As Easy As Breathing Part 1

Story by Timelord216 on SoFurry


As Easy As breathing Part 1

Omega is © Omegawolfj

My name is Omega Jameson. I am 36 years old. I'm a police wolf with a son and a daughter. My life was normal for a single mother. One day, my life was shaken and almost destroyed. My story isn't how I survived. My story is how I killed a monster to take my life back.

"MOMMY!" A voice cried.

I woke up from a dead sleep to my daughter's cry, and rushed to her room. She was huddled against the wall with tears streaming down her face.

"Amy? What's wrong baby?" I asked sitting next to her.

"There's a monster in my closet!" Amy cried.

"Oh sweety. There's no monster." I said trying to comfort her.

"Yes there is! He's ugly and mean! Make him go away mommy!" Amy cried.

"OK, OK." I said.

I heard a noise inside the closet and pulled the door open quick. It was my son Adam hiding inside.

"Adam Carter James! What on earth are you doing?!" I asked sternly.

"Just hiding, Mom." He replied with a smile.

"Come out of there this instant! You're scaring your sister!" I said.

He got out and sat on the bed. My daughter peeked out form under her blanket and scoffed at me.

"Well I was right about one thing Mommy. The monster IS ugly." She said.

"Well at least I don't wet the bed!" Adam spat back.

"Both of you stop it! Listen to yourselves. You are brother and sister for god sakes!" I said.

"But Mom, I-" Adam began

"No Adam. One of these days, I'm not going to be here, and you two are going to have to take care of each other. What if someone tried to take you from me?" I said.

"No mommy! I don't wanna go!" Amy cried, hiding in my arms.

"I don't wanna go either!" Adam said, doing the same.

I picked them both up and laid back with them in my arms. My children looked up to me, and I calmed them down as best I could.

"Adam, you are 13 years old. You are the man of the house, so you have a big responsibility. OK? So take care of your sister. She is after all, your only one." I said softly.

"OK mom...I promise." Adam said.

"And you young lady..." I said tickling her tail, "you may be 7, but you also have a job. Keeping your brother out of trouble! Can you do that for me?"

"Yes mommy. I promise too." Amy said, smiling.

"That's my girl. Now both of you, go to sleep. You've got school tomorrow." I said.

Adam crawled into his own bed across the hall and fell asleep. I sat with Amy until she did the same, but even then I couldn't leave. I just sat there, staring at my daughter and thanked whoever watched over us again and again that I had two beautiful kids. I walked back to my room and slid under the covers and said one last thank you before thinking, 'Nothing could ruin this.'

I was wrong.

The next morning, I helped Amy and Adam get their things ready for school. They teased each other about possible crushes and talked about mean teachers while I cooked. The doorbell rang and I answered; it was Alice, the stoat who watched my kids while I was at work.

"Hi Omega!" She said in her usual happy voice.

"Morning Alice. They're just finishing breakfast, so they'll be ready soon." I said.

"Mom?" Adam said.

"What honey?" I said while packing they're lunches.

"Have you ever shot anyone?" Adam asked.

I stopped just as I was packing Adam's sandwich. The question made Alice gasp and Amy go "uh-oh".

"Why on earth would you ask that sweetheart?" I said sitting next to him. He pointed to the 9mm on my hip and said, "You always carry that gun. I was wondering if you've ever shot anyone."

"No...I've never had to and I pray I never will." I said, kissing his forehead.

"Then why do you have it?" He asked further.

"It's required of us to carry them for protection. Some criminals have guns like Mom does, and I carry this one to defend myself against them." I said with a low voice.

"Oh...OK." He said and finished his breakfast.

"So did you hear about the prison break that happened 10 miles from here?" Alice said.

"Yeah. Left one guard dead and 4 others injured. Artencia prison always did have holes in its security. A few officer's were rotated to the prison until replacements for the guards are found. OH! And I'll need you to pick up Adam and Amy for their Doctor's appointment today. I start SWAT training and can't make it." I said.

"Yeah I can take them. I hope you make it." Alice asked.

