A night with a reaper
All those who didn't soil thier soul too much where spared and sent to heaven, only punished for a few years in fires... for those who had turnned thier souls black though...they were in hell all for eternity. he peered at one soul, a tiny little girl.
three days
Dont read if your under 14 also part 1 three days i walked down the streets at night looking out for hollows feeling numb to anything thanks to what i seen just a few days ago when i left the soul society seeing his face and body i knew that there was nobody
All these problems.
Are to much for one soul..
My Eternity
But my heart never skips a beat yet as skies darken i began to shift my heart beats faster and as the world changes before my eyes all of a sudden all is beautiful and true to me the blackened skies woes my heart a shooting star wisps my soul
Windows to the Soul
The hallways are dark, That lead to the open window. The walls, once brilliant, By pain, have been brought low. The windows are open, Unobstructed, so they can see The emptiness and shame, That has taken over me. Of rooms, there are a...
Windows to the Soul - chap. 1-2 - by Skyfox
#1 of windows to the soul - a book by skyfox a two-chapter block of my furry sci-fi book "windows to the soul" chapter 1.
Soul Force
Yes, the corpse that possessed a soul, a soul wrathfully waltzing through the banquet, leaving nothing but sorrow, dreading nothing but wonder.
three days part 2
a green turtle with a blue mask over his eyes with two swords one in each hand he had. (December) "who are you supposed to be." (Leo) " you don't need to know." (December) " so i'm guessing your looking for a fight, i as well before he...
The soul and mind road's.
If my soul cant accept this world and it being's. shall i give up my ingoran's for the knolege of the lost seed and be driven to insantity. or shall i stay in the bliss of ingorance and have my soul never change.
My Mask
My mask is my shell like being cursed by a spell it holds me and hides me like a caged soul chained and bound tied to this world unwillingly bound by love bound by dreams chained by hate chained by dispair but even if released still chained
After Leaving
My life after her? To say the least it was filled with cheap Smokey motel rooms on some long forgotten roads buried under by the appearance of highways. To say honestly I don't remember where I went or where I have been. I spent a while in one place....
Windows to the Soul - chap. 21-22 - by Skyfox
#11 of windows to the soul - a book by skyfox a two-chapter block of my furry sci-fi book "windows to the soul" chapter 21. there are two suns in the sky "sarah." "..." "sarah," storm whispered again in her ear. "...mmm?..."