The Courier Part 3
The Courier Part 3 By Timelord216 Matthias is © me. Shadow is © shadowflame18 "Thank you Shadow." Matthias said. "The next few months are going to be long." SIX MONTHS LATER...... Shadow was running down a city street,...
As Easy As Breathing part 2
As Easy As Breathing Part 2 By Timelord216 Omega is © Omegawolfj My Babies were gone. After the situation at the hospital was cleaned up, I was taken back to the station. Every officer gave me sorrowful looks, since news travels...
The courier Part 1
The Courier Part 1 By Timelord216 a.k.a. Matthias Reign Shadow is © shadowflame18 Matthias is © me Shadow woke in a cold sweat from hir dream, the same words echoing in hir head as they did every night. Shi swore under her breath and...
As Easy As Breathing Part 1
As Easy As breathing Part 1 Omega is © Omegawolfj My name is Omega Jameson. I am 36 years old. I'm a police wolf with a son and a daughter. My life was normal for a single mother. One day, my life was shaken and almost destroyed. My story...
Doctor Who and the Gift of Anubis Pt 2
Doctor Who In The Gift of Anubis Part 2 Doctor! "GaaaaH!" The Doctor shouted, sitting bolt upright, "Hell of a right hook! Gotta watch for that one!" "What happened, Doctor?? The pharaoh asked, "all I heard was a loud growl and you were...
Doctor Who and The Gift of Anubis Pt. 3
(Hi Gang! Matti here. In this story the plot thickens and the doc is once again confronted with a time lord. ME! I needed to add my characters first form and regeneration so I figured why no? Lol don't worry. You'll find out!) Doctor Who ...
Doctor Who and the Gift of Anubis pt 1
As a beginning word, this story is entirely my own creation. The Doctor, Tardis, and all other relations to Doctor who are copyright BBC. No copyright infringement is intended. This story revolves around the tenth incarnation of the Doctor (David...
A Brothers Love Characters updated
Characters of "A Brother's Love" Name: Marty Allex Drake Species: Wolf Age: 19 Attitude: Pushy at times but is pretty easygoing. Not afraid to take a beating. Or give one. Family means more to him than anything, and he's willing to...