"You and me both. It would be nice to go on a vacation." I said with an evil grin.

"Oh you'll prove him wrong. You'll prove them all wrong. Oh crap! We're gonna be late. Come on you two! Time for school." Alice said, grabbing their lunches.

"Bye Mom!" They both said.

I kissed them both and watched them pull away in the car. I picked up my jacket and hat and left for the 10th precinct. The traffic was heavy with people heading for work. A couple of them flipped the bird at me, and it made me laugh. If they knew I was a cop, they'd wet themselves. The precinct was busy as always, with cops either locking up, or releasing criminals. My boss met me at the door.

"Your late Jameson!" He said.

"Well, you know me Rob! I live to tick you off." I said with a laugh.

"Believe me I know." He laughed back, "You ready for your training?"

"As ready as I'll ever be I suppose." I said.

"Then suit up and the team leader will meet you out back with the other hopefuls. Happy hunting kid!" The old bear hollered from his office.

The SWAT suit was tailored exactly to a person of my size, so it fit snugly. I ran out back and lined up beside the team. The squad lead came out just behind me and pushed past me. I almost fell over. He came to stand in front of us. He was a mountain of a lion. He looked like he was gonna go berserk at any moment. "My Name is John church. I am The 10th Precinct's SWAT Team leader. From now until the end of the test today you will refer to me as Squad Leader. Understood?" He bellowed.

"Understood squad leader!" We all shouted.

As soon as he noticed there was a female on the squad, he walked over and stood in front of me. He growled and looked me up and down.

"They sent me a female? Go Home honey. This isn't a place for girls." He snickered.

The squad laughed at his comment. I was furious but I held my tongue. I wasn't gonna ruin this chance.

"Oh? I see your still here! You've got guts. But we'll see just how much courage you have when the trainings done. Squad, move out!" He said.

We boarded the SWAT van and were taken to the training grounds; an abandoned building purchased by the city meant for training SWAT team initiates. We filed inside the ruined lobby.

"First test: Endurance. In situations where the elevator in a building is under lockdown, your legs are your only means of reaching the floor of intent. Take off your supply vests. In this test, you are to run to the tenth floor, retrieve your ammo boxes and run back here for the next test. Be warned I only need three officers for the team and there are twelve of you here, so in this exam, the bottom three will be sent back to the precinct unsuccessful. And...GO!"

At the word go I let some of the officers run in front me. Just like I thought they would, they were sprinting up the stairs. I intended to keep a brisk pace, but to conserve my energy for when it really counts. The first few floors were easy. Some debris here and there. From 5 up, things got more difficult. There was more debris, so I had to do some jumping, squatting and sliding to get through to floor ten. When I got there, there were 12 circles on the floor. Each one had an ammo box in it. I ran for mine and grabbed it. Heavy, but manageable. Just as I thought. The rest were tiring from the run up. Only one was gone and on his way back down before I was. I bolted back down the stairs and tried to catch up. 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and finally the first floor.

The dog that beat me was panting on top of his ammo box. I was in second for now.

"Not bad...for a female, right?" I panted, while leaning against the wall.

Church only smiled at me. After a few mins, the other made it. The nine of us that were moving on relaxed for a sec and congratulated each other.

"Very well done. To all of you. The next test will start in one hour so go through your ammo boxes and see which weapon you will be working with.

I opened mine and found ammo for a FAMAS rifle. Not a bad weapon but the recoil can be a pain. 'Oh well' I thought 'this would be a good way of showing that stuck up lion a thing or two.'

A half hour passed and my strength and energy came back quickly. I did graduate at the head of my class at the police academy after all. "ALRIGHT! Up and follow me." Church bellowed. We followed him to the basement of the building, which had been converted to a weapons locker. We each were given the weapon that matched our ammo boxes, mine being the FAMAS. The weapon was light surprisingly.

"This exam will test your reaction time. When a perpetrator jumps from behind cover with guns blazing, you won't always have time to react to any civilians nearby. This will test how well you adapt to impossible situations. You each will have 40 seconds to complete the challenge. Be ready.

