietly.
" ma'am but-" Charles said.
"Then don't you dare say you know how I feel!" I growled.
"Take it easy hon. He is here to help after all." Rob said.
The bobcat set his briefcase on the desk, opened it up to pull out two files and handed one each to Rob and Me.
"The two criminals that took your kids are not just ordinary criminals. They are well known Cyber terrorists. The bulldog is Frank Hagen, 30 years old, 230 pounds. The ferret is Hank Fargo, 27 years old, 160 pounds. They escaped from Artencia Correctional Facility a 10:23 p.m. last night after shooting and injuring two guards, and killing two others." Charles said.
"How did they get loose?" Rob said.
"One of our agents got sloppy and forgot to frisk them for weapons when we were preparing them for transfer to a maximum security prison. He's in critical condition, but he'll live." Charles said, scratching his ear.
"Meanwhile my kids are god knows where in the hands of these bastards. What do you plan to do about it, Agent Carter?" I said, giving the bobcat a bloody look.
"The criminals are our first priority. We were tracking a widespread computer virus they were going to implement to cripple the government's computer network. Voting ballets, the economy, secret military plans, all would be exposed if we let them use that virus." The bobcat said coldly.
"First priority!? These are my kids, damn you!" I shouted "I don't know how it works in your nice and comfy and safe office, but down here where we put our butts on the line, LIFE gets first priority!!"
"This is a matter of national security! You would let your country fall just to save your children?!" Carter said, a little surprised.
"ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU!" Rob shouted.
Both Charles and myself turned to look at the angry bear, his eyes aflame with rage.
"This is still MY precinct, and as long as it is, you will work together. Agent Carter, I was a Colonel in the united states army so I know how important patriotism is, but it means nothing if we must sacrifice life in order to insure it. You go after Hagen and Fargo. They're yours. As far as the kids go, we'll save them. Omega, I'm afraid this job is too personal for you to have a clear head. I'm sidelining you." The bear said, sitting down.
'NO! My kids need me! And I want the men who took them." I pleaded.
"No. I'm sorry but you know the rules. You'll let this get personal. Agent Carter, talk to Church, our SWAT team leader. Omega stay here a moment." Rob ordered.
The bobcat left with a growl and I slammed the door shut.
"Officially, you've been sidelined on this op, because of your relation to the kidnapped. However, I know how important this is to you. Unofficially, I'm reassigning you to this operation with Church as a sleeper agent. He ran some of his contacts and found a couple of possible places Hagen and Fargo could be hiding." Rob said with a smile.
"Oh Rob!" I shouted and hugged the old bear, "Thank you!"
"Whoa! Heh your welcome kiddo. Just promise me you'll bring them home safe, and make the bastards pay." Rob said.
"Oh they WILL pay. I swear it." I growled. "And I promise I'll be careful."
Church was taking stock of the ammunition in the armory and getting dressed when I found him. He didn't even need to turn around to know I was there.
"Well well, Miss James" he said, turning around to face me. "Looks like you'll be getting a crash course in the criminal element. First off, I need your word on a few things."
"Anything." I said.
"One you have to do what I say. You may be SWAT now, but your still too green to handle things yourself. Two, if I say stay behind, you stay behind. No ifs, ands, or buts." Church said, putting his shirt back on.
"I promise, but I want your word on something as well John." I asked.
"Ask and I'll answer." John said.
"When it comes to my kids, promise me you'll put them first. Also, if there's a chance Hagen and Fargo are close, I want to be the one to take them out." I said.
"...I suppose I could look the other way if we find them. And don't worry, I'm not an FBI ass. We'll find your kids." John Smiled.
"Thank you. So what now?" I asked, smiling.
"I have a contact that deals in buying and selling of tech that's used in any number of cyber crimes. My car's out back. Let's go." John said.
Out in the back of the precinct, John led me to a sparkling black Dodge Viper. He opened my door for me, which was a surprise. I always thought he was pushy. I thanked him and he got in the other side. He turned it on and the engine roared to life, then we took off toward the narrows, on the south side of the city.
"So who's your contact?" I hollered over the engine.
