Dragon Age Furry- Chapter 2: The Destiny of those who live...
Dragon Age: Furry Chapter Two: The Destiny of those who live... A day pass after Odin, a Grey Warden, help Tigz and Rowan escape and now have arrive at a large ruin which the walls of the ruin seems to be breaking down and vines growing into the...
Dragon Age: Furry- Chapter 1: Chances of Luck
Dragon Age: Furry By Tigz Hunter and Rowan Nero Chapter 1: Chances of Luck The sun rose over the mountain as a rooster crows loudly, signaling the start of the new day. The grass is still covered in the morning dew, and the cows are all over...
Poem: The Twilight Dawn, Souls of the Morning
Poem: The Twilight Dawn, Souls of the Morning Flow from the morning, the birds sings within their harmony words, seeing the visions of anew day and the dreams of never ending life. The lions dance through the earth's forest of life, wishing for their...
Arvians - Reprieve
This was elder fullspakr's bonded spirit.
Wind of Change: Chapter 24
World in Peril Despite of not being on Terra, the nightmare came to him every night and plagued his dreams. He was trying to run from it and end the suffering, but after two years of continuous dreams, he needed to embrace it and find out who...
Counter Earth Chronicles - The Demon’s Slave Interstitial 5: The Inevitable Conclusion
"more spirits. a lot more spirits." leopa said. "why so many?!" "a devastating cataclysm has befallen the world of the living, many have perished. this is just the first wave of the dead."
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 2
This chapters original preview image by - [http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1962340](http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1962340) This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few......
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 133
It's not much, but please..." he bowed, holding the pokepuff's out to the spirit. "thank you for taking care of us too...
Bunny Oddysea: Saga of the Spirit Healer
"halashsa," she whispered stopping him with her arm stopping him there eyes met and with her right hand she held close to her chest, "you have my absolute word i will carry out what was asked of me, after we resupply ill take you to see her, the raven of spirits
Spirit Bound: Chapter Eighty-Six
He knew lorie would be well taken care of; the spirits had their flaws but they were completely dedicated to caring for their pups and pregnant women.