I went first as somehow I inevitably thought I would. I was ready however. I slowed my breathing to a crawl and prepared myself. Then the whistle sound and all hell broke loose. A cardboard jumped out from behind the first desk. Easy head shot.


The second leaned from behind a pillar. One Shot in the chest.


The third and fourth swung down from the ceiling. Two shot in the stomach of one and a head shot on the other.

The 5th had a little girl hostage. Shot his hand then his head.


The final was jumping from cover to cover and I pegged him in the neck as he was going for the pillar. My time was 14 seconds. The lion seemed impressed this time. According to his time keeper, mine was the fastest since HIS time. I smiled at him then disengaged my weapon. The six that were moving on stayed put while the three with the most time were bused back to the precinct. We followed the Squad leader down to the second floor. The room was cleared except for a large sparring mat. Brilliant. I can demonstrate my combat skills! Hopefully on that lion.

"NOW! The final test is a set of matches. One on one, and there will be three matches. The losers are going back to the precinct. The winners will be made SWAT officers. Good luck to all of you." Church said.

The first match was between two tiger's the one with blonde hair won in under 2 minutes. The second match was between the stallion and the bear. That went on for about 6 minutes since their size evened them out. The only one left was the dog that beat me in the first exam. I was looking for some payback so I was excited.

We both took our stance and faced each other. Church finally said "fight" and the dog charged with a left cross. 'Typical male, charging in.' I thought. I countered by ducking and elbowing him in the stomach. I then punched his chest and flipped him. Gaining my first takedown of the match. The dog got back up and charged again, this time swinging behind me and boxing my ears, stunning me. I was wobbly from the pain and he managed to get my arms behind me back and made me tap. Now, it was personal. I wasn't gonna hold back, since all I needed was one more takedown and I would win. I got back up and smiled at him. He smiled back and charged again. I played possum this time and simply dodged and egged him on by winking. He tried a high kick, missing me entirely. I giggled a bit, trying to anger him. He was getting ticked, but not enough. I blew a kiss at him and he went to grab me. His last mistake made, I grabbed his arm and pulled as hard as I could. I heard a pop and he screamed 'I quit'.

Church was extremely surprised. So were the others. I helped the dog to his feet and shook his hand. I walked over to join the winners, my future team members.

"HA! You each have exceeded my expectations. Especially you, Omega! You beat my time by six seconds on the weapon range. Very nice. Crap. One second." He said, answering his phone.

I turned to the winners of the exam and had some laughs with them. I turned and saw a look of horror on church's face and I knew something had happened. He ordered everyone back to the precinct immediately but he and I were going to the Artencia memorial Hospital. Said the Chief wanted to see me. The ride there was tense, as he wouldn't tell me what's was wrong. When we finally got there my mouth dropped. There were bullet holes in the windows, But only one car caught my attention: Alice's car. I kicked the door open and called out for Alice. The chief stopped me and pulled me to the ambulance where Alice was crying very hard. She was talking incessantly about random things that she saw, but then I heard it.

Adam and Amy.

"Where are my kids!?!?" I shouted at the chief.

Alice cried even harder. The chief held up a copy of a video recording from the inside.

"The hospital was robbed, and the thieves killed two doctors. They also took two hostages and left this number for you to call." Rob said.

I called the number.

"WHAT?!" A gruff voice said.

"You son of a bitch. Where are my kids!?!" I yelled.

"Shut it and listen little miss Omega! You busted us a few years back and these little kiddies of your are our insurance of us getting what we want!" He spat back.

"I don't know who you are or what you think you've gotten into, but I promise. If you let my son and daughter go now, this will be the end of it. I won't search for you, you will be free and clear. I have money and am willing to pay. But if you drag this on and keep them from me, I WILL find you, and I WILL kill you!" I growled with every ounce of malice in my soul.

"We will call you back at this number when we are damn goo and ready. Later HAG!" Was all he said.

The line went dead and the facts was sinking in. Rob held me as I screamed my lungs out and cried every last tear I had left in me. I howled in agony at the realization:

My children were gone.

To Be Continued!!