"He's and old friend. Donny Lambert. I caught him selling baby nuke components a year ago. He's a damn wizard with tech, so instead of arresting him, we let him keep working. Only this time he reports any strange purchases to me. If any tech's been purchased by Hagen or Fargo, he'll know." The lion said.
It was a good 20 minutes before we arrive at an old rundown apartment building. On the way to Lambert's apartment, a heroin addict was shooting up, a couple was making out, and an old badger was cleaning up the hallway. We finally reached the end of the 3rd floor hallway and there was a Large dog standing in front of the door, toting an AK-74u.
"Hudson." John said.
"Church." The dog said, then opened the door.
Sitting at a desk inside was a Grey fox working on some electronics inside a laptop. He turned and smiled at John and got up to greet him.
"Omega, this is Donny Lambert. On the crime net he's known as X-ray." John said, shaking the foxes hand.
"Please call me Donny. Now! What bring you to this humble part of the narrows?" Donny said with a smile.
"My friend here? Her kids were kidnapped by two well known Cyber terrorists. They go by the names, Hagen and Fargo. Do you have any info on them, where they could be?" John said.
"Ah...I see. Omega is it? How old are your kids?" Donny asked, shaking my hand.
"Adam's 13 and Amy's 7, but I don't see how that-" I started.
"Trust me sweetheart, it makes a big difference. Let's see...AHA! Got some info, but not sure if it'll help. I trace a rogue virus in my computer servers back to a message, one that's been going for months." Donny said.
"What, like on a loop?" I said.
"Precisely! You're pretty smart. The signal was repeated on a loop until it was activated and sent to me by it's creator. Whoever they were, they needed, electric floor sensors, laser wall security, basically everything that could guard a vault in the Artencia first bank. Whatever they're guarding, they're making sure it cant be stolen."
"Like Adam and Amy" John said, looking at me.
"Or the supervirus!" I said. "Do you have the address of the signal?"
"One it." Donny said, searching his computer. "1028 elm drive, and old house just outside the narrows. Happy Hunting you two!"
"Thanks Don. You've been a big help." John said.
"Hey its what I do! Omega, best of luck on finding the kids. If you need me, you know where I am." The fox said, winking.
"Thank you so much." I said.
We ran back down the corridors and jumped in the viper. We sped off into the night, my heart
The house was deserted, in a rundown state and was falling apart. Many of the windows were broken. The driveway was overgrown with grass and weeds. Garbage and old furniture were strewn about the yard.
"Tracks in the ground...oil stains in the grass...someone was here. Oh and I've got something for you." John said, getting in the trunk. "I was gonna give this to you along with your swat uniform, but the situation calls for it."
In his hands was a 9mm handgun, silver metal, pearl grip. It was beautiful.
"Oh wow. Thanks church." I said and fastened the holster into my belt.
I drew the gun and walked cautiously inside. The desk and two chairs were placed inside the room. They had to have been here, I thought. And not long ago either.
"Omega!! Out here!" John shouted.
I rushed outside and found what he was looking at. A basement door, with a light shining through it. He motioned for me to cover his back as we went in. I had my gun ready and I nodded to him to go through the door. We silently crept through and found a laptop with a signal antenna pointing up. The signal was indeed repeating itself, so John shut it down.
"Well, they were here. And they left in a hurry. This pizza's still warm." John said.
"DAMN IT!" I shouted, and kicked over a chair. "They were here! We weren't fast enough. I wasn't fast enough."
"Hey. Hey!" He said and grabbed me. "We WILL find them. I promise."
"But what if-" I said, with a few tears falling from my eyes.
"NO. We will find them. You have my word." John said, then he hugged me.
All I could do was hug him back. I was happy he was there with me. The last thing I wanted was to be alone.
Then my cell phone rang.
"*sniff* Hello?" I answered.
"We can see you, hag. We have cameras in that house. I have to say that moment was beautiful." Hagen said over the line.
"!?" I roared.
"Amy, say hello to mommy!" He said.
"Mommy?! MOMMY HELP US!" Amy cried.
"Baby I promise I will find you! Just hold on!" I said, crying even harder.
"Oh don't you worry. We'll take good care of them. Just as long as you do as we say." Hagen answered back.
"What about my son? Let me talk to Adam!" I pleaded.
"Young Adam's is taking a nap right now. He tried to escape, and as punishment, we made him sleep with a little injection. Now here are your orders. In Artencia First national bank, I've told them to look for you. Tomorrow, take the key inside it and open up the account it unlocks, and then bring what's inside back to this house. I'll let you talk to Adam then. Goodbye for now little miss Omega!" Hagen laughed.
I fell to my knees and dropped the phone at what I had heard. John picked me up and held me in his arms as I cried and wailed every inch of my sorrows out of me. Not only had they had taken my babies, but they had drugged one of them. We drove back to my place and John helped me inside.
"I swear on everything my life, those pieces of garbage are going to pay!" I said, then punched the wall.
"Holy crap! Remind me never to piss you off" John said, backing up.
"Sorry. You want some coffee?" I asked.
"Um...yeah sure." John said.
He sat down on the couch and disengaged his gun, and we both breathed a sigh of contentment, as the sun finally set.
"Omega, may ask I ask a personal question?" John said.
"Sure. Why not?" I replied.
"Where is Mister James? You know, your husband?" John asked.
I stared hard at the wall, trying to avoid the question. I hadn't thought about him for a long time. I never wanted too. Not after what he did.
"I divorced him, around two years after Amy was born. He...well let's just say he wasn't the most loving of husbands." I said quietly.
"What...wait. He was abusive?" John said, sitting forward.
"...Yes. He was in the military for a couple of years, running missions in Afghanistan. His squad was wiped out on their last mission before they were supposed to come home, him being the sole survivor. When Max, my husband, came home, he wasn't the man I married. He was so different." I said, still staring at the wall.
"If you don't want to talk about it we can stop." John said.
"It's alright. It was a year after Amy was born. He had come home from the therapists office with a very cross look on his face. I kind of knew what was gonna happen so I put Amy down for a nap, Checked on Adam and asked him what was wrong. He hit me, so hard I fell to the floor. Asked me if I loved him, and I replied I did. He didn't believe me, so he hit me again. Then he screamed the same question. Adam stepped from his room and peeked, he was napping, because he was sick at the time. I was in tears and afraid for my kids, so I started begging, not for me but for them. He stopped for a moment and looked at me like I had spit in his face."
"Did it work?" John asked, getting up and sitting next to me.
"In a way. He went to go after Adam . My mother instincts kicked in and I pulled him away and hit him twice. I roared "stay away from him! You can punish me, but don't you dare touch him!" I said. "He wiped the blood from his mouth and tackled me, and started hitting me again. I let him hit me over and over. Adam was horrified and I could hear Amy crying."
"Why didn't you fight back, Omega?" John said, taking my hand.
"I didn't give a damn what happened to me. As long as he didn't do it to Adam or Amy." I said. Tears started streaming down my face.
"How did it stop?" John said.
"Alice was to come over and watch Amy while Max and myself were gonna try and deal with our problems. She found me on the floor bleeding from my nose and mouth. I yelled at her to run, but she was too good of a friend. Max went to grab her, and she Tazored him. Bad. He was blasted with a police issue tazor that I had given her after she was robbed. She called the police department and they arrested him for assault and battery, as well as abuse."
"At least it was over. I'm glad you took care of it." John said, hugging me.
"If only it was. I issued everything to keep him away from Adam and Amy. Restraining order, all of it. I had to explain why Daddy wasn't coming home anymore. Adam took it hardest, but he got more and more used to it. Amy never wanted to see him, after I told her why he wasn't coming home. You have no idea what it's like to see horror in you children's eyes." I said, breaking down and crying more.
John held me again, and I let him. I wanted to be comforted.
"Calm down. I promise you when this is said and done, your kids will see their mother again. And they will come home and sleep without having to worry about mommy coming home." John said.
"I feel so ashamed...I couldn't protect them..." I sobbed.
"Now that's enough. It wasn't your fault. You couldn't have known they would target you." John said.
"But I..." I started.
"NO. It. Wasn't .your. Fault!" John said, looking into my eyes.
I felt something odd, something new, yet unmistakable. Looking into his eyes, I knew I cared for him and he for me. Maybe it was the stress, the tension, but I didn't care. I edged closer and I did something that surprised us both.
I Kissed him.